

omg i just found out why my ex best friends dropped me! it’s because i was being too “negative” all the time (aka depressed and literally suicidal) and she didn’t want to deal with me! because it’s not her responsibility! (her exact words btw) But when she was “depressed” i would talk with her for 2+ hours on the phone to make her feel better. the other one dropped me because me and my family “treated her like a pet” ???? what does that even mean. does she mean when we drove to her house at 10 at night to pick her up because she was having a panic attack? or does she mean the trip i took her on for my birthday? maybe she means when we took care of her for a week when my mom cleaned up her dogs shit and piss all over the floor. It’s like i treat people with the utmost respect and love. then they treat me like i’m some disgusting freak of nature. :P

just asked my guy friend if he wants to hang out with me for the first time (as friends) and he said “ew never” he knows i have no other friends. not gonna eat for the next 3 days. that shit burned. i’m not even attracted to him or anything. i’m just that repulsive i assume.

☆.。.:* Low calorie fruits and their properties .。.:*☆

Ps:  please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Strawberries (53 cals per cup) : great source of vitamin C. High water percentage and fibre, therefore they won’t cause a big spike on blood sugar levels.

★ Peaches (60 cals per cup) : great amount of antioxidants, therefore aiding your body against disease. They aid digestion because of its fiber content. Finally, peaches have been shown to reduce allergy symptoms,

★ Grapefruit (74 cals per cup) : Because of its high vitamin C & A content it boosts your inmune system. Aids weight management,

★ Raspberries (64 cals per cup) : This fruit, my favorite out of the list, has an amazing amount of nutrients (all of this are measured by cup) ; 8 grams of fiber, 54% of the daily vitamin C intake and 41% of your daily Magnesium intake.

All of my sources for further info:






I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

☆.。.:* Things to do instead of eating .。.:*☆

Ps: this is to avoid binges, please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Reading.

★ Paint your nails.

★ Bake something for someone.

★ Go for a walk.

★ Go shopping.

★ Play a videogame.

★ Clean your room.

★ Cleo your closet.

★ Donate old stuff.

★ Watch mukbangs.

★ Dance.

★ Do your makeup, take some selfies.

★ Wash your dishes, clothes etc.

★ Take a nice bath.

★ Try a new hairstyle.

★ FaceTime a friend.

★ Take a nap if you’re tired.

★ Finish up some homework.

I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

today has all been about the way i look and EDs in everyone and every1 worrying for some1 that isn’t me i’m so tired why can’t i ever reach for help im at my serious limit i hate this so much i know i don’t show signs iknow it’s my fault it always is why am i always like this why can’t i be normal why why why why can’t i b a good s/o whag is wrong w me i’m genuinely so close to killing mshelf there’s always something wrong w me

man i wanna die

having anorexia is so funny like ur telling me when im at my **technical** worst im having the most fun ever cause im skinny? like yes ik im doing technically HORRIBLE rn but im having fun at the same time
