#mentally ill



Früher als Kinder haben wir noch an Gänseblümchen gezupft und an die wahre Liebe geglaubt. Heute sitzen wir heulend im Zimmer und ritzen uns, weil wir mit den Jahren verstanden haben, dass sie nicht existiert.


-Does love exist?-

Mein größter Wunsch

Mein größter Wunsch war deine Rückkehr. 9 Jahre habe ich ohne dich verbracht, etliche Geburtstage, Familienfeste feierte ich ohne dich. In dieser Zeit gingst du mir nicht aus dem Kopf. Ich wollte dich so sehr wieder in meiner Nähe wissen, dem Klang deiner Stimme lauschen und mit dir reden, über alles und über nichts. Einfach nur reden. Der Schmerz war groß, manchmal unerträglich. Ich dachte nur, dass ich die Schuld an allem wäre…

Und diese Woche hat sich alles verändert. Du bist ein Teil meines Lebens, meines Daseins. Dank dir torkle ich durch die Nächte freudig und vom Glück beseelt. Es ist, als wären nach jahrelangem Regen die Wolken durch die Sonne erblindet. Diese Trunkenheit ist schön, ein atemberaubendes Gefühl. Aber da ist die Angst. Die Angst, dass du wieder weg sein könntest und mit dir auch mein Glück.

Was soll ich tun? Die Angst, sie plagt mich, quält mich, foltert mich?

Was soll ich tun?


The funny thing about that though, is you can still treat clinical death. Look it up, it’s a real thing. Clinical death can be reversed, it’s not f***ing EASY by any means, but it is possible. How much have so many people been willing to pay, just for possible? So there is still hope for you, you’re not under the dirt yet. And I am very proud of you for everything you have managed to do, big, small, or midling.

how to study while depressed

I have not figured it out yet but when I finally do it it’s over for you bitches

You’re the only person who knows when I want to die & you’re also the only person keeping me alive.

-LE (Lisa Ernestine Firmkranz)


does anyone know why some people with PDs think that they’re divinity etc. like where does it stem from/wtf is it

Invalid although this answer is when applied to PD diagnosees as a whole, I’ve talked to others about this as well as feeling it myself, so here’s my 2-n-a-half cents…

I think a really important factor of how we are taught the concept of divinity is ‘inhuman power beyond human comprehension’.

Not only are we dehumanized and otherized by… everyone…. both in amicable misunderstanding AND cruel discrimination, but also our intensity, in whatever form that may take, falls outside the realm of human 'normalcy’. Personality disorders are essentially, I think, various patterns of atypical intensity.

Therein lies our power. Our intensity drives that within us which cannot be felt by most people. It may be tormenting, overwhelming, unbridled, but that doesn’t dismiss the fact that it is a significant internal force.

We are mysteries. And we are deeply alone, save for each other. However, that depth is our own. I think there are few of us who can say that the most profound of our identifying experiences has been really understood by someone neurotypical (or perhaps even non-_PD). This isolation can either be interpreted as a wretched inferiority or, OR, as something ethereal.

Malevolent or benevolent, seraphim or demon, identifying as not-of-this-world seems to be quite a popular coping mechanism among us. There, our imperfect integration, our social/emotional destitution, our lonelinessthat very much makes us who we aremakes sense. Who wouldn’t seek comfort in the supernatural when faced with the sentence of being unnatural?

Angels find solace where born-brittle-then-broken humans cannot. It’s much lovelier that way, anyway.

yall ever have those days when ur brain is like

hm… things have been 2 quiet lately…. 2 easy….. time 2 kick this up a difficulty level & go roguegobananasgob u c k w i l d

My inbox is ALWAYS open if you need to chat.

Just drop me a message and we’ll talk about stuff✨ no one is alone

BPD is the ONLY mental disorder where one is expected to “control” themselves because they still have “free will” and are still “responsible” for their symptoms. like i had one person say that someone splitting on them was abuse, that’s literally a symptom of the illness.. if someone doesnt have the resources to help themselves or their illness capacity is greater than their will to conform to normalcy sometimes people with this diagnosis REALLY GENUINELY ACTUALLY cant control their reactions to things.

people with bpd have diminished capability in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala that regulates emotional reactions and impulses. its not some psuedopsychic internalization of trauma. its a REAL illness and you cant pick and choose what symptoms you prejudice
