

Free tarot readings

Hello y'all. Last time I did this I got extremely stressed and worn out from getting so so many questions..

This time, I will not promise to get them done in a specific time!

I will get them done when I can!!

Also, I’m not obligated to do any questions that make me uncomfortable or stressed.

Sorry about all that!

Anyways, my free readings are open!!

They will be 3 card past present future spread.

Just send me an ask or a message and I’ll respond when I can!

Please let me know if it’s accurate and what I can do better next time!!

Tarot and Books: TOP 10 Books on Tarot for Beginners that Will Help You Become a Professional FAST

It’s not a secret that nowadays, many start their Tarot journey by watching YouTube videos, Instagram IGTVs and Reels and simply reading posts on the internet or social media.

Are the books dead then?

They are absolutely not.

While all mentioned above provides with an enormous amount of information, this knowledge should not replace a proper education that includes courses and literature.

As someone who spent approximately 100 hours on educational COURSES ONLY, studying from various professional across the globe, I can still say that when I read a good book on Tarot, some aspects are mind blowing and eye opening.

At this time, there are so many different books available to purchase, both hard copy and electronical. Some give away their books and guides for free, while others come up with beautiful Tarot decks in addition to their published work.

What I’m really trying to say here is that for a beginner it will be difficult to figure out which book is worth investing in and which one is a waste of money.

For example, does a beginner need “The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals” by Mary Greer? What about “365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day” by Sasha Graham? Does a beginner really need all these spreads when they are just starting out getting familiar with the energy of the cards?

Let’s figure it all out.

Does A Beginner Tarot Reader Need to Read Educational Books?

Of course, educational Tarot literature is necessary for beginners, especially those who are barely familiar with Major Arcana Tarot cards meanings. You need to understand key symbols, variations of interpretations and combinations.

On the other hand, here is something you need to be mindful of: nowadaysSO MANY Tarot readers and authors start writing books based on their own PERSONAL views, interpretations and “author’s created techniques and methods” that sometimes they start to deviate from traditional card meanings and interpretations.

Is it good or bad?

Neither, really. When you advance in Tarot, you will start feeling each card in your own way and may also see some aspects slightly differently and that’s quite normal. BUT for a beginner it’s just not good at all.

When you are just being introduced to the world of Tarot, I always suggest that you stick to the classics. You just can’t go wrong with a traditional Tarot deck and a few good books to support your education.


Author’s opinion can certainly broaden horizons, improve and stroke your imagination, and really explain how the traditional meaning of the card can be expanded.

On the other hand, some beginners that don’t want to invest in proper education, may take this “point of view” as the holy truth and the only way to interpret the card.

As a result, their readings will be of poor quality and it will take time for them to understand why.

It’s important to mention that some of the books that come as a package with a Tarot deck are a true masterpiece and also a must-have when you are working with their deck. And truly, in my humble opinion, you should only buy a deck that comes with such book and not the teeny tiny black and white book that gets lost in your drawer.

Lastly, I’ll say that the best and most perfect Tarot book is the one that ignites your imagination, inspires you to learn and practice, and really helps you to believe in your abilities and trust your intuition.

What Types of Tarot Books Will You Find on The Market?

Before I give you the list of my Top Tarot books, let me explain to you what you can learn from them.

Tarot literature should be divided in the following categories:

·“Base” Books: these are your “must read” books that will help you to understand the cards well and really feel each card. They will contain practical examples and advice, as well as useful spreads with guidelines. These are the Tarot books I will be focusing on below in this Blog post.

· “Additional” Books: these Tarot books provide with additional materials to improve and deeper understand Tarot from all the different angles, mystical and occult studies.

Some examples would include numerology, Kabbala, astrology, reversed Tarot cards, Tarot and Ritual Magic, as well as some author’s unique techniques for using Tarot. An example could be creating a psychological portrait of a person using Tarot cards.

These are definitely NOT must haves for Tarot beginners but you can selectively purchase them later on based on your interests and also gaps in your knowledge.

I included reversed Tarot cards in this section because MANY Tarot readers, myself included, do not read cards reversed. It is absolutely not a must and you can give quality readings just the same without reading reversals. In fact, I’ve noticed that they tend to scare the beginners off from learning Tarot because people find them confusing.

· Literature That Comes With a Deck: this is something I have already briefly touched on in this Blog post. These books are written by a person that created a Tarot deck and wishes to make sure that a person using it, understands where they are coming from and should the meaning deviate from the original, it would be explained in a great detail why and what it means for you.


A good example of this is using Tarot: Journey into Egypt Tarot deck that is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favorites. This deck is definitely NOT suitable for beginners. Not only there are variations of card meanings based on the history of Ancient Egypt, the creator of the deck chose to switch Fire and Air elements in Wands & Swords suites and this dramatically changes how you would read the elements energy in a spread.

What Are Some of The Best Tarot Books for Beginners?

I want to just put it out there: these are some of MY PERSONAL TOP books for beginners and some Tarot readers may disagree with me and have their own list.

I trust that you have read some of my other blogs or have been following me on Instagram for a while to really establish a connection and understand what type of a Tarot Reader I am.

“The Key to the Tarot” which was later expanded and republished as “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot” by Arthur Edward Waite

These books are mentioned first because most people start their Tarot journey using a traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

The book “The Key to the Tarot” describes symbolical and divination meanings for Rider-Waite Tarot deck and they are offered by the creator of the deck himself.

This really is the SOURCE for your Rider-Waite Tarot studies and a Tarot beginner should never skip this book because no one can give you better information than the creator.

Whether you are going to use Tarot for divination, meditation or magical and ritual work, this is your NUMBER 1 BOOK.

“The Holy Kabbalah” by Arthur Edward Waite

Now, IF you are planning on sticking with Rider-Waite deck for some time and work as a professional Tarot reader with clients, you should really consider “The Holy Kabbalah” book.

You probably heard people ditching this deck because it is highly “kabbalistic,” but this is some very powerful and ancient stuff and you really need to consider this before you switch this deck for some rainbows and unicorns.

This book by Arthur Waite is a very rich in information and well documented source. 

"The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot” Book by Evelin Burger and Johannesburg Fiebig

This book is my absolute favourite companion to this day. I have mentioned it before in my other blog post because I am so in love with it, I feel like it is worth preaching about it again and again.

I was actually quite hesitant to purchase it.

It was my FIRST Tarot book and I bought it together with my first deck! So, here it is my absolute beginner book suggestion from a perspective of a beginner!

I have no regrets about purchasing it. I referred to it a thousand times while I was studying cards and here is why.

It was always my goal to become a professional. And I believe that as a professional you need to know your cards inside out.

And you can’t really do this without understanding properly WHAT IS ON THOSE CARDS!

What does the tree mean? What about a blue colour? Is this an astrological symbol?

You NEED to know these things! Because this blue colour or astrological symbol of Venus repeat thought the deck and unite the cards that contain them.

You will be able to truly know your deck when you know those symbols. And it’s the same thing with any deck. If you go with Thoth Tarot, you will need to spend some time learning about Alchemy because this was Crowley’s thing. And if you want to use Rider-Waite deck, you will need to learn his techniques and methods.

In this case, this book is your best friend.

The book gives a short description for each important element of the Tarot card. It also gives a short basic meaning of the card AND its meaning as a card of the day which is amazing because most beginners start to practice Tarot by pulling their daily card and journaling it.

Lastly, which I think is great, is that it gives Tarot card’s meaning in love and relationship. And let’s be real, relationship questions comprise 70% of all Tarot reading, if not more.

“Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot: The True Story of the World’s Most Popular Tarot” by Marcus Katz

This book is considered to be one of the best on the market for Rider-Waite Tarot.

From this book we can learn more about the lives of Pamela Smith (the artist of the deck) and Arthur Waite.

Just when I started reading this book, I could already feel so immersed in the world of Waite’s Tarot. The author of this book did an incredible research job to put all this information together.

This book has it all, from descriptions of each Arcana and examples of spreads and understanding how to use them, to the lives of two great people that gave us the most used Tarot deck of all time.

You will really feel being a part of the wonderful world of Tarot after reading this book.

“21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card” by  Mary K Greer

Mary K Greer has come with a truly unique and wonderful method that gives you 21 ways to interpret each Tarot card.

Just as the Fool travels through “The Journey of the Hero”, the author offers anyone to join the journey and experience the transformational power of Tarot.

You will learn the mysteries and wisdom of Major Arcana and live through the cards to deeply connect with them and understand their true meanings.

Mary K. Greer shares her personal and unique knowledge and approach to Tarot that in turn will help you to get the answers to the most important questions using Tarot cards.

What is most encouraging is how she  really draws out from your heart all those hidden negative patterns and emotions and guides you on how to turn them into positivity and growth.

The author also helps you to create your own new reality and encourages you that no matter where you are right now in your life, you can always start your journey again from scratch and accomplish your goals.

To sum up, the book will teach you the following:

· How to create and maintain a Tarot journal properly (throughout the years of my work with Tarot beginners, I have noticed that many start Tarot journals but don’t seem to go through with them for a long time).

· It will teach you the author’s own method of learning each card and obtaining additional information when necessary that still is applicable for your traditional cards use.

· The book will provide you with rather novel ways and methods of Tarot spreads interpretations.

· It will really broaden and deepen your understanding of each card which in turn will help you to interpret combinations better.

I personally think that this book is a real gift to those trying to become good Tarot readers from the start, but also to those who want to improve the quality of their own life and relationships with others.

The book of Mary K Greer 21 “Ways to Read a Tarot Card” is not only about studying the cards, like most others, it’s also about how to transform your life with Tarot.

And, honestly, lately I have seen a lot of beginner Tarot Instagram profiles of people trying to use Tarot to get through trauma, loss and challenges. But people tend to give up quickly because all they do is read cards daily for themselves and if this is all you do, trust me, you will get bored quickly.

This book will help you on this journey and will teach you how to use Tarot for transformation, growth and happiness.

Tarot for the Healing Heart: Using Inner Wisdom to Heal Body and Mind by Christine Jette

The book focuses on the utilization of your inner wisdom to heal your mind and body.

It is a very powerful book written by a nurse with 30+ years of work experience, bachelor in Psychology and a professional energy healer and a Tarot reader.

Wow don’t you think she’d have a lot to tell??

Because she definitely does.

Her focus is using Tarot cards for healing and, in particular self-healing.

So often I see people trying to use Tarot to overcome trauma, to heal their body and soul and they just struggle to figure out how to do this.  

While I mentioned Mary K. Greer teaching somewhat similar things in her book, this one really expands the subject of healing.

The symbology of Tarot carries the healing messages that can activate and kick start self-healing processes in your body, ultimately guiding you to becoming whole again. And feeling whole is what paves a path to healing.

And in this book, healing process is divided into 4 levels by the 4 Suites of Minor Arcana in Tarot: physical (Pentacles), emotional (Cups), psychological (Swords) and spiritual (Wands).

By using symbology and Tarot spreads provided, you will be able to get information on which level is blocked and what you need to do to lift this block and allow energy to flow freely again.  

“Tarot Tips” by Ruth Ann Amberstone, Wald Amberstone

This books is very unique in a way that it’s is more of a Q&A writing style.

The Authors Ruth Ann Amberstone and Wald Amberstone at this time have over 70 years of Tarot experience and are founders of The Tarot School.

The Tarot Tips books is composed of techniques and methods of work with Tarot cards. It contains information and very clear answers to 78 real questions that were asked by the Tarot readers from the various Tarot schools and backgrounds.

It will be equally beneficial to a beginner and an advanced Tarot practitioner.

If you are a beginner, the book will give you some incredible insights, ideas and recommendations on how to use Tarot.

This wraps up my list for some MUST have Tarot books that every Tarot beginner should read.

Thoth Tarot Books

Of course, it’s necessary to mention Thoth Tarot, particularly for those who are starting with it their Tarot journey. While I myself don’t recommend this, I have met those who used Thoth Tarot deck from the very beginning. There are way too many books on Thoth Tarot, so I want to tell you which ones I do AND do not recommend.


“The Book of Thoth” by Aleister Crowley

It is always best to start with the book written by a person who created the deck. Even though not all deck creators are the best writers and the books can be tedious and, at times, difficult to follow, you should still give them a chance. You should also check out other books by Crowley because he really was an incredible person. 

“Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot” by Lon Milo DuQuette

This is also a very good work and is absolutely worth a purchase. The book gives cards descriptions and elements that Crowley added or changed based on his vision and work he’s been doing during his life.

Books I do NOT recommend:

“Tarot: Mirror of the Soul: Handbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot” Book by Gerd Ziegler

“Keywords for the Crowley Tarot” Book by Brigitte Theler and Hajo Banzhaf

These books I would recommend to avoid amongst others “best sellers” for Thoth Tarot, due to the many inaccuracies and wrong interpretations. I don’t blame some of the authors. Thoth Tarot is not easy to understand and not everything was explained by Crowley himself, but you can clearly see that some people haven’t even tried.

“Tarot and Astrology: Enhance Your Readings With the Wisdom of the Zodiac” Book by Corrine Kenner

I want to also suggest you a few books that I would include into my “Additional literature” section because if you want to really dedicate your time to study Tarot on a professional level, sooner or later you will get into other aspects that are integral parts of divination.

Astrology has a very big influence on Tarot and I think Corrine Kenner has done an amazing job to put everything together for the reader.

The book starts with Astrology basics with regards to Tarot but also talks about the twelve signs of zodiac and the planets.

I personally offer 12 Houses of Astrology Tarot reading every year in December and it’s always a huge success because it is an extremely informative and fun reading, so a book like this helped me to connect even deeper with Astrology.

Some actually use Astrological aspects of Tarot to predict and plan dates, so if that’s something you are interested in, this book will also be very helpful for you.

Bonus Book ✨

“Understanding The Tarot Court” Book by Mary K. Greer and Tom Little

Lastly, I want to include this book because we all know that Courts cards tend to be the most difficult to understand and interpret in a Tarot reading.

While some think that Court cards solely describe a specific person, the authors of this book give a suggestion on how to use these 16 cards as a tool to describe different variations and sides of personalities of the querent and people in their life.

Whichever method you choose to follow, this book has a massive amount of information and will definitely make your Tarot journey so much easier.

My basil bush is thriving.

The best time to harvest is on a warm, sunny day, just after the dew has dried and just before the flowers form. But you can harvest basil as you need it.

Harvest by pinching off leaves as needed once the plant is strong enough to handle it. If taking a large harvest, leave at least two shoots intact. It will grow back in a few weeks.

Hang upside in bunches or lay flat on a drying rack to dry. Ensure proper ventilation to reduce the chance of mold. Store in an airtight container away from heat or light for up to one year. The flavor of dried basil is not as good as fresh basil.

Basil helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity.

Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.

Carrying a leaf in your pocket or wallet will attract money.

Keep a bit of basil in each room to protect the home and family. To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead.

Also used in peacemaking spells and to make up after a fight.

We’re offering £1 Tarot Readings until Sunday 19th January! Save 20% off our usual Single Card

We’re offering £1 Tarot Readings until Sunday 19th January!
Save 20% off our usual Single Card price and have your questions answered by a reader with over a decades experience in the art of Tarot.

Code ‘20OFF’

What are you waiting for?
Shop Link in Bio, find us on Etsy by searching 'A Budding Green Witch’
DM us for PayPal information @buddinggreenwitch_tarot
Card Pictured is from the 'TAROT OF MUSTERBERG’
Via - https://curioandco.com/products/tarot-of-musterberg?epik=dj0yJnU9andYSWh5QjBiRDJVZjBfek5OcEhabFZTWnZiZWo4QmYmbj1lZGk5c04wUHhURktXbFZqajl3QUt3Jm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRnYzdz
(Our services are for entertainment purposes only, and should not be used in place of professional medical, legal or financial advice.
I do not not accept readings on death or pregnancy.)
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Deepening our spiritual connection gives us greater balance in our lives. Through greater connection to Spirit and our higher selves, we are able to gracefully deal with the many challenges that occur in our lives. We maintain our center like the calm in the eye of the storm — remaining unshaken at our core even though chaos surrounds us. Those who do not have a connection to Spirit or to their higher selves, may often feel lost or may be easily upset by what’s occurring in their outer world. When we align with our highest self, we know who we truly are and feel a sense of purpose and clarity that guides us through life with ease. We are empowered to continue our journey through life. When tragedy befalls us or our hearts have been broken, we find our strength and optimism, rather than choosing to be a victim. We see the beauty of life and the glory, embracing the possibilities of our futures.

Here are 10 tips to deepen your Spiritual Connection:

1. Incorporate a Mind, Body, Spirit exercise practice into your daily life. Qi Gong, Tai Chi & Yoga are all excellent and will assist you with creating emotional balance, greater energy flow and physical agility. As we open up the energy channels in our bodies we can more easily connect to our higher selves and to source.

2. Spend time every day feeling gratitude for your life and all the blessings that are bestowed upon you. The feeling of gratitude is a higher vibrational emotion that opens us up to receive God’s blessings.

3. Spend time every week meditating. If you don’t have time to do this every day, then take time out 3 – 4 times a week to be alone and be still. This stillness enables us to go within and connect with our higher selves. It is food for our soul and very important for maintaining emotional & mental stability. When we are at peace within, our outer world reflects this to us.

4. Be of service by helping another person in need whether it be a stranger or a family member. As we give to others this facilitates a deepening of our connection to source and to ourselves.

5. Trust your inner knowing. Our higher selves, or the Holy Spirit, or spirit guides often communicate to us through intuition or physical sensations. The more we pay attention and honor these communications, we are able to deepen our connection to Spirit and our higher selves.

6. Let go of all self judgment and judgment of others. Judgment blocks us from fully living our highest potential. When we judge ourselves or others, the only energy we can receive is the same energy that matches that judgment. This means that if something else greater comes along, we can’t acknowledge it or receive it, because we are blocked by our judgments.

7. Live your dreams! Don’t be afraid to step out into the world and actualize your life goals. God ( Great Spirit, or Universe, whatever you believe in) will support you in living your dreams, because when we choose this, we are inviting others to choose it too. When we deny our dreams this dampens our connection to Spirit and our higher selves. Each of us are not only God’s created Masterpiece, we are Their children, and They long to see us happy!

8. Laugh more, dance, celebrate life! These are all high vibrational activities that can facilitate a heart opening. When we fully open our hearts we ARE connecting with our higher selves. All the great teachers understood the value of joy & laughter.

9. Be in nature as much as possible. When we spend time in a natural environment we feel an energy flow that recharges our entire being. This energy is one and the same as the energy of Spirit. Nature is a direct conduit to Spirit, so when we tap into it, we can connect to our higher selves on an even deeper level.

10. Live your truth! So many people compromise who they truly are by trying to fit into society by being a certain way that is considered ‘socially acceptable’, or they destroy themselves by being the person that their husband, mother or father expects them to be. Let go of all of that and be your authentic self. When you fully step into your own potency and live your truth you create an opening for Spirit to come through with total ease and grace.

As we balance our body, mind and Spirit we are able to easily align with our higher selves and open up to having a deeper connection with Spirit. Our connection is personal and is most likely totally different than someone else’s connection. It is something that is ineffable and dynamic – always expanding with our choices and actions. When we stop functioning from the anti-consciousness of this reality and live consciously, we are fully connected to Spirit.

thetarotroot:If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you


If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you!

I’m trying to build up an active community of readers. I’ll be sharing your posts and giving shout-outs to active readers on Tumblr, so please reblog this post if you’re interested in sharing

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hello my fellow witches I have an announcement to make:
I recently started posting daily tarot readings so I would love if you follow me to show support and be posted for daily readings ^.^
You can find me on the link below

Blessed be my fellow witches! 

Thank you for your donation to the Black Trans Travel Fund, a mutual-aid project developed in order to help provide Black transgender women with the financial resources needed to be able to self-determine safer alternatives to travel, where women feel less likely to experience verbal harassment or physical harm.

Donate ANY amount directly to an organization that supports Black Trans communities and/or efforts to defund the police and dismantle the systematic racism in the American justice system, and I’ll give you a tarot or scrying reading! Click here to learn how.


You asked what to do with your current spiritual momentum. For this question, I pulled two cards from the Buddha Tarot, which uses stories from the Buddha’s life and Buddhist Sutras to share wisdom and lessons from the buddha dharma.

The Flaming Disk is similar to the Tower - it represents tranformation, change, and letting go of your ego and pride to move into a whole new level of spiritual awakening. The card depicts the moment from the Buddha’s life just before he reaches enlightenment as he meditates beneath a tree. Siddhartha has one last obstacle in his way: the demon Mara hurls a large flaming disk at him. Instead of running or defending himself, Siddhartha recognizes that the flames are not actually a danger and in a moment of complete unattachment he lets go and flower petals rain down on him instead of fire.

With this card reversed, you are seeing something in your life as flames instead of flowers. This is your sign or nudge that whatever is scaring you or worrying you the most in moving forward in your spiritual journey can’t actually hold you back from making progress. Knowing this, take the plunge in whatever you’ve been seeking to do and let go of the concerns that have been keeping you from it. It may be difficult or very challenging, but if you do so you’ll be able to grow to the next level in your practice.

The second card I pulled is the Six of Double Vajras. The suite of Double Vajras is about taking action, and for this card it’s about motherly action. Someone in your life (could be any gender or relation to you) is trying to bring some nuturing, loving energy into your life. You have someone looking out for you who wants to help support you. I have a sense that it may be a spirit of someone you know who has passed away or an ancestor who wants to come forward for you and let you know that you’re not alone in the challenges in your plate at the moment. If you are comfortable doing so, I recommend following up on that with a prayer of acknowledgement and gratitude or a small offering to say thank you.

Sunday 11th March 2018: Practice, practice, practice! Sunday morning in my happy place :)

Sunday 11th March 2018: Practice, practice, practice! Sunday morning in my happy place :)

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Hi beautiful seekers! Late autumn mood… I wish to do more intuitive readings and share daily mystica

Hi beautiful seekers!

Late autumn mood… I wish to do more intuitive readings and share daily mystical musings… that’s why I’ve started recently instagram — @anyamoon_alchemist

I’m doing daily tarot card there, posts will be bilingual - English and Russian. Weekly forecasts are coming as well.

And I plan to post there more tarot inspired, strange and mystical things, also some runes, magic, books, winter, herbs, Moon and spiritual awakening.

You’re more than welcome to join  

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When you come back home after months of travelling and realize the Wheel of Fortune has turned anoth

When you come back home after months of travelling and realize the Wheel of Fortune has turned another time - through all the struggle, new worlds opened and magic cast in strange cities, you’re coming back to the moment where all things began like a viking to spend winter in native lands, letting winter to bring you to the halls of your shadows and deep truths about yourself. Yet for the first moment it looks like your children room - the sense of wonder, strange dreams, your books, fear, cry, nightmares twisted with reality and light sweet ever-present sadness reminding about another place where you truly belong. 

I look at Wheel of Fortune in my Sasuraibito tarot deck and it brings me to reconcile myself with all the struggles of inner child searching for home - I sit with my home in my heart, I can be a mother to that child and teach her something today.

It’s nice to find that your teas of northern herbs gathered last summer and your runes are here - tears of winter. And you’re calming yourself down for coming winter days and accepting sadness and unknown.

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-> trust your intuition and choose whatever you are most drawn to.

-> what does the universe want you to know?

LEFT - five of swords

you may have some kind of argument or conflict recently and has left you upset or resentful towards the other person or yourself. the advice of this card is to pick your battles. you don’t always need to prove you are right, or defend yourself - and it could lead to much more peace in the long run.

MIDDLE - two of wands

there may be something you are inspired to do, but feel you can’t yet for some reason. you’re in the stage of planning your next steps and working up the courage to expand and leave your comfort zone - and it will set you up for success. remember to let your intuition help guide you.

RIGHT - four of cups

this card appears when opportunities present themselves, but they tend to not interest you or you turn them away. you may be focusing a lot of your energy inwards to re-ground and align yourself with where you want to be. question whether shutting yourself down is still the best option - you may need it right now, or they may be other possibilities waiting for you.

please like and reblog if anything resonated!!

love to all




-> what does the universe want you to know?

-> what are your energies for the next month?



cancer, scorpio, pisces ♋️♏️♓️

cards: ace of cups, three of swords, ten of swords, four of pentacles


you’re radiating love and compassion. it’s likely showing in relationships around you and giving you emotional fulfilment, or maybe you are becoming more comfortable with who you are - but either way, love is pouring out of you. however, you may also be struggling with a kind of loss or grief, possibly something being unsuccessful or a betrayal, and it has hurt or disappointed you. hold on to what is important to you, but the universe wants you to know that it’s okay to let go of anything that has been weighing you down.


taurus, virgo, capricorn ♉️♍️♑️

cards: king of swords, queen of cups, the world, six of swords


at this time, you are able to think very logically and rationally, and this intelligence and power shows. you’re also likely in some kind of structure or routine and have a lot of self discipline when you want to. you’re using your head and not your heart. maybe because you have been hurt and put walls up to protect yourself, or just because it’s working for you right now - but you aren’t letting your emotional side be seen. you’re so close to completion and achieving something significant. the universe wants you to know there is always a calm after the storm. and if you allow yourself to heal and let go, it will help you to keep moving forward.


aries, leo, sagittarius ♈️♌️♐️

cards: two of swords, seven of swords, page of swords, judgement


you are likely facing a difficult decision, and are unclear about which option to choose. there is deception in an area of your life, or a person who isn’t being entirely honest with you (for a few, you may be the one keeping something from someone). you’re being encouraged to explore new ways of communicating what you are thinking and feeling. trust yourself, any signs that stand out, and notice what is calling to you. it will lead to amazing opportunities and changes, as well as guide you through challenging decisions.


aquarius, libra, gemini ♒️♎️♊️

cards: king of pentacles, ten of cups, two of pentacles, the chariot


you are manifesting success, stability and wealthy, or putting a lot of energy and determination in working towards that. you’re likely finding it hard to be completely happy right now, possibly it’s relating to problems in relationships or even with yourself. there may some imbalance between aspects of your life - and you’re feeling the pressure and struggling to manage all of it. the universe is reminding you that you can overcome any obstacle, especially if you are determined and focused. i know this is cliche, but you can do it - like you actually can.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! please like and reblog if anything resonated.

personal readings: etsy shop

love to all <3

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(photo at bottom. click for clearer image)

left card - death

  • you may need a complete reset - a brand new start. you’re job will be a new beginning for you, and you may be moving on from past jobs or careers. you will likely be focusing on something you have never done for work before. this is a reminder to embrace change instead of resisting it, because sometimes have to doors close in order to open another one.

middle card - justice

  • your perfect job will bring you a lot of balance. maybe you have been treated unequally at work in the past. in the future things will feel fair. this card represents good karma and finally getting what you deserve. for some of you, it can even indicate your ideal career could relate to law or justice.

right card - six of swords

  • whatever your perfect job is, you will find it by leaving places and people of chaos and negativity, and moving towards what brings you peace, harmony and positivity. you may have to create a shift in your life and physically move to a better position. you’re being invited to let go of what is holding you back, so you can grow and continue on the right path for you.

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how can you stop repeating past love mistakes?

(tarot reading)


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


king of wands

  • have courage and optimism. maybe in the past you have had a very black and white, all or nothing attitude. this perspective could have made you hold back out of fear or harsh judgement. however going with the flow and understanding that things are often somewhere in the middle of the extremes we can think of, will definitely help you. be friendly and honest to others even if they don’t show the same thing back, and be energetic, determined and brave enough to go after something when you want it.


four of wands

  • spend more time around friends and family, familiar people and places that you are comfortable. you may have rejected or not trusted help and support shown to you by others in the past. maybe you have achieved a goal but not allowed it to be appreciated and celebrated by people who care about you. surround yourself with fun, supportive energy and allow yourself to trust and accept help from those who prove to you they have earned it.


eight of swords

  • this card suggests that it could be your mindset that is preventing you from succeeding or moving forward. maybe you have self-doubt and a lack of confidence within yourself and abilities, and these thoughts could be contributing to any confusing, stressful, negative situations. you’re not powerless, and if you trust yourself and listen to your inner voice, things may become clearer. be open to finding answers, because you can find your way out of this predicament. there just may be a new perspective to see things from.

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(photo of cards at bottom. click for clearer image)


seven of swords, nine of cups

you could be running away from your true feelings about a situation. maybe you should be avoiding something, but you’re blinded to the warning signs and red flags. there is likely deceptive, dishonest energy surrounding you and putting you off. for some, you may feel you are undeserving off the blessings you have and are subconsciously hiding away your joy and light.


three of wands, the empress

something has happened in your life to convince you that you don’t deserve to, or are unable to dream big and have faith in those goals. you’re powerful - when you put your mind to it and can envision it, you can create it in your own life. you just need to believe in yourself so you can be truely aligned with your desires. doubts and fears (sometimes even waiting) can weigh us down and prevent us from manifesting to our true potential.


eight of cups, three of pentacles

what you’re hiding from yourself are the inner parts of yourself, or more accurately you’re preventing yourself from uncovering your higher self’s wisdom and knowledge. no matter what has caused your fears, you do not want to spend time away from others to look into yourself and reflect on what you already know deep down. maybe if you’re scared of feeling alone, you need to work on yourself while still having the support, reassurance and care from friends or family.

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for each of the signs

-> theme of the month

-> past influence

-> roadblock or challenge

-> possibilities and potential


taurus, virgo, capricorn ♉️♍️♑️

nine of cups, queen of pentacles, the lovers, two of swords

  • the theme of the month for you is feeling content and blessed. you may be very happy and grateful for what you have around you at this time. it suggests positive relationships and support from others.
  • queen of pentacles is what is still affecting you from your past. representing a secure, generous person who aims to create comfortable and quality experiences for them self and those they care about - it could be you or someone you know.
  • in the roadblocks position is the lovers, which is either a connection or a choice that you are struggling with. maybe you have a person who you have conflict with, or maybe you can’t choose between some options in front of you.
  • although there may be a difficult choice you have to make that’s been leaving you feeling stuck. the unclear energy will leave this month and you will have the chance to overcome anything blocking you from making decisions from your heart.


aquarius, libra, gemini ♒️♎️♊️

three of swords, seven of pentacles, the high priestess, queen of swords

  • you may be experiencing some kind of loss over the next month. although this can mean the end of a relationship, for most of you I feel it will just be a slight disappointment, or a missed opportunity.
  • you may have spent a lot of time in the past putting effort and attention into something to have nothing come from it, or to have it not end up the way you expected.
  • there is a block between you and your inner voice, and that is the challenge you will be working to overcome. quieting the sound of others thoughts and opinions so you can finally hear what your intuition wants you to know for your highest good.
  • there is huge potential for a greater understanding or increase in knowledge about a person or situation. for some, this may be deep or important conversation with someone. it will bring you clarity and put you in a better position.


cancer, scorpio, pisces ♋️♏️♓️

the star, the empress, the sun, ace of swords

  • this month may be full of healing for you, whether that’s emotionally, physically or spiritually. if you have lost any hope or your sense of purpose, you will gain it back.
  • you are a very caring, giving and loving person, and you showed that a lot in the past, but perhaps you have fears of opening up and being true self. you may have cold, harder exterior in order to protect yourself.
  • the sun is about happiness and achievement. in the roadblock position, it suggests you may be feeling down, struggling to find joy or success in certain areas of your life. this is, however, something you can overcome and it help you grow.
  • ace of swords indicates a breakthrough moment coming your way. it may be a sudden realisation, a piece of information or an opportunity for a new experience or beginning.


aries, leo, sagittarius ♈️♌️♐️

queen of wands, ten of wands, ten of swords, knight of swords

  • the courageous, outgoing, confident side of you is showing this month. you’re becoming more independent and optimistic, and your energy is attractive and radiating for others to see.
  • there may have been a burden from your past that is still affecting you. it could have been a person or situation that was a lot of work and responsibility or took a toll on you.
  • you may be struggling to end something that is no longer good for you, or maybe it has ended but it is challenging for you to come to terms with and accept it. ten of swords can suggest pain or loss, and the end of a cycle or chapter since its the second ‘ten’ card in this reading, but remember the universe knows what it’s doing and everything happens for a reason.
  • there is potential for you to feel very self assured and to take action in going after what you want. the knight of swords relates to ideas, is fast paced and doesn’t stop once their mind is set. they are full of determination and power.

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how can I bring happiness back into my life?

-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

->photo below [click for clearer image]

PILE ONE (left)

ace of swords, three of cups

  • spend time with people who are important to you, whether that means quality time with friends, or going to parties and socialising. either way, you should be around those who support and care for you. you may also find joy and peace in creating and sharing your ideas, as well as gaining new understandings and perspectives on what is happening around you.

PILE TWO (middle)

ten of cups, the tower

  • a lot of your happiness lies with your relationships, friendships and family. when your connections are strong and you feel supported you are always vibrating at the highest frequency you can be. sometimes the universe takes us out of situations because we wouldn’t have removed ourselves from it. however there may need to be some kind of change -maybe even in a seemingly negative way- in order to put on the right path in the right direction.

PILE THREE (right)

the sun, the moon

  • this is a sign that you need to focus on where you want to succeed and find joy instead of on any negatives. there may also be some things you are unclear about or don’t have a full understanding of yet. the thing you don’t know might even be what makes you happy - you could be feeling really unsure because there are things that are yet to be uncovered.

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what can you do to help advance your career?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

PILE ONE (left)

the high priestess

there is some uncertain, mysterious or unknown energy surrounding you, but there is also an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding at this time. the world isn’t always as it seems, however the veil between physical and spiritual realms is thin right now. you may have a greater sense of awareness about hidden or secretive information in your life. you also may be developing your intuition and psychic abilities. this card tells us that the answers we seek are already within ourselves. there is so much wisdom in your inner voice and it already knows how you can progress forward - listen to it and things will become clear.

PILE TWO (middle)

seven of swords

this card can suggest moving in a certain direction despite what others think or want. there may be something your gut is telling you to do, for some it’s avoiding or running away from a certain task or situation, for others it’s trying to do something unnoticed or under the radar. you may be wanting to take some risks, or even to just protect yourself. whatever your gut is telling you is necessary for the development in your career, it’s probably the right way to go. even you feel some kind of guilt - if you’re thinking logically and intuitively, then trust yourself and take the action.

PILE THREE (right)

two of pentacles

you may need to find balance in areas of your life that are chaotic and overwhelming. you’re likely feeling the burden or pressure of having a lot of responsibilities and tasks. but you also have the potential to be successful and juggling these priories. you can manage and adapt well to stressful situations if you put your mind to it. you have the ability to handle any issue that is coming your way. also remember to find joy, despite the chaotic energy around you.

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disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(picture at the bottom. click for clearer view)

PILE ONE - left

knight of swords

  • you’re likely to meet a person who is highly driven, ambitious and action oriented. once they have their mind set, they won’t change it, and have the motivation to keep going until they succeed despite any challenges in their way. there will be a mental and intellectual connection between you and this person, as well as a romantic one, and things are likely to move quite quickly.

PILE TWO - middle

the high priestess

  • your person may have a very mysterious exterior that will intrigue you. they are very in touch which their intuition, almost psychically. there is likely to be a very rare and intense connection between the two of you, and it will be an opportunity for you to both grow spiritually, access inner knowledge from your soul and gain new perspectives.

PILE THREE - right

king of pentacles

  • you’re likely to meet a highly successful person in the future. their world is full of abundance and wealth. they may have a lot of value on materialistic items, but are also ambitious, determined and can manifest all of their goals. when they go after something they want, they nearly always get it. they will be loyal, and bring a lot of stability to your life.

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what can i do to manifest my soulmate?


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. this is a general, and not in-person reading. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my own interpretation based off my intuition and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for everyone. Always trust yourself first.

PILE ONE - left

nine of pentacles

stay focused on your goals and getting to a place that you have worked hard to achieve and can be proud of, whether that’s relating to self-improvement or career and education. you will be at the highest and best vibration to attract your soulmate when you are feeling secure and self-sufficient. you have the ability to be confident and fully content with yourself, where you are and what you are doing.

PILE TWO - middle

ten of pentacles

this may be a sign that you don’t need to do anything, but more likely is suggesting that once you accomplish whatever big project you have been working on and finally reach a place of success - possibly wealth - then you may find your soulmate. this card is about family, stability, abundance, and having everything you need - especially materially/physically - so that may be what you should work towards if you want to attract love.

PILE THREE - right

three of cups

for some, you may find your soulmate is someone you are already friends with. for others, spending time with people you care about and connect with may be the way to go. there is lots of social, happy, compassionate energy surrounding this card. take the time to celebrate even the little successes and share the positivity with the people around you - it may put you in alignment with the right person for you.

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PILE 1 (left)

two of pentacles

  • you may be feeling overwhelmed from having a lot of tasks or responsibilities and it’s draining your energy as well as taking up a lot of your time. focus on balancing the different areas of your life and managing them in a way that creates more flow, and less stress and chaos.

PILE 2 (middle)

the tower

  • some kind of significant disruption or change is needed in your life in order for you to reach a place where you are able to raise your vibration to its true potential. change may feel uncomfortable or scary, but sometimes when we are at standstill, the universe shakes everything up so we can get back on track.

PILE 3 (right)

four of pentacles

  • be protective of your energy - don’t allow anyone or anything to bring you down to their lower vibration. hold on to things that are important to you, and the will to go after your desires. you will be successful and rise to a higher frequency. however for some, you may already be holding onto to what you have so tightly that you are blocking yourself from gaining any new positive energy.

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PILE 1 (left)

page of wands

you may come across as a very fun, energetic, extroverted person. you see the positive side of people and situations, and a lot of the time you can be quite fearless. when you have a passion or desire and the determination, you manifest it into your reality.

PILE 2 (middle)

five of pentacles

you may have really loyal friendships or connections to your family that support you and make you stronger. even when you are struggling, experiencing loss or hard times, you always manage to keep standing and moving forward.

PILE 3 (right)

page of cups

you’re likely a very kind, gentle and sensitive person. you may even be creative and artistic, or very spiritual and intuitive. you’re a dreamer who sees things in beautiful ways and are admired by others.

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for fire signs ♈️♐️♌️

-> where to focus your energy.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♈️ARIES - page of cups

  • this is a sign to believe anything is possible. stay in touch with your inner child, dream big, and allow your emotions to show. your creativity might be flowing at this time, and you have the ability to express it. there may even be unexpected but pleasant surprises coming your way.

♐️SAGITTARIUS - eight of cups

  • if there is anything you want to walk away from, or that is causing you to feel lonely or withdrawn - this may be the time to let go of it, or take a break so you focus on seeking the truth about what you want and how you feel. sometimes taking a step back from something can lead to a new perspective, understanding and growth

♌️LEO - ten of pentacles

  • take time to enjoy and focus on the present. you have almost, or already reached a point of completion and accomplishment. you have everything you need - especially materially. there is also energies of family and home.

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for air signs ♎️♒️♊️

-> where to focus your energy

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♎️LIBRA - nine of pentacles

  • acknowledge your successes and focus your energy on finding satisfaction and fulfilment in your achievements. it also sends the message that you have the ability to be independent and feel secure.

♒️AQUARIUS - page of wands, three of wands

  • remember to look forward and be excited about the possibilities for success or adventure that are coming your way. stay optimistic and allow yourself to feel free. this is a time to turn plans into actions, and be open to the opportunities ahead of you.

♊️GEMINI - nine of swords

  • there may be something that is causing you anxiety or overthinking - possibly even “keeping you up at night” - however there is an opportunity to realise that things may not be as bad as they appear, and the worst may be in your head. if you can replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will be more likely to manifest positive outcomes.

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