

In the midst of any shitty stuff going on have some good news :)

day 4: felt so drained today, woke up at 6 cause i had a class at 8 and then my first meal was at 1 and testerday i had dinner around 8pm, so that means i technically did a 17 hour fast¿?¿

wow i didn’t know it was that long until now and ngl i feel pretty great about that. haven’t done a fast in ages, let alone one that lasted that long

oh ya and today was the first time that i had a single-serve meal and i was full after it!! like full to the point that when i was asked if i wanted seconds i said no right away!! like usually i would say yes, then realize taht i shouldn’t and then decline later. but today’s reaction was so quick i felt so good!!!

so today was a very good day

day 3: had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple and apple sauce and a granola bar

weighed myself and i’m 165 about 2-3 pounds to go before monday

day two: not so bad but don’t feel as great about it as i did yesterday. and it’s only day two fml. gotta keep going.

two months of work will be so rewarding at the end
