#ana ed


Ugh I love the feeling when my stomach burns and hurts after not eating for a few days <333

So… im relapsing.

Back to what worked

Fasting and trying my best not to purge.

I do not know my current weight but it’s not horrible.

I have like a second wind. It feels like I’m gonna enter the honeymoon phase of a relapse.

My metabolism is probably boosted which I’m excited about.

If it is I’m going to integrate metabolism days into this relapse.

Im gonna be a bit more active on here now.

Also it was nice to see that once I’m ready I can just eat again and I won’t gain like crazy.


having a relapse with Mia and ending up 7lb heavier than when you started? Fuck my life. Downloading this fastic fasting app, the long restriction begins, meaning I stocked up on monster, gum and disposable vapes. Can I learn my entire course in the next 2 months while literally starving?

It’s funny for me it’s the opposite.

I’ll go from like strictly mia b/p and fasting type beat to restriction. When I restrict I gain weight.

I actually made this mistake for three days in a row and now I’m relapsing back to mia lmao.


Yesterday, I ate two turkey wraps and cheese and crackers with grapes. I bought them from my school cafeteria so I do not know the calories.

I did not purge.

I will not be updating my weight today.

(It’s 106.4. I’m scared. Irrationally so. But still. I didn’t sleep at all and that’s crucial for digestion. I also never fucking eat. So like. It’s not fat. It’s food.)

I will not be eating without purging today (I hope to liquid fast but who knows).

This isn’t recovery. This isn’t restriction. It’s sort of like a metabolism day? Except usually people restrict their calories every other day… I just puke or liquid fast. I’m hoping to incorporate a few of these days a month. Idk. I want my body to remember how to digest food and my chronic pain is returning and if I don’t give my body SOMETHING to work with it’ll only get worse and I don’t want that.

Also Food taste so much better when you plan on keeping it down. God it’s like my tastebuds knew I wasn’t teasing them.

Also i had a Voice lesson after I ate some food. Best voice lesson I’ve had in two years. Holy shit does having a full stomach like support your diaphragm or something? My voice was so strong. I actually enjoyed singing again. Not to mention it was purge free day up to that point so ya know… clear throat… clear tone.

I didn’t sleep again but I did liquid fast and now I’m 105.6

Also my throat as been KILLING me for some reason? Literally I don’t purge for two days and I’m in agony?!! Shouldn’t it be the opposite?

It encourages me to keep liquid fasting I guess but it’s fucking annoying.

How do people restrict and b/p?

Like if I could combine the two forces and lose weight I would.

It would straight up be harm reduction because I b/p almost every day. I never eat and keep it down cause I gain weight. I need guidanceeeeeee


Never do that. Don’t coach and don’t accept coaching. It’s so dangerous for your safety and so fucked up to your mind.

(And it doesn’t work)
