

i’m just now realising that there are names for these things i’ve been feeling for years- camhs really is doing something something for me after going through like 3 therapists but if i get one more diagnosis i’m gonna cry

fun tip:

anxiety is not cured by forcing a person into the situation that makes them anxious

Actually, according to psychology, it is.

Exposure therapy is one of the most popular and successful therapies for anxiety sufferers. People with anxiety tend to avoid situations that make them anxious, thus leading to them never overcoming the source of their fear. Exposure therapy allows the sufferer to gradually gain control, lessening the impact of, and desensitizing them to the fear and allowing them to overcome it. Of course, this could be taken out of context and used in an extreme (and, since this is Tumblr, if the wrong person reads this response, it will surely be done) but spreading this type of misinformation and making younger people believe that avoiding anxieties instead of  learning to cope with and overcome them is foolish and harmful.

Avoiding the source of your anxiety is not a cure for anxiety.

Time is flying by too fast.

I blink my eyes and days go by. I can’t keep up with life. I want to do everything, but little things take too much time. Everything takes too much time. It feels like time is speeding up exponentially and I have no control.


Love is one of those things that always seems just out of reach for me.

I get a hint of it, but it goes away. Only leaving me with a feeling of loss.

I wish I could find/have the kind that feels right and always stays. I’d give my all for true love.


I click right away with some people. Sadly, most of those people are gone now. For one reason or another. I wish I could just have one who’ll stay around. I want that true love, not temporary.

I’m also nervous to message new people first. Because it’s so hard when it doesn’t work out or doesn’t feel right. So I might be missing out on people I don’t take a chance on.

I always overthink even just a simple message or a simple action. Then when I finally try, it hurts more. Because I put that much time and effort into that and it’s a bad outcome.

I appreciate when people message me first though. But then I also don’t know their intentions or even who they are. Since sometimes they don’t have any pictures or info about themselves.

Why is everything so complicated?

So with that said, if you’re looking for the same thing I am (what I always talk about), then feel free to message me. No, I’m not desperate, I’m looking for the One, not just anyone. But I also don’t know if it’s the right one until I meet them, just the same for you.

I don’t promise anything, but I’ll always be honest and open. I’m sure that’s more than most people can give. Speak your intentions and thoughts, and I’ll do the same. The only way of knowing is to take a chance. If it doesn’t work out, then so be it. But if we do click, the it’ll be worth it. If not with me, then with whoever else.


Not many people see me for who I am.

From a distance, I may seem like any other person. But once you know me and dig deeper, there’s more and more that make me stand out from the rest. I’m not like most people, I don’t aim to be. That’s what I like about myself.

When I feel feelings of love, it helps me show even more of who I am. The better sides of myself. The loving and caring side. But I need that love to express that, like plants need water to thrive.

So most people don’t see who I am, aren’t patient enough or maybe just don’t want an honest loving person. But that’s fine. I only want one person, the one right for me. Who I’ll give my all to and who’ll give their all in return.


I hope one day I find the right person. 

It’s hard to keep hoping though. 

Since I’m still alone, after trying so hard and waiting so long to find that person.

I don’t want just anyone.

I want mutual, genuine, long term love.

True love is the hardest to find…

But it’s the only kind I want.


I want to be truly wanted and appreciated.

I’m tired of people using me to feed their ego.

I just want someone to fall in love with me, and me with them.

So I can give them love and I receive the same amount in return.

Mutual love, effort, honesty, and loyalty.


Hope this will help someone out there

Hope this will help someone out there

Post link

First day of my sophmore year and I hate it

I came back home had an anxiety attack then fell asleep

But my frand kissed me on the cheeck tho so that’s nice

“I mean, if you don’t want to go to the party that bad then just don’t go, right?”

A huge common misconception about Social Anxiety I’ve never seen address is that I DO want to go to that party. I DO want to see our friends have fun like everyone else. I DO want to go, but my fucking brain has already played out every wrong possible scenario that could go wrong with tonight. I DO want to go, but I feel like it’ll be obvious the moment anyone sees me alone not talking to anyone. I DO want to go, but I’m afraid of being seen as weird, as a loner, or as rude if I’m too quiet. I DO want to go, but I don’t want to have to fake one dimensional conversations with people I may not know well.

People with anxiety DO want to go out with you, they want to have fun just like you. It’s an everyday struggle and some days are harder than others. Sometimes we just want someone to listen and understand us.

Maybe you don’t put a steel blade to your wrist, but you constantly guilt yourself over a past that eats you alive.

Maybe you don’t abuse drugs, but you go from toxic relationship to toxic relationship because you weren’t taught any other form of love.

Maybe you don’t pop pills, but you drown yourself with liqour and parties because you’re too afraid to be alone with your thoughts.

Maybe you don’t have a traumatic past, but depression consumes you and you feel it isn’t valid because you’ve “had a good life.”

And maybe you haven’t tried to kill yourself, but you don’t feel alive either.

Self-harm, like abuse, is not just physical. It’s in your thoughts, your lack of action, and things much less visible. Treat your mind as your friend, if you wouldn’t tell your friend that she was worthless, ugly, and messed everything up, catch yourself when you do the same.
