#i love you



mystictober day 10: seven x mc + space station

seven x mc + space station

words: 638

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!! this i dedicate to jay, @galaxytastes, my one and only starboy. THANK YOU for bringing dear sev into my life.

You’re on the moon.

This, you know because of the view of Earth before you- an image you had only ever seen on screen was right before your very eyes. Below you were craters of moondust, and you stand to look outside the glass pane that separates you from the moon’s atmosphere.

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Alright, now that thats out of the way… Sophie, words can’t express how much this meant to me LOL. For those who might not know, this is based on an RP thread Soph had with my Seven, this time last year. So OF COURSE this means to world to me. Sophie’s writing never fails to sweep me up into the sky and slam me back down when it’s done. /pos

Please PLEASE read this and share the love of Sev x Soph aka canon Sev MC. Sigh, I’ll go reread this for the 3rd time now.


If you find my main blog, then you probably already saw it, but I want to share it all over the place. 

I just got an email from my math teacher, because standardized testing is upon us. I know this doesn’t go to my theme, but I just wanted to share it.

  • They don’t know if you can speak multiple languages or if you can play a musical instrument.
  • They don’t know if you are a dancer or can produce beautiful works of art.
  • They don’t know that your friends can count on you when they need you and that your smile can make a bad day disappear.
  • They don’t know that you recite poetry or write music or participate in sports.
  • They don’t know that sometimes you wonder what the future will bring or that your take care of your siblings after school.
  • They don’t know that you have traveled to some beautiful places, that you are good at telling a story or that you enjoy spending time with family and friends.
  • They don’t know that you are trustworthy, caring, friendly and attentive and that every day you try to do your very best.

I just thought everyone should read this and know that those stupid test don’t define you. Be you. Not what everyone else wants you to be. Unless you’re an asshole, then stop being a fucking asshole.

There’s no more heart wrenching feeling, than the one where you can feel something or someone

There’s no more heart wrenching feeling, than the one where you can feel something or someone you love slip from your fingers. Just like holding a balloon I guess, with the string slowly slipping out your hands.
I’ve lost you once, and I can’t lose you again; because miracles don’t happen twice.


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There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me

There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me up at night and tore my heart to shreds. I never thought that you’d come back, that “us” would exist again, that our once burnt out flame, would relight again.


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Upcoming day of the date of when the amazing AU- Underfell was made is just tomorrow, fellas.

I’ll probably try pouring out as much art as I can for it but it’ll probably be past the date too. This AU’s just brought me a lot of joy. So thank you to the wonderful person who created it.❤️

R.I.P. Mama Clara ♡ I adore you!! Thank you for all of your prayers for my family during this diffic

R.I.P. Mama Clara ♡ I adore you!! Thank you for all of your prayers for my family during this difficult time. I just wanted to take the rime to say a bit about my adorable mama ♡
My precious grandmother was the first to hold me when I was born, and rarely let a week go by without telling me so ♡ She was like my second mother and the highlight of every weekend when I was growing up ♡ Every weekend was spent in her home, playing with my cousins, watching her cook, and drinking coffee and crackers with her ♡ And even as an adult I adored spending time with her ♡ She was so funny, loved everyone, FED all the neighborhood kids, and even when she lost her sight, she was fiercely independent and made sure to care for the family (OMG she was too much lol). She was (and always will be) the center of our family and the glue that binds us together. That’s why we never once complained when we took care of her when she became ill, and I felt pride when she thanked me for the times I’ve bathed her ♡ I adore her and will always miss her laugh (and the cute way she pronounced “vegetables” lol). I thank God for not allowing her to feel pain during her last months, and I’m so grateful that our close-knit family surrounded her till the very end. She passed just as she wanted: surrounded by family in the comfort of her own home ♡ God bless you, mama ♡ Please know you will ALWAYS be the heart and soul of our family! ♡

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