#leveling up


5 Ways to Express Your Emotions in a Healthy Feminine Manner Pt 2

If you haven’t seen part 1 yet, CLICK HERE!

Here’s are 5 more ways to express your emotions in a healthy feminine manner.

Pamper yourself

Wash your hair, go shopping, treat yourself to a spa day. Whatever it is that helps you unwind and feel pampered do it! This isn’t a long-term solution to unresolved feelings it might be a quick fix to turn your day and mood around.

Invest in therapy

I highly encourage all women on their journey to better themselves to go to therapy.We are all the products of our childhood, and many of us have experienced trauma as children. It is your job to explore those feelings and get to the root of your issues. A therapist who has experience can help you with this!

Process your emotions

Rest and recovery should be a part of all processes. Take time to reflect on what triggered your emotional state. Dealing with your emotions is the key to healing.


Regulating our emotions can be made easier through exercise. When we exercise, our body releases dopamine and endorphins that give us all types of good feelings of reward & pleasure. In addition to it being good for our long term health.

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Say it with me: by next June 2022, I will be living my dreams.

This June 2022!

Save these! They could be helpful.

Black girls:

- Your features are not ugly

- Hype yourself up like no other

- Your feelings are completely valid

- Prioritize your mental health and sanity

- You are allowed to decline in or order to prioritize your mental health

- Allow yourself to be vulnerable. You are allowed to be vulnerable

- “Struggle love” is not normal and you don’t deserve it

- Write down your needs, talk yourselves through them, and get comfortable with stating them to others

You got this.✨✨✨

Friendly reminder:

Your happiness and mental health has to be a priority. If something isn’t aligning with that, speak up. If you’ve communicated this and nothing has changed, start preparing to walk away.

You do not have to live in misery in order to be a “stronger person”. Don’t let society make you think this. Our history is already built on trauma, you don’t need further trauma in your relationships, your profession, etc. You can be happy and you can be mentally safe without having to endure a ton of pain.

In order for you to be the best you can be, you have to be in an environment that will allow you to do this.

Happy Black History Month ❤️

Here’s to:

- working on your mental health

- developing your confidence

- drinking more water

- not allowing others to walk over you

- getting your fitness routine going

- incorporating healthier foods to your diet

- setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself

- working on being a better communicator

- believing in yourself

- being kind to yourself

- just taking care of you

You got this. ✨✨✨

As I reflect on the past 1-2 years, some of the things that I’ve committed to myself still stand true.

What are some things you’re committing to yourself in the New Year?
