#cedric diggory


Peace before the storm (HP)

A/N this is a fanfic I started a long time ago. If you guys want me to continue let me know!



Every witch and wizard dreams of the day they go to Hogwarts. Wondering if they will live up to their parents legacy.

Charlotte Luciano sat alone on the train. The words of her father replayed in her mind, make me proud.

Everyone passed by her cart pointing. Lottie was almost as famous as Harry Potter himself. Her family was well known in the wizarding world. Her mother’s father, Newt Scamander had cause a huge scandal in America. While her father’s father was the owner of the largest book shop in diagon alley. When Lottie was two, her mothers best friend Lily and her husband James were killed by you-know-who. Lily was more of an mother to her than her own. She watched her everyday and every night. The night Lily was killed Lottie spent the night in Godric’s Hollow, but she couldn’t recall that night.

Lottie ran her fingers nervously through her dark hair. The tangles kept getting caught on her chubby little fingers. She frequently rubbed the scar on her left shoulder, to keep her nerves to a minimum. The red headed twins she met on the train stood beside her.

“Charlotte Luciano” the elder woman by the name of Professor McGonnagall called. She placed an old looking hat on Lottie’s head.

“Interesting. Luciano is it? Well, you don’t seem so. Different from those who came before. There are many places you belong. But, I can see were you should rome. Hufflepuff shall be your new home." 

The young girl stood up in the now yellow lined robes. Lottie looked at the red headed twins as she exited the stage. They sent her a warm smile, but she knew they were just as disappointed as she was. Her face was sullen, she didn’t meet the legacy. All Luciano’s have been Gryffindors never Hufflepuffs. But, young Charlotte wasn’t like her family. She had never fit in with her thoughts or interests and now her house.

"Fred Weasley” Professor McGonagall the brunette held her breath maybe just maybe they would break the legacy too.

“Ugh. Another Weasley. I know exactly where you go. Gryffindor!” the old hat called.

George Weasley became a Gryffindor too. She was alone, the only friends she had made were now the bravest they wouldn’t have the time for a simple Hufflepuff. Dinner was lonely, Lottie could feel the eyes of her older brother, Marco searing into her skull.

The guilt washed over her. She wasn’t a Gryffindor. Her family would hate her.

The only friends she had made are the people she was suppose to be.

“I’m Cedric Diggory!” The boy across from her stuck out his hand across the table

“Charlotte Luciano. But you can call me Lottie.” She shook his hand and they gave each other a warm smile.

“I think we might be good friends Lottie.”

“I would love that Cedric.”

The feast seemed to go on forever, but it seemed much easier now that she had Cedric. Finally, they went back to the dormitories. Adelaide Jones was a beautiful dark skinned girl. She took all of the little first years to the dormitories. “Girls are to the right, Boys are to the left.  Boys and girls are not permitted to be alone with the door closed. Boys are not allowed in the girls dormitories unless accompanied by a female. Your initials will be found on the door. Your belongings are already by your beds feel free to decorate your space as you please. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to approach Marius or I.” Marius Michael  supported blonde hair and blue eyes. The seventh year was famous among the Hufflepuffs.

Charlotte and Cedric said their goodbyes before heading up to their rooms. She felt lonely without the three boys she began to call her friends. She couldn’t help but wonder if the twins would even look at her.

“Are you going to go in?” A soft voice asked. Lottie snapped out of her trance


“Are you going to go into our room?”

Lottie stared at the door, the feeling of sickness in the pit of her stomach returning.

“I get it, I’m nervous too. I’m Josephine Butler.”

“Charlotte Luciano”

“As in THE Charlotte Luciano?” Lottie scowled, she hated the attention that came with that name. “I’m so sorry did I offend you?” Lottie shook her head.

“Long story.” She replied “but right now sleep awaits.”

Thinking about the time when I was getting into Harry Potter I was also heavily into twilight, now If you’ve been following this little series I have you know the deal but, if not I’ll catch you up. I ages 8-12 when the twilight movies came out and watched all of them religiously, I was also a big fan of Harry Potter and I 100% believed that all of it was real. So when I watched goblet of fire for the first time I think I was about 9 (I don’t really remember) and I saw Cedric for the first time… I thought Edward and Cedric were twins I was then confused on why he wasn’t with his brother but then though “well Edward probably just a muggle then what a loser” after watching it and saw that Cedric died I then felt bad for Edward and told myself “this is probably why he’s miserable his brother died” I then packed the movie in my “just in case my dad came and got me” bag and made a mental note to give it to Edward so he could have some memories of his brother :) I would just tell him to not watch the last 30 minutes of it…

escapingrealityuniverse: Harry Potter mood boards A-ZC - Cedric Diggory “Harry. Take my body back, w


Harry Potter mood boards A-Z

C - Cedric Diggory 

“Harry. Take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father.”

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Bloody Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory

(Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson,

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

“Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is r

“Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.”

― Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Cedric Diggory

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i’d like to thank both @itseatyourdamnapplesand@lost-in-the-shelves for helping me flesh out some future plans of make them gold (read here)! i got this idea for how i wanted part three to go and i wasn’t sure if it would be interesting to read, if it sounded right as a plot, and all that jazz! and they were both super helpful about it, and they were very kind, and i just really appreciate them!!!


the climax of a horror movie, weird coincidences, the moment when you know you’re about to be found at hide and seek, graduating and realizing your life is in front of you, big blasts of thunder at night

the moment a plane takes off, the first time you jumped off a swing as a kid, walking outside for the first time on a bright morning, right before the roller coaster goes down the first hill, making eye contact with a stranger across the dance floor

Walking into a new place for the first time but it’s oddly familiar, a hidden bookshelf in a very old bookstore, being this close to figuring something out, listening to wind outside when you are home alone, shoe clicks

the moment before you meet someone for a first date, songs that make satisfying rhymes, getting to pet/feed an animal at the zoo, when you finish singing or playing a song and it’s all quiet and happy, being a kid and thinking you might hear sleigh bells on Christmas Eve

This is so accurate???

Gryffindor: sneaking out of a bedroom window at night, rocking as far back as possible in a rocking chair, risky dares, getting soaked by the rain with a group of friends, screaming as loud as possible, holding your breath until your lungs burn, jumping into a pool fully clothed, being ridiculous in public, embarrassing your friends, laughing so hard your cheeks hurt, the stinging feeling on your face from the cold, getting away with breaking the rules

Ravenclaw: reading the perfect book, watching old movies, getting a perfect grade after a full night studying, long naps on the couch, discovering new/weird words to use, a perfectly organized binder, learning a new language, finishing homework early, creating a perfect, eye-pleasing aesthetic, completely understanding a new topic in class, studying with a group of friends and getting nothing done, making inside jokes

Hufflepuff: snuggling in a fluffy blanket, drinking hot cocoa when it’s cold outside, building pillow forts with your best friend, group hugs, making people smile, sharing secrets late at night, warm cookies, singing along to Disney movies, road trips with a group of your closest friends, doodling in the margins of your notebook, making people laugh, making new friends, helping someone understand what the teacher just explained

Slytherin: taking cold showers and climbing into a warm bed, listening to music on a turntable, prank wars, falling asleep while watching a movie, writing, coffee in the morning, winning a board game, freshly cut hair, being perfectly sarcastic, smirks, gossiping at sleepovers, winning an argument, getting compliments, proving someone wrong, tears from yawning, looking at the stars, airplane take-offs

, ℌ . ♡

“I wait nervously as I stand between platforms 9 and 10. Taking a deep breath, I walk slowly toward the wall and break into a run. I pause to admire every column, luggage, unknown face that surrounds me and all this excites me. The moment I am about to touch the wall, I falter but do not stop. Instead of hitting hard, I pass right through the wall and end up at a very busy platform with parents and their children. A sign on a nearby pillar says platform 9 ¾. I walk toward the train with my luggage and heave them on board. The train is huge with a lot of compartments and a lot of people. I stop at a compartment with only three people in it, I push open the door gently and find my new friends. A girl with sand-colored hair smiles at me embarrassed and makes room for me next to her. In front of us is a bright-eyed boy looking out the window and greeting his parents. I hear in the distance the sweets cart coming and I put my hand in my pocket to grab some galleons and buy candy all tastes plus one. The bright-eyed boy buys some chocolates and find a living card of Harry Potter, the most powerful Auror in the world. His eyes light up even brighter and he exclaims incomprehensible words. Me and the girl next to me start to laugh. The whistle of the train conductor make me gasp. The train begins to move slowly and noisily. With my heart beating fast, I prepare to live the most beautiful of adventures.”

(written by me)

Good morning potterheads ‍♀️,

today begins a new year at Hogwarts school of Witchcrafts andWizardry and Merlin only knows how much I wish I had received my letter of admission, but I believe that the owl that was supposed to bring it was lost along with Errol. ✉

Nevertheless, I am fully in the mood to take a nice mental journey between the columns of King’sCross, with hand luggage and my head in the clouds.

If I have time, I will do a bulletjournaling Hogwarts themed and I’ll publish it later.

Since the sorting hat sorted me in Slytherin, I create a self-made outfit for the slytherin house aesthetic. Hope you like it.

I wish you a good start to the year and remember, Hogwarts will always give a helping hand to those who deserve it.

Below I leave you the links for some hogwarts ambience mixers.

My favorite ambience are “Hogwarts Classroom” and “Corridor of Hogwarts”.

Sincerely yours,

The Decadent Clam .

The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:



The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:

Update: for the past few months a spam account called “RapGame” has been spamming the playlist with an entire album of a amateur band called Morisdown. I’ve tried to report them several times but Spotify doesn’t have a report spam option. I’ve been deleting them everytime but they pop up again after a day or 2. So if you often listen to a playlist and you notice these songs in there, please delete them and report the account. Thanks!


The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:


The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:


We’re off to a great start! 27 songs already! But of course we’d all love for you to share even more songs that remind you of Fred and/or George! Any song you like can be added!

I would also love to know the reason why it reminds you of them or what you imagine while listening to the song(s)

 Pottermon: Cedric DiggoryThis one was a bit different; I honestly didn’t know which pokemon t

Pottermon: Cedric Diggory

This one was a bit different; I honestly didn’t know which pokemon to give him, given he never shows his patronus or has a pet. But I rewatched Goblet of Fire, and I decided it could be cool to give him pokemon representative of each of the Triwizard Tournament Tasks!

He has:
Dragonite for the First Task
Milotic for the Second Task  
Phantump for the Third Task and definitely not because of the lore that says phantump is the spirit of a boy who got lost and died

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tri-wizard champion {5}

The Maze

Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader

a/n: my Christmas gift to you because 2020 has sucked ass and I want to finish this series before it’s over❤️ enjoy also READ THE MF TRIGGER WARNINGS THEY ARE REALLT IMPORTANT THIS TIME

word count: 4590

warnings: major character death, lots of blood, anxiousness, mentions of vomiting, sad sad stuff dude, also literally loss of a limb (there’s a warning before it begins, please don’t read if you can’t stomach it)

summary: the truth about the Y/L/N’s is to be revealed soon when Y/N is facing the dangers within the maze of the third task.

tag list:@drawlfoy@fanficflaneuse@ccelinewritess@accio-rogers@babyhoneystvles@nekee-lilac02@dracofeltonmalfoy


{ 1 }{ 2 }{ 3 }{ 3.5 }{ 4 }{ 5 }{ 6 }

gif credit: @harrysweasleys


The final task approached rapidly.

News about the sudden death of Barty Crouch spread throughout the student body quickly.

Y/N was growing anxious, more than she ever was for any other task. The spots from the grindylows had faded to a lighter color, similar to the two gashes on her back.

But now here she was, waking through a doorway to face the entire Hogwarts student body along with families and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students clad in a black and yellow outfit to represent Hufflepuff.

The three Hogwarts champions stood by their entrance to the maze. Cheers could be heard from every angle at which they stood, a lively march being played by the band.

Many students had homemade banners with the champions’ last names written all over. Y/N smiled at the sight of Draco holding a large banner with a silly drawing of her and Y/L/N written in big, bold, sparkly letters. She gave him a funny face and a thumbs up, and he blew a kiss right back mouthing “good luck.”

“Sonorus!” Dumbledore casted the amplifying charm, and the sounds of cheers and music died out. Students clambered to sit down, eager to hear about the task.

“Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it’s exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory…” cheers erupted at the sound of Cedric’s name, and Amos held his son’s hand high in recognition, “…Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Potter…” cheers grew louder and students stood, yelling for Harry and Y/N, including Ron, Hermione, and Draco, “…are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum…” more cheers, “…and Miss Delacour.”

“The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I’ve instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdrawal from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!”

Y/N rushed up, following Cedric to where Dumbledore stood. Her heart was pounding.

The five champions huddled up, and Dumbledore placed his arms around Y/N’s and Krum’s shoulders.

“In the maze, you’ll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you’ll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary. You could just lose yourselves along the way.” The ominous undertone to his voice gave Y/N goosebumps.

Draco watched intently, trying to listen to what Dumbledore was saying to the five teens, but had no luck. His heart was pounding just as hard as Y/N’s was.

“Champions, prepare yourselves!” Dumbledore instructed, and the crowd cheered again.

Without thinking, Y/N turned around and bolted to the stands, stopping right in front of where Draco was.

“Wish me luck!” She said, jumping up to wrap her around a around his neck and pulled him close. He sat up to lean over the railing blocking the two of them, hugging her so tightly. “Awes” and “oohs” circled around the two of them.

“Good luck.” Draco whispered in Y/N’s ear, pulling back just enough to press his lips on hers in a rushed and anxious kiss.

She pulled away quickly, touching her feet to the ground and smiling warmly at him, before rushing back to her designated entrance to the maze, unknowing of what she should find inside.

Y/N looked into it, her heart hammering. It was too foggy to see any clearer than maybe 6 feet in front of her, and the hedges were impossibly tall.

Her thoughts began to bite at her. What if I don’t make it through in time? What if something in there kills me? What if I get lost and nobody can see the red sparks?

She wished she had the support of a representative like the other champions did. Y/N looked over to see Amos giving Cedric a tight hug, whispering something in his ear.

Just as quickly as he had hugged his son, he made his way over to the young girl and gave her a big hug too. “You’ll do amazing, Y/N. I wish both you and Cedric the best of luck.” He said into her ear.

“Thank you, Amos.” She smiled at him, allowing him to step back over to his son.

Cedric smiled at her, but it was wobbly. He could tell she was just as nervous as he was, and tried his best to comfort her with the distance between them.

“On the count of three. One-“ Dumbledore’s voice was cut off by the canon exploding early. Y/N couldn’t breathe as she watched Harry take the first step into the maze. Cedric followed right after, and the lively music from before flooded through the small arena.

The second Y/N stepped at least two feet into the maze, the entrance sealed off. It was deafening, how silent it had suddenly become.

Draco watched closely, as his girlfriend was suddenly separated from the eyes of the spectators. He knew her parents were watching somewhere in the crowd, feeling just as nervous as he was.

The only thing Y/N could hear was her own staggered breathing and the snaps of twigs beneath her feet. The passage was narrow, and she kept her want tightly in her hand.

The maze seemed to change every passing second, passages forming quickly. She was running now, trying to make sure she wouldn’t get crushed.

The first scream caught Y/N’s attention. It was loud, and bone chilling, and echoed throughout the entire maze. She was so sure the other champions must’ve heard it.

She was frozen. The scream must’ve come from Fleur, she had decided, and was silently praying the girl wasn’t hurt.

It was when an explosion over head, red sparks from only a passage over, had broken Y/N from her trance.

From outside the maze, everyone was silent at the first sight of surrender. Draco was repeating a mantra in his head.

Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N. Don’t be Y/N.

A glimmer caught her eye. She had barely moved from the entrance, not nearly putting in as much effort as she thought she would.

Y/N walked slowly towards it, whipping around and keeping her eyes open for any threat. A twig cracked behind her, and she screamed when something tackled her to the ground.

Draco heard the second scream. He knew it was Y/N after Fleur was removed from the maze. It took all of his control not to jump from the stands and force his way into the maze to find her himself.

“Y/N? Oh, Merlin I’m so sorry!” Cedric pulled himself off of her. “I thought you were Krum! He’s gone insane!” He helped her up.

Y/N’s eyes were blown wide and her breath was short. “You- you scared me! Don’t do that!”

Cedric must’ve seen the glimmer too, a glowing object in the distance.

“Together?” He asked her, not taking his eyes off the prize.

“Together.” She spokes quietly, taking the first step towards the cup.

Indistinct shouting not very far from the two Hufflepuffs made both of them jump. Krum, who’s eyes seemed to be incredibly cloudy from what Y/N remembered they actually looked like, was shooting hexes at Harry.

Harry’s defenses were down. “Get down!” Cedric yelled, jumping in front of Y/N and dodging the hex that had missed Harry. Y/N shrunk into the hedge to the left of her, covering her face with her hands.

“Get down!” Cedric yelled once more, Krum yelling another indistinguishable hex at Harry who was now on the ground.

“Expelliarmus!” Y/N gained the courage to jump up, hitting Krum square in the chest. He was thrown further away from the three of them, and seemingly unconscious.

Cedric ran over to him, kicking his wand from his hand. Y/N and Harry both realized he was about to cast another spell on him, Godric knows which one.

“No! Stop!” Harry yelled, holding him back. “He’s bewitched, Cedric!”

“Get off me!” He shoved Harry harshly.

“He’s bewitched!” Harry repeated.

“Cedric! Stop! Listen to him!” Y/N yelled, holding him back as well. Cedric shoved her to the ground so hard, her wrist snapped in half from the angle at which she hit the hard dirt. She cried out and it echoed, using her elbow to sit up and her feet to push away from the two boys. She had already caught a look at the ungodly angle her hand was suddenly bent at, and it made her want to vomit.

Cedric realized what he had done at the sound of his best friend’s scream. He was about to hold his wand up to send sparks for both Y/N and Krum, but Y/N jumped up before he could.

“Stop! We’ve already made it too far.” Her voice trembled. She was shaking violently, keeping distance between her and the two boys.

It was silent for a moment, the deafening sound taking over between the three teenagers just as when they first entered the maze.

“Together?” Cedric asked quietly, repeating what he said earlier, and looking at both of them.

“Together.” Harry and Y/N said at the same time.

Just as Y/N took a step towards them, a violent gust of wind hit her back and loud cracking echoed.

“Go!” Cedric yelled, grabbing Y/N’s good hand and running towards the cup. Harry ran after them, as quick as he could.

They made it to the center of the maze, and there stood the magnificent Triwizard Cup.

“Go on! Take it!” Cedric yelled.

“Together!” Harry yelled back, looking at Y/N who still had tears streaming down her face.

“One, two, three!” The three students jumped forward in the nick of time, grabbing ahold of the cup. A bright white light filled Y/N’s vision, and she was suddenly dizzy.

The three of them dropped onto the ground. She could sense their location had changed before she opened her eyes.

Harry and Cedric were on the ground near each other, gasping for breath. Y/N was thrown on the ground along with the cup, just a few feet away from them. The shock was beginning to wear off, and the pain was almost unbearable in her wrist.

“Come on, Y/N. Get up.” Cedric spoke quietly, the stillness of their new location scaring him. “You okay?” He asked both of them.

“Yeah.” Harry stood, looking around. Y/N allowed Cedric to help her stand, and she could finally see where they were. He held her broken wrist loosely in his hand, putting a protective arm around her shoulder.

A graveyard. The cup was a portkey. The sky was dark and cloudy, fog covering the rolling hills. Y’all tombstones towered over the three of them.

“Where are we?” She whispered.

“I’ve been here before.” Harry spoke suddenly.

“It’s a portkey. Harry, the cup is a portkey.” Cedric smiled mischievously down at the glowing cup.

“I’ve been here before.” Harry repeated. “In a dream.”

“Cedric! We have to get back to the cup. Now!” Harry’s voice was filled with fear and realization.

“Harry, what’s wrong?” Y/N asked, her eyes filling with tears again, thinking the worst that could possibly happen. Were they set up?

“What are you talking about?” Cedric pulled Y/N closer, trying to keep her safe from whatever Harry had realized.

A door creaked open loudly in front of them. It made Y/N jump, and the first tear rolled down her cheek.

Harry began shouting when a figure walked from the doorway. A scruffy man turned as he collapsed on the ground, and a fire was lit from under a large cauldron in front of the doorway. Cedric released Y/N from his hold, rushing over to Harry.

“Harry! What is it?” He spoke, his voice cracking from fear.

“Get back to the cup!” Harry yelled out of pain again, sounding rather irritated.

Cedric put distance between him and Harry as the figure stepped out from the doorway. Y/N immediately recognized him as Peter Pettigrew, a good friend of her parents before he betrayed them all for Voldemort. Her eyes were wide when she realized what he was holding in his arms.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Cedric spoke, holding his wand up as a threat.

“Cedric, back down now!” Y/N yelled pulling his shoulder back. He shrugged her off.

“Kill the spare. Keep the girl alive.” A raspy voice spoke.

Avada Kedavra!

“No! Cedric!” Harry yelled, attempting to stand but was too late.

A bright green light temporarily blinded her. She watched the unforgivable curse hit Cedric and throw him over her head and behind her. The second his corpse hit the ground, a loud sob escaped her mouth.

Peter rushed over to Harry, using his wand to force him to stand. He backed him up into a statue that locked him in place.

“Do it! Now!” The raspy voice spoke again.

Peter hesitated for a moment. He walked over to the cauldron, keeping a hold of the blanket in his hands but dropped whatever was holding it into the boiling substance.

“Bone of the father unwillingly given.” A disgusting bone was levitated from the ground, caught on fire and into the cauldron.

Y/N’s breathing was too short when the realization of a dead body behind her set in.

“Flesh of the servant…” he turned suddenly, rushing to Y/N and forcing her towards the cauldron.

“Stop! What are you doing to me!” She yelled, trying to release herself from his grip, but it was too strong.

“Willingly sacrificed.” A large knife was pulled from his sleeve. He forced her broken wrist above the steaming substance as she thrashed against him.


With no hesitation, he dug the sharp knife into her wrist, cutting through the bone and severing her hand into the liquid below. She screamed, louder than she ever thought she could. Blood spurt from her hand, staining the grass by her feet. Peter threw her on the ground, away from him and Harry.

She made quick work, ripping part of her shirt to wrap around her wrist, trying not to pass out from the loss of blood and the sight of her bone. Y/N had been taught what to do in this situation, just not to herself. She could barely even register what was happening as her fight or flight took over.

“And blood of the enemy…” he used the same knife to cut part of Harry’s sleeve. “Forcibly taken.” Peter dug the knife into his wrist, blood rushing down Harry’s arm and dripping from his elbow. He cried in pain, and it made Y/N wince.

Peter tapped the hilt of the knife over the cauldron, letting a few dropped of Harry’s blood sizzle into the liquid.

“The Dark Lord shall rise… again.” He spoke, breathing loudly.

Harry’s screams broke Y/N from her daze due to the blood loss. The entire cauldron caught on fire, melting away to reveal none other than the slimey, naked, disgusting body of Lord Voldemort.

Black smoke surrounded him before his pale feet touched the ground, forming into a cloak of some sort.

Y/N could hear him inhale deeply, running his hands along the pale, veiny skin on his head. She could tell this was the first time in a while he had taken his human form.

Peter stepped forward, his face full of awe and adoration.

Voldemort walked forward to Peter, looking down and laughing quietly but maniacally and the form he had taken.

“My wand, Wormtail.” Voldemort spoke harshly toward his follower, holding out his hand. Peter brandished the wand, bowing deeply and holding it out to Voldemort.

“Y/N, hey, look at me! You’re going to be okay. We are going to make it out of this. Stay close to the portkey.” Harry whispered, turning his head to see Y/N in her awful state. She looked petrified, seemingly wishing this was some sort of nightmare.

They watched as Voldemort took the wand from Peter, inhaling deeply.

“Hold out your arm.” He commanded Peter.

“Master…” Peter started to cry. “Thank you, master.” He began to hold out one of his arms.

“The other arm, Wormtail.” Voldemort spat. Peter’s eyes went wide as he held his other arm, allowing Voldemort to take a grip on it.

He shoved the tip of his wand onto the bare skin of Peter’s wrist, and the dull ink that once was there grew darker, revealing the Dark Mark in its true form.

Thunder rumbled throughout the graveyard. Y/N jumped, trying to stay as quiet as she could.

Voldemort looked up into the clouds. Y/N followed his gaze, and right before her eyes a dark skull formed. The skull opened its mouth, and a thick trail of smoke bellowed out of it, heading right towards where they were. The smoke broke off into different paths, becoming darker.

The second the smoke touched the ground, a person appeared. There were too many for her to count. Dressed in dark cloaks, skull masks and pointing hats, she couldn’t identify any of them.

“Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years, it’s been, and yet… here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself… disappointed.” Voldemort spat again, his voice echoing through the graveyard.

“Not one of you tried to find me. Crabbe!” Voldemort yelled, rushing up to one of the figures and ripping the skull mask off. Dark smoke followed.

With just a flick of his hand, Voldemort was now revealing the figures.

“Macnair! Goyle!” Y/N recognized the names. Crabbe and Goyle, two of Draco’s closest minions. She was silently praying there wasn’t a Malfoy among them.

“Not even you, Lucius.” Voldemort walked up to the last standing figure, ripping of the mask. A crow flew away violently from behind them.

Y/N was trying to stop the bleed of her wrist, but it soaked through the fabric she had wrapped on it. She was fighting off the black spots of her vision.

“My lord,” Lucius was brought to his knees. “Had I detected any sign, a whisper of your whereabouts-“

“There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers.” Voldemort interrupted him.

“I assure you, my Lord, I have never renounced the old ways.” Lucius removed the hat from his head, revealing a familiar platinum blonde. Y/N let out an involuntary sob as she realized, but soon quieted down.

“The face I have been obliged to present each day since your… absence… that is my true mask.” Lucius continued as the other Deatheaters around them stood.

“I returned.” Peter spoke shakily, raising a hand for recognition. He gasped and doubled over when Voldemort rushed over to him, the cloak bellowing behind him.

“Out of fear, not loyalty. Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail.” Voldemort’s voice softened just the slightest bit.

Y/N didn’t have time to realize when he was walking over to where she sat on the ground, over by Cedric’s body.

“Oh…” he spoke, pushing his face around with his foot. Y/N winced as he tutted loudly. “Such a handsome boy.”

“Don’t touch him!” Harry yelled, shrinking back when Y/N flinched and Voldemort glared at him.

“And who might this be, Wormtail? I see you used her for the spell.” Voldemort sneered, looking down at Y/N.

“Y/N Y/L/N, my Lord.” Wormtail spoke up. From behind Voldemort, Y/N saw Lucius whip around with an unrecognizable look on his face.

“Y/L/N?” Voldemort repeated, and Peter nodded. “Stand, girl, now.” He demanded.

Y/N stood slowly and shakily, keeping her composure in front of the Dark Lord himself.

Voldemort’s hand whipped out to grab her wrist, taking a look at the damage that was done. She inhaled sharply, letting out another sob from the grip he had.

“Well done. You have served me well, Y/N.” Voldemort said, dropping his grip and letting her arm fall limp. She kept a hard face despite the tears running down her cheeks.

Her eyes flickered to Harry. He had an expression that said “back down.” Voldemort followed her line of sight to look at the boy he hated so very much.

“Harry. Oh, I’d almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. I’d introduce you, but word has it you’re almost as famous as me these days.” Voldemort paused, maintaining eye contact for a second more.

He turned suddenly to his followers. “The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago?”

“Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I?” Hs muttered to himself, walking away from Harry.

“It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed.” Voldemort ended his monologue, rushing up to Harry and raising a hand as if to strike him.

“I can touch you… now.” He brought his pointer finger to touch Harry’s scar.

The screams that filled Y/N’s ears were agonizing. She shrunk into herself, wincing away from the noises. When Voldemort screamed along with Harry, ripping his hand away from his face, the screams stopped.

“Astonishing what a few drops of your blood with do, eh, Harry? Pick up your wand, Potter!” Voldemort released the statues grip on Harry, letting him drop to the ground.

“I said, pick it up! Get up! Get up! You’ve been taught how to duel, I presume, yes? First, we bow to each other. Come on, now, Harry. The niceties must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn’t want you to forget your manners, would he? I said, bow.” He was speaking so quickly, almost going crazy at the thought of fighting Harry once and for all. With a wave of his wand, Harry was forced into a bow.

“That’s better. And now!” Voldemort growled, running towards Harry and throwing him onto the ground. Y/N watched, using her feet to shove her back farther from the scene. When she hit something, she turned around quickly to see Cedric.

“No, no, no, no.” She kept repeating, grabbing his face in her hands. It was as though she finally realized what had happened. She had lost her best friend. Sobs were heard from where she sat on the ground. Her tears dripped down her chin and onto Cedric’s cold face as the dual behind her continued. She winced at every hex that was sent to either of them.

“I’m so sorry, Ced. Please. Please.” She begged him, grasping at his shirt, still sobbing violently.

Y/N never took her eyes off of Cedric, even when Voldemort and Harry cast such strong spells that they collided, created a blinding light from behind her. It was went Harry’s Expelliarmus spell finally hit the tip of Voldemort’s wand when she turned around to see an abonormallt large spark erupt.

It took the form of Cedric, alive and smiling at the two of them. Another old man, presumably a muggle, took place on the other side of them. Two more sparks formed to be a woman and a man. The man was speaking quickly to Harry.

“Harry! When the connection is broken you must get to the portkey! We can linger for a moment to give you some time, but only a moment. Do you understand?” Harry nodded.

“Harry, Y/N,” Cedric spoke from above. Y/N’s tears began to start again at the sound of his voice. “Take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father.”

“Let go.” The woman’s voice was heard. “Sweetheart, you’re ready. Let go. Let go!” All four spirits rushed forward when the connection was broken.

Harry ran quickly over to Y/N and Cedric.

“Hold onto him! Accio!” Harry pointed his wand at the portkey, grabbing Y/N’s hand as she wrapped her arm around Cedric’s. The portkey took them right back to the arena.

The three of them landed hard on the ground. Cedric’s body was sprawled, and cheering erupted. The lively music started once more, nobody noticing what had happened. Harry was crying now.

“Harry, let go of him. Let go of him!” Y/N sat up, pulling Harry off of Cedric’s body.

He knocked her off, the exhaustion finally hitting her as she collapsed on the ground. Fleur rushed forward, and Y/N had never been so glad to see her.

She screamed loudly, looking around and covering her mouth with her hands in terror.

“Harry!” Dumbledore yelled, rushing from his spot in the stands. Hagrid hesitated to continue clapping when he realized what was happening. The music finally died down with the sounds of a trumpet flailing.

“For God’s same, Dumbledore, what’s happened?” The minister rushed to the ground by Harry and Cedric. Two Beauxbatons girls were helping Y/N up, her head lolling as she finally began to lose consciousness.

“Help! We need help here!” One of the girls called, her accent thick. Draco rushed up so quick, breathing heavy. “I’ll take her.” He spoke to the girls.

Y/N looked up quick at his voice. “Don’t touch me! Don’t let him take me! Get away from me!” She screamed, thrashing away from his hands.

He seemed so hurt and confused, putting his hands up in surrender. Y/N could tell he looked scared, more than she was at the mere sight of him.

Madame Promfrey was quick to rush up to Y/N, Taking her from the girls and putting her on a stretcher. “She’s coming with me alone.” She spoke harshly to every student surrounded it Y/N. Gasps were heard as the stretcher was levitated and everyone could see the damage.

“That’s my boy!” The faint cry of Amos filled Y/N’s ears. She used all her strength to lull her head to the side, watching her best friend’s dad collapse next to his son’s corpse. Her face scrunched up as hot tears escaped her eyes, dripping from the bridge of her nose onto the fabric of the stretcher.

Y/N eventually succumbed to the darkness, not caring who could see how hurt she was. Every student saw the blood soaking her shirt, how dirty she was, and her missing hand. It was an awful sight, and some people had to turn away so they wouldn’t lose their dinner.

Pomfrey was quick to take her to the Hospital Wing, fixing her up and cleaning her off so she could rest comfortably.


Students would linger in over the next few days, checking up on Y/N to see how she was doing. She was always the same every time; asleep, but alive.

There wasn’t much Pomfrey could do about her hand. Tragic, it really was. Y/N would have never been considered as a follower to Voldemort, much less a loyal servant to him.

Dumbledore helped shield her from the press and the students that were begging to know what had happened in the maze. He made sure Y/N wouldn’t wake up to threats or feel incredibly unsafe somewhere she called home.

Professors were now worried about how to tell the students about the death of the golden boy, and how to not let it slip that Voldemort is back, alive, and rapidly gaining power.

But that was an issue for when Y/N woke up, and the truth about her family would finally be revealed.


a/n: wow! Sorry about this one! I decided to leave on a cliff hanger, lol my bad. I’m done using the movie as a reference so the last chapter is coming straight from the noggin onto my cellular device. Merry Christmas tho, hope y’all got everything you wanted! Happy holidays and happy Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever you celebrate during this time! Love you all so much


Twilight (2008)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

The Devil All the Time (2020)

The Lighthouse (2019)

Tenet (2020)

High Life (2018)

Cosmopolis (2012)

Good Time (2017)

The King (2019)


A patronus, Harry tells Hermione, is acing a test and the warmth of a butterbeer between your hands. It is your friends holding you when you fall, and Ron’s sparkling eyes when you whisper hi. And there’s an otter, swimming, and Hermione is blushing.

A patronus, Harry tells Ron, is Ginny’s shaky smile lighting up the world at the end of second year. It is winning the Quidditch World Cup, unwrapping yet another knitted jumper, and your startled surprise at the sight of Hermione punching Draco in the face. And there’s a dog, chasing the otter, and Ron is laughing.

A patronus, Harry tells Luna, is the feeling of starlight on your skin and grass between your bare toes. It is snow melting through your fingers, the magic your mother used to make, something singing in your heart when you stare at the impossible. And there’s a hare, jumping, and Luna is shining.

A patronus, Harry tells Cho, is Marietta shouting the lyrics of her favourite song, dancing in the rain during a storm. It is the look on Cedric’s face when he saw you at the Yule Ball, his hand holding yours and never letting go. And there’s a swan, sliding, and Cho is crying.

A patronus, Harry tells Seamus, is Dean’s funny expression when he is about to burst into laughter and the sound of a explosion that turns out right. It is the fireworks, bright flowers blossoming in the night sky; and the fire burning in your lungs as you fly. And there’s a fox, running, and Seamus is smirking.

A patronus, Harry tells Ginny, is the world expanding underneath you and the wind playing with your hair. It is dancing and laughing until there are tears on your cheeks, Molly’s disapproving voice and Arthur’s amused eyes after one of the twins’ pranks. And there’s a horse, flying, and Ginny is grinning.

A patronus, Harry thinks, is that weird feeling that lives in his chest when the Room of Requirement glows silver, speaking of times when the world was golden.

Redrew an old Harry Potter piece from 2014! (Which can be found through this link).Of all my posts h

Redrew an old Harry Potter piece from 2014! (Which can be found through this link).

Of all my posts here, I think my Goblet of Fire piece is prolly one of my most popular. I decided to redraw it to see how I’ve improved, especially since personally, even back in 2014, I felt like it could’ve been executed better.

Also, Book 4 is STILL my favorite Harry Potter book and I still stand by the AU where the champions band together and defeat Voldemort :,)). 

Post link

heyyy lolz I’m moss :) I’ve known misty since 6th grade. them and I will post headcanons and such from many different fandoms. our main topics will probably be supergirl and harry potter.

side note: i’ve been an alex simp since 7th grade and it took me 3 years to get misty to simp too ☝️

side note 2: we stan supercorp on this account

side note 3: misty and i both shift realities (misty has shifted and i’m close to shifting) so we might tell stories from our DR sometimes



Imagine a buzzfeed unsolved and harry potter cross over where Shane is the chosen one and does not believe in magic.

“Hey there death eaters, it’s me, ya boy”


“I’m dancing in your forest. It’s my forest now! If you want me out you’re gonna have to kill me”


Fic Claim for@polyshipweek
Prompt: Day 4 | Meet the family
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Cedric Diggory/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 1,784
Tags: Slice of life, domestic fluff, references to depression/grief, post-university
Summary: Harry thinks about his parents every day, and he’s grateful he can confide in Sirius and Remus about his feelings. They miss them, too. Sirius points out that whether Harry has visited his parents’ grave or not, they will always be with him. Guilt had been building up in his chest until one day he exhaled all of it out to Sirius. As best he could anyway. Harry knows this is Cedric and Draco’s first time here, but they believe him when he says the tombstone looks better. Cared for.

A/N: This was originally written for Day 4, but obviously I’m very behind schedule. I’ve had this idea in my mind for a while and the prompt was just perfect. You could say this is small a sequel to Something To Always Keep. A special thank you to @thebooktopus for their fabulous beta work and support on this. It meant the world to be able to work with you!

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