#eating disoder things



bruh you know you’re relapsing HARD when you start rewatching Supersize vs Superskinny and To the Bone

*laughs in ed*


When you only have 5 calories left for dinner before hitting your daily intake.


me the morning of my afternoon shift struggling to open another bottle of mikes with my sodium-swollen hands in the middle of cleaning my room from my latest five day depression/binge episode with wet purple hair dye on my head and staining my brand new two sizes too small tshirt



Okay what the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think its perfectly normal to tag triggering content with normal tags?

Like I’ve seen posts like “Just ate 400 calories now im gonna PURGE!!” and super low calorie diets tagged with shit like #aesthetic #grunge #selfie #meirl like.. no? The content we have in the ed hashtags is already triggering and harmful enough for the people that seek them out, and I can’t stand the thought of people being pulled into this community because of someone with an eating disorder using normal tags.

If you want to post ed memes, rants, etc, go ahead, but at least be thoughtful about it for fucks sake


Did your parents make you diet as a kid or are you normal?


Me: I’m feeling kinda cute ☺️

*sees a picture someone took of me*



My ed: you should just give up and binge. you’ve been starving for so long and still haven’t lost weight, you’ve got nothing to lose.

Me: *binges*

My ed: wow, I hope you’re happy with yourself. Look at you. You’re so pathetic, you look disgusting.



my therapist: we need to nip this disordered eating in the bud before it becomes dangerous

me, who has secretly had a full blown eating disorder since the eighth grade:

I’ve gained so much weight these past couple months cause my parents have been forcing me to eat and threatened to weigh me and stuff, and now my mum has just come up to me and said “I forgot to tell you but I’ve lost 4 and a half pounds this week on my new diet ” … I- I AM ACTUALLY ABOUT TO UNALIVE WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MOTHER

How my eating disorder (L) vs my depression ® reacts to me eating

Okay someone’s probably already done this before but the idea came to me and it’s such a self-callout atm so I had to

For lunch today I had a binge/purge, with extra helpings of ✨self hatred✨ on the side

Okay so over the Christmas holidays and then until today (11/01/21) I have been eating “normally” and so I guess sort of like recovery?? Idk it wasn’t a real recovery attempt I just had to eat cause I’ve been around my parent 24/7. I gained a couple of pounds over the holiday as I tried my best not to eat loads, but now I am more determined than ever to go back to restricting and lose the weight I gained and then more weight so I can finally reach my goal weight. Skinny legend here I come✌️

Wish me luck, and stay safe always

I will never forgive my parents for deciding to have children and thus forcing me to exist in this flesh prison for like 90yrs smh ://

So this guy I’m talking to told me he only likes skinny girls and wouldn’t like me if I was chubby or fat, so I guess in some way it was a compliment/way of calling me skinny but tbh it just made me feel much more self conscious about my weight and body also fat phobia is not the vibes like….. no sir, I am the same person whether I’m fat or skinny, I may have an Ed but I do not support fat phobia

My bmi is 17.9….. I’m officially underweight??? Then how come I still feel so fucking fat eating disorders are scams smh
