

Card Reading

Answers for @marisk

Hi, welcome back for your second card reading. Sit or lay down, wherever you feel most comfortable, and don’t hesitate to drink lots of water, to make sure you rinse out any old beliefs and connect with the new ones.

I asked my spirit guides and angels to help bring you guidance on whether you have chosen the right path in life? To let any messages that you need to hear come through. To help you stay strong in your own power and to rely on the guidance you receive, and to trust that it is for the highest and the best.

Dear Angels, do you have a message for this loving soul?

First came Silence and then came Sun.

Silence is a source of great strength. It is a reminder to not waste your words on people who deserve your silence. They want you to know that: “Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

Know that the intention with this message not necessarily is for you to keep your words hidden away, but rather for you to find acceptance and peace in not relying upon the support of others, but finding strength in your own support towards your self and the dreams you have.

Sun is a source of light and warmth, but mostly life. There is a sun within every person. You are invited to cherish every sunset and turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.

In this message I see that if you trust the universe and face the sun, you will see that the path you are on is right for you and all the old feelings, the shadows, are behind you.

I am being called to tell you that everything in this world is FOR YOU, and I want you to remember this. If you feel like the universe is against you, sit down, relax and take a deep breath. You can sit for 10 seconds or 10 minutes, time has nothing to say. Imagine this waterfall over your head, but instead of water it is bright white light pouring over you and filling you up all the way down to your feet, and just keep chanting the words: “I have trust, I have faith, it is for me.”

I asked the Spirit Animal Oracles for any advice they would have for you. Again the Wombat Spirit was here for you.

The Wombat Spirit reminds you that to truly be at home in the world, you need to find comfort in your own skin. Home sweet home is always available if you recognize that wellbeing is the truth of life. Right now you are in a beautiful place where you can hang up the coat of your identity and settle in to a true sense of home and wellbeing, understanding that all is well. Everything you do from this place rings true in harmony with the Spirit.

Could it be that you are not feeling comfortable in your own skin, thinking that the only way you can be with others is to hide under the protection of a mask or identity you created to protect yourself from getting hurt?

The Wombat Spirit arrives to nudge you to drop the false masks because it is not others who will hurt you now. It is you who are hurting yourself when you aren’t being authentic.

I really feel like this will resonate very well with you, please correct me if I’m wrong. But you have been hurting yourself more by doing something that was not meant for you. It did not come from a place of love and passion, but you have begun to feel the freedom to be yourself by changing your profession. Now you can begin to truly feel at home in your life, with your family and tribe. Acceptance is the key that will unlock your true home inside of you. With deep honesty and love of life, you can accept all your experience with judgement and be free from the stress of old habits and beliefs.

At last I asked the Starseed Oracles if they had any message for you to help you fully become free and trust the universe?

Star Family appears to tell you that you are part of a team of souls, and to call in support. At some stage, we were each a part of a soul cluster - a gathering of souls who broke away from one other to experience themselves individually. Those who are part of your soul cluster are part of your star family. You haven’t just experienced lifetimes together, but your souls were once actually one.

The Star Family appears because it is likely that you have met someone who is part of your star family, or you are about to. You know that someone is part of your star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet. Instantly, they will feel familiar and comfortable. When you are with them you feel more yourself than with anyone else and time both passes quickly and stretches when being with them. The Star Family invites you to think about the people in your life.

You are being called to ask yourself: “Who do you think is from the same star family as you? Who do you feel is part of your star family? How can you call upon them for support?”

I hope this gave you some guidance on the path you’re currently on in your life. It seems to me that you have been on a crossroad, standing with one leg on each side. Either you could choose the easy way, the one you are kinda scared of, but it feels safe and sound at the same time, or you could choose the hard way, the one you are comfortable with, but the one where you will constantly stumble and struggle to stay on. “Why wouldn’t you choose the easy way? Why keep fighting a battle you are destined to lose, or loosing yourself in the win?”

I want you to rinse out all the beliefs that you have of always having to work harder, to never choose easy over difficult, and to keep climbing higher up the ladder. Instead I will install new codes and beliefs in you that says: “It is more than okay to work just enough to get by, to choose the easy way, and to stay where you are on the ladder or even jump off the ladder and create your own path in life.”

Love, Astrologyatlas

This rising was the turning point of this retrograde drama in my life! I woke up and went outside to

This rising was the turning point of this retrograde drama in my life! I woke up and went outside to relieve myself and right there in front of my eyes in the stream behind the house was a beautiful White Lotus smiling at me It was then that I knew that things would be just fine. That every challenge that comes into my life has a beautiful ending if I can go deep within and get the lessons that I need from the situation without taking things personally. I’m grateful to my challenges for showing up exactly how they did and in this time..when I have the awareness and mindfulness to take action to correct my ways and level up this whole mission up!! ✊LETS GET THIS WERK!

Egyptians viewed the Lotus as a symbol of rebirth and a potent reminder of reincarnation and the mysteries of the afterlife. White lotus flowers are usually seen under the feet of deities like Lakshmi, Ganesha, and Saraswati. Brahma, the ultimate creator, emerges from a Lotus as well. This sense of purity arises from the flower’s growing habit of rooting in mud and pushing up through the water to bloom.

The Buddhist Lotus represents:
• Patience
• Purity
• Mysticism
• Direct Spiritual Contact
• Emptiness from Desire
• Victory over Attachments
• Enlightenment and the Bodhi State
• Love and Compassion for All Things
• Self-Awareness
• Faithfulness During Spiritual Development
• Rising Out of Suffering

#SpiritualGrowth #Lotus #LotusFlower #MercuryRetrograde #KemeticYogi #Ghana #GreaterAccra #Satellite #Spirit #DivinePath #LifeWork (at Greater Accra Region)

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The moment I received a high being’s message — clairaudience (need advice with it!)

I have been going through some deeply hard moments and I need to prepare for a really important exam coming this month, as I was doubting myself before falling asleep, my mind just received a thought of a male voice that said “You already know the subject Miel*” and it sounded so determined but at the same time sweet like “stop doubting because you got this !!” and I have no clue who it was, whether it was my main guide (which I highly suspect is a male protecting figure) or Apollo ?? because he is super caring and supportive towards me and always seem to be there with me. However, every time I remember that, I continue and continue studying, it became much more easier now and I am really grateful for it.

* = it was my real full name and I’ve never used it since I remember so that was really shocking for me

Does anyone know how can get better with this skill? or give me any advice with it? my mom is clairvoyant and my grandmother was a witch as well as a clairvoyant and clairaudient too. I’m the one who’s breaking the generational curse and I think it’s time to develop this skill I have been suppressing until now, thanks <3

Update: a kind person taught me that deities nor spirits talk directly to/through us so it’s really helpful to know !

this is a small reminder

It is going to be okay, you have the sun during the day lightning your path and the moon during the night protecting you with their strength, for the avoidance of loneliness be grateful, be grateful for their company and your own life because they have never failed you, not even a single day, not the sun, not the moon and not yourself, be kind

“Healing your inner child” is the most powerful form of growth!

This idea may sound absurd to many. If you Google you’d come across as many articles as to what it is.

Simply put, it’s talking to your own self as you would talk to a child you met somewhere!

It’s just as simple as that. But the effects are profound.

I’ve suffered childhood neglect and separation. As a result I *was co-dependent in most of my relationships. I was determined (still I am) to become a better person and started working on healing my inner child. I felt change immediately!

Everyone should try it..

Let go. These two words speak volumes. We must accept that sometimes we feel emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, frustration and sadness. Sometimes these feelings come out of nowhere and we quickly attach ourselves to them. This aligns us with the vibration of these emotions, attracting more of them into our lives. We must learn to observe these feelings, accept them, and let them go. We may feel these feelings, but we are not feelings. We are simply experiencing them. I am feeling anxious, but I am not anxiety. I am feeling sad, but I am not sadness. We must let ourselves feel the feeling, and let it go. Today and everyday I am going to let go of the attachment I have to these emotions. I am not my feelings. I am me.

Some important, healing lessons I’ve learned over the last 2 years:

• trust your intuition. it’s usually right.

• don’t chase emotionally unavailable people, they will never want you back.

• you can only numb your feelings for so long.

• feel your feelings, they’re meant to be felt.

• hobbies are important, and so are you. do what you love.

• when in relationship, you are allowed to be alone.

• you are allowed to ask for space.

• open and honest communication is so so important.

• do not put others needs before your own.

• if you don’t want to go out, don’t go out.

• you can say no without giving a reason why.

• connection is important. don’t take it for granted.

reading back on my old journal entries and I’m just grateful to still be alive and to have come so far. Grateful for all of the hard lessons.


“It is true that prayers will change the molecular expression of water molecules. Be sure to give a prayer to the divine into the water that you drink. This will aid and assist your process within kundalini.”


isn’t astrology related, but I definitely recommend to start saying daily affirmations. setting your alarm to a time where you feel is appropriate to say your daily affirmations, and putting all the affirmations you will say at the time in your notes! I’ve been using self improvement and love affirmations, and it’s honestly been really working! do whatever feels right, love yourself and love others around you <3



-> what you need to know

-> a new perspective

-> action you can take


trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

disclaimer:please take what resonates and is meant for you - leave the rest. this is a general (& not in person) reading and not everything will resonate for everyone. i believe the cards can be very accurate, but this is my own interpretation of them using my intuition and the energies i receive. if the way i read doesn’t suit you personally, please just find someone that works for you. everyone’s different :)


the empress, seven of pentacles, the high priestess

  • be grateful for the good things you have in your life, and you’ll attract more. there is a big opportunity for abundance in your life, whether it’s of love or money.
  • understand that when you give, you receive. you may be lacking motivating or faith that something will work out, but you’re being reminded that when you put in time and effort, long term results WILL show.
  • now is the time to tune into your intuition so you can access knowledge from your soul. trust yourself and messages from your inner voice, because it’s there to guide you moving forward.


the world, three of pentacles, page of cups

  • you may be completing a significant milestone or achievement. know that all the efforts that you have been putting in place are starting to pay off.
  • be open to working with others - if you put the skills and talents of multiple people together you could create something you’re very proud of.
  • your action card also relates to that. dream big, embrace your inner child and believe that anything is possible. allow yourself to experience new things.


the lovers, ten of cups, page of swords

  • by being open and honest, you have a great opportunity right now to make a very strong, meaningful connection or build an existing relationship.
  • follow your heart and trust your intuition to lead you down the path aligned with your happiness and highest. allow your emotions and feelings to guide you.
  • go after anything that brings you excitement, happiness and curiosity. explore new opportunities and share your gifts or talents with other people.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! please like and reblog if anything resonated!!

affordable personal readings shop.

love to you


-> what does the universe want you to know?


PILE ONE - the sun

you’re being surrounded by light. when this card appears, it brings success and joy. opportunities for happiness in your relationships and work are all around you. it’s the perfect time to move forward. if you’re feeling any inspiration or a want to take the next step, know that the right energy is coming towards you.

PILE TWO - spirit fox

the energies around you are changing, and although it may not always be comfortable, you have all you need to cope. be open to the shifts that occurring, because they may actually hold answers. stay alert, and trust in yourself and your talents so you can be the best you can be.

PILE THREE - protection guardian

you may have limiting beliefs or fears because of something from your past, and they are standing between you and your happiness. know that you are protected - whether it’s by spirits or angels or the universe, and you are stronger than you believe. you don’t need to hide who you are because you were born to shine.

THANK YOU!!! please like and reblog if anything resonated.

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affordablepersonal readings shop.

love to you

(photo of cards at bottom. click for clearer image)


seven of swords, nine of cups

you could be running away from your true feelings about a situation. maybe you should be avoiding something, but you’re blinded to the warning signs and red flags. there is likely deceptive, dishonest energy surrounding you and putting you off. for some, you may feel you are undeserving off the blessings you have and are subconsciously hiding away your joy and light.


three of wands, the empress

something has happened in your life to convince you that you don’t deserve to, or are unable to dream big and have faith in those goals. you’re powerful - when you put your mind to it and can envision it, you can create it in your own life. you just need to believe in yourself so you can be truely aligned with your desires. doubts and fears (sometimes even waiting) can weigh us down and prevent us from manifesting to our true potential.


eight of cups, three of pentacles

what you’re hiding from yourself are the inner parts of yourself, or more accurately you’re preventing yourself from uncovering your higher self’s wisdom and knowledge. no matter what has caused your fears, you do not want to spend time away from others to look into yourself and reflect on what you already know deep down. maybe if you’re scared of feeling alone, you need to work on yourself while still having the support, reassurance and care from friends or family.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordablepersonal readingsshop.

love to all

PILE 1 (left)

page of wands

you may come across as a very fun, energetic, extroverted person. you see the positive side of people and situations, and a lot of the time you can be quite fearless. when you have a passion or desire and the determination, you manifest it into your reality.

PILE 2 (middle)

five of pentacles

you may have really loyal friendships or connections to your family that support you and make you stronger. even when you are struggling, experiencing loss or hard times, you always manage to keep standing and moving forward.

PILE 3 (right)

page of cups

you’re likely a very kind, gentle and sensitive person. you may even be creative and artistic, or very spiritual and intuitive. you’re a dreamer who sees things in beautiful ways and are admired by others.

if anything resonated, please like and reblog.

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all

Thoughts about the past have stolen thousands of hours of sleep from me over the years ✨ After wakin

Thoughts about the past have stolen thousands of hours of sleep from me over the years

After waking up to the spiritual truth about my thinking I have slowly started to get reparations of my sleep hours

What did you get from reading this thread?

Loving you always 3P7F,LGTFM

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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Seeing the world through the smudged lenses of thought isn’t seeing the world - it’s seeing what you

Seeing the world through the smudged lenses of thought isn’t seeing the world - it’s seeing what you think the world is

Cleaning the lenses through which you’re seeing the world means seeing the nature of thinking for what it actually is and allowing it to pass - this is what allows us to see the real world rather than the situations we create in our heads

It’s easy to get swept up in thought and let it carry us to all kinds of crazy destinations where our worst fears exist and where our wildest fantasies tempt us and there’s nothing wrong with that

But when our thinking gets the better of us that’s when it’s time to really slow down and clean our lenses to see the world clearly before we make permanent decisions✅

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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There’s no such thing as perfect it only exists when you want to use it as an excuse to avoid doing

There’s no such thing as perfect it only exists when you want to use it as an excuse to avoid doing it now

People refer to themselves as perfectionists but all I hear is insecurity born from the idea of putting themselves out there for the world to see

We avoid change as though it’s gonna work - change is inevitable and the only thing that we’re avoiding with perfectionism is changing the way we see ourselves through the feedback we receive from the outside world

There’s a big difference between being proud of the work we do and wanting it to be an accurate reflection of our skill level and putting it off to make it perfect

We’re constantly evolving and so is our skill level so the work we publish now is exactly that - it’s what we’re doing right now - it doesn’t have anything to do with what we’re capable of with more practice✅

Are you hiding behind the excuse of perfectionism?

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife #perfectionist #perfectionism (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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More often than not when I catch myself overthinking it’s because I am treating thought as though it

More often than not when I catch myself overthinking it’s because I am treating thought as though it isn’t thought

But here’s the key - I don’t see it as a thought in the moment I see it as a real thing that needs to be worked on or changed

It then takes on a life of its own and dominates my mind until I have to force myself into distraction and this is when I start looking for something to do with my thoughts to change the way I’m feeling but it’s all based on the misunderstanding that my thought is something other than thought

When I can see thought for what it actually is then it loses all power over me and I can actually drop it but until then I will treat it as something that needs to be worked on and find myself lost in the movement of my thoughts forever distracted from the present

There’s nothing to be done when we see thought for what it is, slow down and it will become clear

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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Linger for longer is one of my favourite sayings now✨ If you know your feelings come from your tho

Linger for longer is one of my favourite sayings now

If you know your feelings come from your thoughts then you can choose to set the mind down instead of use it to analyse thought

Of course it’s easier said than done and of course it’s gonna take time but letting go is the key to freeing yourself from the prison of the mind

Thoughts aren’t real, they’re just passing through - doesn’t matter where they come from or where they’re going just let them be and they won’t disturb you

I’m not talking about this from a place of mastery, I’m still on the journey and I still get caught out regularly chasing my thoughts and analysing them but I’m getting better at distancing myself from thought and it’s bringing me so much peace

Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, let it be

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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People have a right not to like you! ✨ If you know you’re not for everyone and you actually embody i

People have a right not to like you!

If you know you’re not for everyone and you actually embody it you’ll be ok with people not liking you

When we try and avoid conflict we’re dimming our shine in the hopes that people will like us but why would we treat ourselves like that?

The relationship we have with ourselves determines the relationship we will have with everything and everyone else in our lives - having a strong relationship with ourselves is what stops us from compromising our personal beliefs for the validation we may receive from others

When you show up in the world fully expressed you will polarise people because you’re not here to be liked - some people will only like you if you do things that benefit them and if you don’t mind being a doormat then be my guest

When you love the real you - you won’t need permission to be your real self

Much love

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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There’s a difference between seeing and thinking ✨ When you see something you get it on a DNA level,

There’s a difference between seeing and thinking

When you see something you get it on a DNA level, when you think something you’re looking at it on a superficial level

The intellect is great for analysis and solving problems but sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing because nothing requires dropping the intellect and letting go of the desire to change how we’re feeling by “figuring it out”

There’s nothing to figure out most of the time because we know what’s right for us and when someone’s time to leave is upon us attempting to figure it out is exactly what keeps us trapped in discomfort for longer

When you’re holding a hammer everything looks like a nail - it’s the same with the intellect, when we’re constantly using it to figure stuff out everything looks like it can and should be figured out

There’s no need to do so much

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo)

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You’re allowed to get it wrong sometimes ✨ You’re allowed to be a work in progress, you’re allowed t

You’re allowed to get it wrong sometimes

You’re allowed to be a work in progress, you’re allowed to make mistakes and you’re allowed to be proud of your mistakes

We weren’t born to be robots and the only way to create what we want is to try - getting it wrong is evidence of trying✅

Look back at your mistakes and be proud of the effort you’re making - get some help, course correct and try again

Time is the only asset we have - invest it in your growth and the mistakes will be worth it

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife (at Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo)

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When you try to do something with your thoughts you’re getting further away from the solution to the

When you try to do something with your thoughts you’re getting further away from the solution to the problem

There’s nothing to be done, it’s actually the opposite - if you do nothing with them then they’ll pass but when we’re trying to figure them out we get lost in them and can’t see past them

Give yourself permission to drop your thoughts and see how the world looks different

#mentalwellbeing #itsoknottobeok #youarenotalone #youmatter #youareenough #selfworth #youareworthy #growthroughit #happinesscomesfromwithin #dontsweatthesmallstuff #beyourbestself #manifestyourdreams #soulcalling #peacewithin #meditatedaily #highvibes #spiritualgrowth #trusttheuniverse #createyourreality #lawsofattraction #abundantlife
#overthinker (at London, Unιted Kingdom)

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