#dont binge


day two: not so bad but don’t feel as great about it as i did yesterday. and it’s only day two fml. gotta keep going.

two months of work will be so rewarding at the end

I have a problem…

So I stopped exercising, restricting and purging for quite a while now. This past week has been really shitty and I’m kinda having a relapse and I’m kinda sorta very disgusting. I’m still the same weight as when I stopped all my bad behaviour, but I’ve gotten a lot bigger due to muscles shrinking and more fat taking over my body. I started fasting, exercising and writing in my journal and stuff and I hope to continue to do so in the future.

Right now I’m looking for effective exercises, foods, tips and tricks to melt all of this fat off fast. If you could leave a note it would be greatly appreciated :)

Anyone have a “To the Bone” workout game??
Please send it to me if you have one.

Nothing like some hot low cal coffee to warm up your cold, dead heart.



this one hit

Remember that your body burns a ton of calories just by doing nothing (google bmr) and even more by doing daily things (walking, doing chores etc).

I just don’t want you guys to hurt yourselves even more than you already are, all because you listened to some dumb mother fucker on ed tumblr.

Also remember that the more you restrict, the more likely you are to binge (and gain the weight back, maybe more) .

Wow, thank you for 500 followers. I’ve gotten more followers in the past 2 years I’ve been on tumblr than the past 9 years I’ve been on Insta lol.

This moment is bittersweet. I’m glad that I have such a great support system, where I am able to speak freely about my thoughts and struggles.

But I am sad, that there are so many beautiful people that suffer from the same illness and destructive thoughts that I do.

Again, thank you, I love you, and please stay safe. ❤️
