

TW - Weight and Calories

My weight training class required my bmi so I had an excuse to weigh myself

I am now 113.2 lbs:)

.2 lbs away from my lw

Next gw 110 lbs

My only food for today will be Vegie Straws with the total being 360 And 8 carrots being 32

For a grand total of 392 (400) which is…pretty disappointing on my part tbh. I now have to do 2-3 rounds of my exercise routine.

I said that yesterday but could only do 2 cause my stomach hurts soooooo incredibly bad after I exercise now n my back shoulder area hurts and I feel achy and in a lil bit of pain

Whyyy Do I Do This

Person: Are you ok? Like, I know you like to lose weight n stuff but your cheek bones are becoming really prominent again

Me: Yes~ I’m fine, it’s just the way the suns hitting at this angle, trust me, I’m fine.

Person: Ohhh alright

Also me, lower weight than ever:

not sure if this will help anyone, but a small little trick that i use to help me go to sleep faster when i’m hungry: i drink so much water til the point that my stomach hurts and then i fall asleep faster cause u sleep faster on a full stomach.

idrk is that made any sense but ya

Me and my ana buddy when the science teacher is talking about nutrition and they are looking right at us


The proana culture on tiktok

I have already seen a similar post saying “please keep ana on tumblr” cutos to who ever wrote the post because you inspired me to write this. If I find the post I will reboot with the link because it deserves more recognition. I had to delete tiktok because how toxic the eating disorder community is becoming. They are Romantizing eating disorder so much more than anything I have seen on tumblr. This is the true proana movement culture. Doing what I eat in a day videos while only eat 700 calories is doing more harm than good. I get it’s a coping mechanism but it can show up on anyone’s for you page, while with tumblr and google you have to search the tags to find them. Having a sound that goes “Hey yo eating disorder check” is disgusting. The viewers on tiktok are majority 12 year olds to mid young adults which are the most impressional. Tiktok has become the biggest proana movement for this generation. And yes I know eating disorder memes are funny and I have an eating disorder blog but let me be clear, I make a point to post my rants to show how terrible this eating disorder is, and I would never intend to romanticize this mental illness. So please keep ana on tumblr, Twitter and everything else that you have to look up spefically. Thank you for listening


Do it for the..

  • “You got skinny!”
  • “Wow I can fit my hand all the way around your wrist”
  • Jealous stares
  • Size XXS and 00
  • “You can sit on my lap since you’re obviously the lightest”
  • Beautiful in anything
  • “You’re so light!”
  • “I’ll give you a piggyback ride”
  • Confidence in dressing rooms
  • Bikini body
  • Dainty wrists
  • Hip bones
  • Collarbones that dip for days
  • Slender legs
  • Thigh gaps
  • “You look like a model!”
  • “How did you do it?”
  • ability to feel confident in your own skin

guess what!!! pro tip!!! its a lie!!!! :)))))

i has lost 1.6kg woo for some reason i cant update my cw *sigh*

throw back to that time in grade 9 in physics class our teacher wanted to do an experiment where everyone in the class had to weigh themselves infront of everyone and i was determined as hell to leave so i faked a back injury and convinced the nurse to let me stay in the sick bay for the rest of the day


in my brain I think of ed tumblr as one big apartment building and we all just pass each other in the elevator like heyhow’s the suffering going,, not bad, you? and people keep getting evicted or moving out but eventually end up back here cause who tf can afford to live anywhere else


questions for the ED community

1) does anyone in your family know about your disorder?

2) have you ever been for outpatient therapy?

3)have you ever been for inpatient therapy?

4)how long have you had your ed for?

5)do you consider your ED something of a friend?

6) what does it feel like to actually be at your gw

7)if you could be anything in the world other than “skinny” what would it be? (childhood dreams etc)

8) does anyone else in your family have eds?

9)have you hit rock bottom of your ed, if so why was it your rock bottom?

10)how has your eds effected your relationships?

11)what have you had to give up for your ed?

me when my brother always seems to come into my room when im in the middle of a binge surrounded by bowls of mug cake and chocolate wrappers :’)

Me crying in the grocery store bc I saw all the food I knew I can’t eat. Bc I know I will fast a unhealthy time and puke everything out I eat. Just chasing a body goal I will never reach but it’s the only way I don’t hate myself. Knowing I will cry in the shower still wearing a big sweater bc I can’t see myself.

My dad wondering why I cry while starring at some mac and cheese

☆.。.:* Low calorie fruits and their properties .。.:*☆

Ps:  please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Strawberries (53 cals per cup) : great source of vitamin C. High water percentage and fibre, therefore they won’t cause a big spike on blood sugar levels.

★ Peaches (60 cals per cup) : great amount of antioxidants, therefore aiding your body against disease. They aid digestion because of its fiber content. Finally, peaches have been shown to reduce allergy symptoms,

★ Grapefruit (74 cals per cup) : Because of its high vitamin C & A content it boosts your inmune system. Aids weight management,

★ Raspberries (64 cals per cup) : This fruit, my favorite out of the list, has an amazing amount of nutrients (all of this are measured by cup) ; 8 grams of fiber, 54% of the daily vitamin C intake and 41% of your daily Magnesium intake.

All of my sources for further info:






I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.


i wish all the ppl on ed tumblr a very i love you and i’m sorry
