#body image

half-turned werewolves are my aesthetic(do not tag with kintypes)

half-turned werewolves are my aesthetic

(do not tag with kintypes)

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body image

⚠️TW - Vivid and Visible Bones In Pictures⚠️

Let me know if this is crossing the line because I WILL take it down if anyone feels it necessary

OkNOW I’m at 115lbsfinally

Through rigorous and exhausting exercise and countless sleepless night and 4 years of this bullshit I roughly have the body shape I want

Now I just need to proportionally lose 15-20 more pounds. Thinking rationally I know that wont happen perfectly so maybe another 4 years of this bullshit will finally get me where I want to be :,)

Redoing this cause the rational part of my brain was like….yeah way too many creeps on here to keep that last BC up. Plus I look so gross so…yea

normal > sucked in > normal > pushed out

Its gross but its interesting :/

Measuring health by weight is total ass but I dont have one of those things that measures your body fat %

Weight sucks lol I just wanna look skinny and attractive, that’s all.

▪︎Been trying to take consistent body checks over the past week n I just dropped my phone on my fucking eye socket bones and I’m HEATED

▪︎I also cant tell how much I way anymore and I’m so mad. My mom is leaving sometime at noon tmr/today so thank gOD but I’m so scared…

Tips for positive body image

Tips for positive body image

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It’s rude to turn a gift away…

So I don’t announce when I’m going to be trying out a healthier eating life cause since people want you to fail, and apparently so does Universe. So what happens when I get to work and I’m like I’m cutting down sugar and whatnots a box of cookies is literally handed to me.

My fav
My favorite of course, why does the Universe make this more difficult

And I guess to say good for you for making an effort…

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Caption from sitting_pretty on Instagram:

When I was a little girl, I saw myself as beautiful. Like fairy-princess riding a glass carriage to the ball kind of beautiful. I woke and ate and dressed and played and slept believing this.
When I got a bit older, I started to pick up on the way people looked at me. They rushed to help me, seemed sad or even proud when I smiled, and stared at my paralyzed legs. I noticed that none of the fairy-princesses on the screens looked anything like me. And this is when I started to piece it together – girls that looked like me were usually pitied, could maybe become inspirational, but were never beautiful. So I found ways to hide myself, obscure my imperfections, point the camera away from my paralyzed legs.
But here I am, thirty years old, finding my way back to the little girl who saw herself as beautiful, who wasn’t afraid to put on a lacy floor-length dress, just to go to the library, who didn’t try to hide, who felt worthy of admiration. Day by day, I am building my beauty uniform – the space I slip into that invites me to relish in my own particular beauty, to be seen without shame.

#via instagram    #disabilityisnormal    #disability advocacy    #disability awareness    #disability    #disabled    #wheelchair    #wheelchair user    #garden    #outdoors    #portrait    #fashion    #body image    #self image    #beauty    #paralyzed    #saytheword    #acceptance    
  1. I love chocolate. And have a fantasy that includes melted chocolate being poured on me. My food addictions overlap with my sex life. It’s fine. 
  2. I prefer not wearing clothes. I hesitate to say I’m a nudist… but really… it’s just much more freeing. 
  3. That being said, I’m not 100% in love with my body… no one really is. My body does its job, and provides both me and whomever I choose with pleasure. It’s somewhat pretty to look at, but there are still issues I have with it. I’m allowed to pick at my body. You are not. There’s a difference… (unless you own me, and right now you currently don’t)
  4. I masturbate like four times a day. This may seem excessive, but it keeps me from having unsatisfying sex with strangers… and it would be unsatisfying because apparently college boys aren’t men yet.  They don’t know what they want and they can’t give me what I need.
  5. I have not had sex in so long that I feel like a nun.
  6. See #4 as to reasons why I’ve discounted that notion.
  7. I’ve had two relationships - one good, one bad. The good one ended bad, and the bad one ended good.
  8. I’m super inexperienced. If you want me to list my sexual experiences you can ask me… Or I’ll just post them later. I’ve never made a list. This could either be interesting or very… brief.
  9. Hmmmm…. I’m a dog person. Or a kitten person. Not a cat person - a kitten person. Unless it’s a munchkin cat. And then I’ll take it. All day erry day.
  10. I cooked for my family growing up… I make a great spaghetti, even better mashed potatoes, and my Death-by-Chocolate cake will actually bring on a heart attack. It should come with a warning label. Your cholesterol may spike.

That was interesting… maybe I’ll do more of these… 

As ever, ASK/SUBMIT things! I want to hear about your lives! Give me your thoughts on… stuff.

bucky dressed as quiet from mgs for halloween indulgence
