#harry potter incorrect quotes


harry: nobody loves me.

ron: are you sure about that?

harry: yeah.

ron: *aggressively pointing at himself* are you sURE??

Ron: must be hard no being able to laugh

Y/N: why? I canlaugh

Ron: really? I’ve never heard you laugh…

Y/N: well, I’ve never heard you say anything funny…

McGonagall: so, is there something you three wanna say?

George: we feel really bad

Fred: never shall we levitate Malfoy to the top of the Christmas tree again



Y/N: never shall we levitate Malfoy to the top of the Christmas tree again today

*clears throat* Another day another art.. these are the students of hogwarts next generation. The halfblood Aurora Ranvier (my oc Hehe) from the house of Ravenclaw who prefers pepper spray rather than using her wand, because why not. The pureblood Violet Carrington (not my oc, i just draw it) from the house of slytherin who desperately needs a swear jar.

I am still working on the gryffindor and hufflepuff so staytune!

Super inactive, i know, haha but this time, here’s an illustration of my OC ❤️❤️

Her name is Aurora Ranvier, a ranvenclaw, a second year, an oddball, with her cat Lucifur Morningsneeze

Harry : Look, the great hall filled with slytherin flags

Y/n : Don’t be sad! It will change soon!

Harry : How do you know?

Dumbledore on the podium : HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!

*slytherin flags turn into the pride flags*

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH TO EVERYONE WHO’S OUT OR STILL IN THE CLOSET, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! Although i am not a part of it, i support all genders and sexuality 100% ❤️️‍

Snape : I’m burning through the sky, yeah

Mcgonagall : Severus, your robe

Snape : Two hundred degrees, that’s why they called me mr. fahrenheit

Mcgonagall : Severus! You’re on fire!

Snape : Who’s severus? I’m mr. fahrenheit
