#eating disoder tips


I never thought my eating disorder was real cause I was never severely emaciated. Yes I was underweight and yes I had a feeding tube at one point, but people would always make comments like “You are extremely skinny, but it doesnt look like you have an ed”. Now my brain is constantly like prove it to yourself and get THAT skinny. Then another part of my brain is like, that’s so stupid and will only make you more miserable. Anyone relate or am I just crazy lol?

i am a failure

i keep gaining weight even tho i’m not eating that much

do i need to fucking stop taking my meds again and go crazy just to lose something fuckin weight???

anyone looking for a snapchat ana buddie? we can do diets together and motivate each other to work out and stuff:) DM me or comment if you want to

i just can’t use instagram cuz my bf is logged into my account

i want to fast

i want to excessively workout

i want to eat 500 cals a day

but i just can’t anymore. my body can’t handle it anymore and it really sucks

i’ve been putting my body through so much in the past 5 years and is so horrible feeling the effects of it finally catch up to you

I am feeling like purging is so addicting and usually when i stop purging i’ve begun to keep going instead and ahhh

body checking

i hate my body all i can see is the fat on my stomach near my ribs

i’ve been told by my doctor that i need to eat healthier so i’m gonna make myself a meal plan of things i can eat and things i can’t eat

ate too much today again but oh well

does anyone have any tips for staying on track?

also i almost had to the ER for shakes and almost passing out. anyone know how to stop that?

i know i’m relapsing back into my ed when i stand up and this is what i see :


PLEase PLS PLS DONT start purging!!! PLEase

i’ve been doing it for a while but recently did it a lot more frequently and my body is now paying the price

i started having heart palpitations, every time i burp (which is more often now) i throw up in my mouth, i have acid reflux and heart burn on the DAILY and i never had it before purging, and my stomach is a mess all the time.

it’s NOT worth it at all! they are healthier and easier ways to get rid of the calories that won’t completely screw you over in the not so long run.

so if you’ve never purged or have only done it a few times i beg you not to continue or start. it’s horrible. and if you are stuck in the loop of purging please try to find a way out, it’s not worth it and your body will thank you for stopping. please stop before you ruin your body past a point of return.

Body checking

It looks fine from the front but disgusting from the side smhhhh

i know it’s getting bad again when i start re watching supersize vs superskinny

i just binged, purged and then exercised to the point that my heart is beating out of my chest and it’s still not enough


i would sell my kidneys, kill my family, stub all my toes, walk on legos, and sell my souls to the devil to look like goddamn kendall jenner

anyone else have the problem where their constantly in a calorie deficit (i eat around 500-700 calories a day without realizing it) but i’m still gaining weight wtf how do i fix this???


i made an ed starter pack, do u think it’s accurate ?

