


The worst thing about having an ed is that the memes are hilarious but you can never send any of them to your irl friends :\

i haven’t eaten anything sweet in a while and i can confidently say that i’m not triggered to binge

Dzień 14

Zjedzone: 574/600

- 3 kabanosy roślinne -129

- 2 wafle - 70

- pomidory koktajlowe-5

- winogrona 90g-62

- naleśnik tortilla z majonezem weganskim pomidorem małym i ogorekiem - 251

- jeżyny - 30

How hard does it for someone to understand that ED is not just plain and simple as * GO… EAT!“ I will solemnly agree if you can heal a cancer patient with one session of chemotherapy!! This is so annoying! I’m so tired of this explanation cycle! God d*mn it!!

witajcie motylki

przychodze z podsumowaniem dzisiejszego dnia

zjadłam dzisiaj bułke kajzerke, kurczaka na parze i trzy ciasta hity czyli 558kcal wsumie

spalilam jakies ponad 1763kcal

nie robiłam rzadnych ćwiczen chociaz uwazam to za bląd ale caly dzien chodzilam oraz spalilam dodatkowo 1400kcal kąpiąc sie w lodowatej wodzie

jestem z siebie dumna ze zmiescilam sie w limicie

trzymajcie sie chudo motylki i to do jutra

I never thought my eating disorder was real cause I was never severely emaciated. Yes I was underweight and yes I had a feeding tube at one point, but people would always make comments like “You are extremely skinny, but it doesnt look like you have an ed”. Now my brain is constantly like prove it to yourself and get THAT skinny. Then another part of my brain is like, that’s so stupid and will only make you more miserable. Anyone relate or am I just crazy lol?

My boyfriend knows about my eating issues. He’s so sweet about it. I just feel terrible because I know that all my habits worry him. I thought i wanted people to worry about me, i dont.
