#witch community


Each of the planets rules a day of the week. Use it’s associated metals,crystals, incense,and other elements to strengthen a spell or ritual worked on that day. In addition, the associations with the sun can be used not only on Sunday but with all sun magic, and the Monday associations can be used in all magic. If you are calling a particular archangel,apply the associations of its planet or weekday.

Days Of The Week

☀️Sunday ☀️

  • Planet: Sun
  • Archangel: Michael
  • Color(s): Gold
  • Element: Fire
  • Crystals: Amber,carnelian,diamond,clear crystal quartz,tiger eye, or golden topaz
  • Incense: Cloves,cinnamon,or frankincense
  • Trees: Bay,birch, or laurel
  • Herbs and Oils: Chamomile,juniper,rosemary,saffron, or St.John’s Wort
  • Metal: Gold
  • Astrological Rulership: Leo
  • For ambition,power,and success; for fathers; improving health; prosperity; self- confidence; and overcoming bad luck.


  • Planet: Moon
  • Archangel: Gabriel
  • Color(s): Silver or translucent white
  • Element: Water
  • Crystals: Moonstone, mother of pearl, pearl, selenite, or opal
  • Incense: Jasmine, myrrh, mimosa, or lemon
  • Trees: Willow or alder
  • Herbs and Oils: Lotus,poppy, or wintergreen
  • Metal: Silver
  • Astrological Rulership: Cancer
  • For home and family matters,for women (especially mothers and grandmothers),children,animals,fertility,secrets,and psychic gifts.

⭐ Tuesday ⭐

  • Planet: Mars
  • Archangel: Samael or Camael
  • Color(s): Red
  • Element: Fire
  • Crystals: Garnet,Bloodstone,Ruby, or Red Jasper
  • Incense: Dragon’s blood, all spices, ginger, mint, or thyme
  • Trees: Cypress,Holly, or Pine
  • Herbs and Oils: Basil,cinnamon,coriander,garlic,pepper, or tarragon
  • Metal: Iron or Steel
  • Astrological Rulership: Aries (co-ruler of Scorpio)
  • For courage,change,independence,overcoming seemingly impossible odds and bullies,energy,passion,strength,perfection,principles,and fierce defense of the vulnerable.

☿️ Wednesday ☿️

  • Planet: Mercury
  • Archangel: Raphael
  • Color(s): Yellow
  • Element: Air
  • Crystals: Yellow agate, citrine, falcon’s eye, yellow jasper, malachite, or onyx
  • Incense: Lavender,lemongrass, or mace
  • Trees: Hazel or ash
  • Herbs and Oils: Dill,fennel,parsley, or valerian
  • Astrological Rulership: Gemini or Virgo
  • For money making, examinations and tests, learning new things, shot-distance travel, moving, short holidays, repelling envy, malice,spite, and deceit.

♃ Thursday ♃

  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Archangel: Sachiel
  • Color(s): Blue or Purple
  • Element: Air
  • Crystals: Azurite,Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, or Turquoise
  • Incense: Agrimony, Cedar, Sandalwood, or Sage
  • Tree: Beech, Oak, or Ash
  • Herbs and Oils: Borage, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, hyssop, or mistletoe
  • Metal: Tin
  • Astrological Rulership: Sagittarius (co-ruler or Pisces)
  • For expansion,career,leadership,long distance travel, moving, justice, marriage, self-employment,loyalty, male potency,and banishing excesses.

♀️ Friday ♀️

  • Planet: Venus
  • Archangel: Anael
  • Color(s): Green or Pink
  • Element: Earth
  • Crystals: Amethyst (also mercury),emerald,jade, moss agate, or rose quartz
  • Incense: Geranium,rose,strawberry,or vervain
  • Trees: Almond,apple or birch
  • Herbs and Oils: Feverfew, mugwort, pennyroyal, verbena, or yarrow
  • Metal: Copper
  • Astrological Rulership: Taurus or Libra
  • For all love magic, fidelity,sacred sex,mending quarrels, environment,fertility, women’s health, gradual growth in all matters, beauty,friendship, reducing the influence of destructive lovers,and possessiveness.


  • Planet: Saturn
  • Archangel: Cassiel
  • Color(s): Brown,black,or grey
  • Element: Earth
  • Crystals: Haematite, jet, lodestone, obsidian, or smoky quartz
  • Incense: Aconite,cypress,or patchouli
  • Trees: Blackthorn or yew
  • Herbs: Aspen,bistort,comfrey,horsetail, or Solomon’s seal
  • Metals: Lead and Pewter
  • Astrological Rulership: Capricorn (co-ruler of Aquarius)
  • For unfinished business,endings,slow-moving official matters, Locating lost objects,animals,anti-addiction and debt, lifting depression,pain and illness,long-term psychic protection,locating lost objects(as well as animals and people), and establishing boundaries.

Glamour altar

A little altar to keep near your makeup/where you get ready. I just recently got into glamour magic and was inspired to make one! Picture at bottom


  • Seashells
  • Necklaces or bracelets(I love silver but gold and rose gold works just as fine!)
  • Pearls
  • Crystals; rose quartz, columbianite, Amazonite, carnelian, moonstone
  • Anything you associate with glamour/romance magick; rose petals, lavender, makeup brushes, small mirrors, runes, sigils, etc

Create this altar and use it to put you into the glamour mindset each day. You can visualize over it, connect with your love/beauty deities, bless it and carry around an item from it, and meditate with it!

Mine is located in my makeup drawers but yours could be in a bowl/box/jar!

Fun story!

I enchanted my eyes last Wednesday and didn’t tell anyone. My boyfriend kept telling me he couldn’t stop looking into my eyes. He said they were entrancing I enchanted them to be alluring and make everyone very nice to me when we made eye contact.

Amplified Reversal

Someone has placed a hex on me and I felt the effects(honestly it was kinda weak). It took me 3 weeks of constantly being sick, never finding a good parking spot, feeling bleh, not favoring myself, spells not working fully, and having no motivation for anything to figure it out. I did a reversal yesterday and boy do I feel 10x better today. Here’s the tik tok video I made of me doing it as well as detailed instructions!


  • 2 square pieces of paper(or a jar if youd like)
  • A nail
  • Some twine
  • 3 tea light candles
  • A moldy substance
  • Herbs; chili powder(for speeding up process and power boost), salt(to protect you), black pepper(to banish them and their energy), and mustard seeds(to wish them ill will)
  • A pen
  • Paper
  • A lighter
  • A crushed snail shell(represents home being crushed, uncomfortable, stressed.)


Begin by making a amplified reversal sigil and write that all over your paper. Use the 2 square pieces of paper to make origami box’s. Seal the inside with wax from your tea light candles. (You could simply use a jar)

During this process chant “ you sent it to me I send it back x3”

Tie 3 knots into your twine thinking of their energy and the misfortune they brought you. Imagine yourself catching that energy in the twine. Lay the twine in the box and cover with wax from tea lights. Stab the nail into the twine hurting them the way they hurt you. Cover the inside of box with the herbs. Burn your paper with intention and add it to the box as well as the molded substance. You’re done!

S*x magic: alone

For some this might be a taboo topic but a lot of people masterb*te so this is a way to incorporate it into your witchcraft

Before your sexy time you can do a bath ritual for passion and s*x using herbs/salts/crystals that correspond. You can put on charmed lotion and sensually rub it in while thinking of your desired intent. You can also have candles and a silk robe to put on afterwards, whatever gets you in the mood!

Let’s say you want that new car that you’ve been saving up for. When you’re doing your work on whatever genital you have every so often think of having that goal. On your climax focus all your effort and energy into feeling like you got that car, how it would feel driving it, how it would smell, how you would use it. Ride our your wave and pamper yourself a little afterwards. Don’t forget to use the restroom to prevent infections!

Trust that whatever your intent is will come(with mundane work of course). S*x magic can be one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox especially your climax. Don’t let all that unbridled energy and emotion go to waste.

You can even save your semen for love or sex magic, or use as a taglock!

good luck and good times

Unique sigil making technique

We have all seen the normal ways of making a sigil by taking out the repeated letters and vowels. I never connected with that so it lessened the impact of it. Here’s how I make my sigils:


Choose your intent and what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

For example; sleep well uninterrupted

When I think of that I think of the moon and protecting my sleep. I think of a crescent so I would start with this;

Then I would remove the basic shapes(how I personally would) and combine those;

Then I would like to draw a line through, and something to represent uninterrupted(or protection of my sleep aka the moons). I also like to add an arrow(to bring to me) at the bottom of some sigils;

And I have my sigil! Here are some other ways this same intent can be drawn;

I find I connect better when I use my way of thinking and pictures I come up with rather than the repeated letters and vowel removal. This is just one example. Sometimes for a quick happiness sigil I’ll draw a smiley face Bc I connect with that!

Good luck

Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE

It’s nice to know I still have it with connecting my energy to that of a gemstones, and to know it’s always been a rather ‘painful’ process for me, especially when I’m first allowing myself to feel a gemstones energy.

I think what changes recently, as in last night, was that it was a gentler process, and rather than letting the crystal energy into my energy, i let my energy into it, and cleansed it. 

It was a nice exercise, and a reminder that new gemstones and their energy may hurt.

Did a crystal/energy meditation for the first time in forever! Ever since I lost my other crystal its been hard for me to be motivated to work with them again, and tbh it was even hard before that. But the energy and elation felt when getting in touch with your crystals is unlike anything I can describe. Its like a a high and knowing things will be alright. I often remind myself that are gemstones are living organisms and that we need to interact with them to be awake. I’ll be making it through my entire crystal bag just to get I touch with them again, aside from just using them for my own gain. I want to acknowledge them.


(based on a recipe from Sacred Year, by Anni Daulter)

  • 2 ounces of dried rose petals 
  • 4 - 6oz honey
  • 10 - 12 ounces of vodka or brandy
  • 1 pint canning jar

Mix together in the jar and let infuse in a cool place protected from sunlight (you might also like to charge up your elixir under the full moon or new moon).

(This elixir is intended to offer support with anxiety or emotional stress. It can be dropped under the tongue, stirred into water or tea, or added to a bath)


due to personal reasons i will be walking into a bog until i’m knee-deep in freezing water as fog gently swirls around me and i become the forest guardian spirit i was born to become

White candles can be substituted for any coloured candle just like clear quartz crystal can be substituted for any crystal — although using a specific colour will make your spell more effective and long lasting.

Things to do for a Spring WitchSpring isn’t really my jam, but I do like to incorporate seasons into

Things to do for a Spring Witch

Spring isn’t really my jam, but I do like to incorporate seasons into my practice. I love how each season brings with it a certain focus so you can really explore your magic throughout the whole year.

March 20th  is the first day of spring this year, and where I live we have had a long snowy winter so I’m really ready to incorporate some warm days into my magic. 

1 Clean out your witchy supplies

It gets to be a mess, I know. Spring is a great time to cleanse and purge your witchy things. Donate what you don’t need and organize the rest. Your magic will thank you. 

2 Do a big ritual cleanse for all your baddy spell casting

Kidding, but for real. Spring is a time for cleansing. 

3 Sweep out the negativity from your life 

This is not in the literal sense. To do a broom cleanse, open all your windows and doors and take your broom two inches above the floor metaphorically ‘sweep’ the negativity out of your space. 

4 Spring walks for collecting items

Spring is the best time for finding witchy things outside. I’ve found insect wings, small animal bones, rocks, anything you think you’ll need for your craft. 

5 Spells for New Growth

Ready to get that new job? New home? Or start a new business? Spring is the nest time to piggyback off that energy. 

6 Spells for Abundance

Want to attract more abundance around this time? Add dill or parsley to a drawstring bag and place it on your altar or carry it with you. 

7 Charge your Crystals (for real this time)

I’m not the greatest when it comes to taking all my crystals outside and charging them under the full moon because really it’s a nuisance. But I try to commit once a year and spring it when it is. 

8 Cleanse your tools

While you’re charging your crystals, do some more magical spring cleansing and charge your tools too. 

9 Honor your Ancestors with fresh picked flowers 

Next time you’re outside, pick up some fresh dandelions or spring flowers and place them in a vase for your ancestors. 

10 Draw, write, meditate outside

Take some time to sit outside and reflect. 

11 Focus on spiritual growth

Remember that the season of spring is all about new growth, growing spiritually and creating the life you want for yourself. 

12 Spring Clean your space

Sometimes it starts with the mundane work. Take some times this spring and clear out your physical space, sometimes it helps with your mental space too.

13 Make sun water

Make sun water on the first full spring day for the masculine equivalent to moon water. 

14 Go outside, camp, take a walk, connect with nature

This one speaks for itself, but go outside, connect and get out of the winter mood. 

15 Grow your food for spells

Even if you don’t have a lot of space (me!) take an old terra cotta pot and grow some tomatoes or zucchini. Use the vegetables in a soup spell. 

16 Grow herbs

Another way to bring spring into your home is to grow herbs. Start with basil on your windowsill and go from there. 

17 Make sun tea

Sun tea is simply making tea and setting the pitcher outside letting the sun brew the tea for a few minutes. Create sun tea and absorb that good energy from the sun in every tea glass. 

18 Press flowers or leaves

Press flowers or leaves gathered from your next walk and use them to decorate your spell book or journal.

19 Read tarot 

Do a really intense tarot reading for the season and see what’s headed your way.

20 Learn a new divination 

Spring is the perfect time to pick up a new skill. If you’ve been leaning towards learning a new divination technique, now is the perfect time to learn it!

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Self Protection JarThis is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a pr

Self Protection Jar

This is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a protection jar. Using sharp objects like thumbtacks, pins or broken pieces of glass is a way to create a ‘psychic fence’ so to speak. That way anything negativity coming towards you will be pushed back or deflected by all the sharp objects surrounding your energy field. 

What you’ll need

  • 1 clean and cleansed jar (see note on this post on how to cleanse your jar)
  • Sharp items (Thumbtacks, pins, opened safety pins, needles. If you’re going to use broke glass PLEASE BE CAREFUL)
  • Add in any protection herbs or crystals if you choose to but I usually skip this step. 
  • Something that binds you to the jar such as fingernail filings or a lock of hair. The original spell asked for drops of blood but that’s a whole different thing if you want to do that. I recommend just using hair because of the risk of infection by cutting yourself.

Cleansing your jar

It’s important to cleanse your jar first and foremost. You can use any jar (Hello salsa and sauce jars!) Clean them out super well. If you are stuck with a smelly jar that has retained a strong odor even after washing out thoroughly you can rinse the jar with vinegar or let it sit overnight. That will usually get rid of any smell. 

Once you have cleaned your jar, I simply cleanse it by using incense. Light your incense and let the smoke thoroughly fill up your jar before releasing it into the air.

What to do

Set up your spell with any provisions you would normally use. Light candles, incense, and have any crystals out that you feel connect you to your magic. Protect your space by imagining a white light in a circle around you encasing the jar and sharp objects inside. 

Place each object inside until your jar is at least ¼ to ½ of the way full. Last, add a lock of hair or item that you chose to bind this jar to you. 

Once everything is inside, close the jar. If you want to seal the jar with wax you can take a candle and drip wax on top of the jar or on the sides letting the wax drop down into the seal. 

Close your spell and release your circle. 

Take your jar and hide it in a dark place where no one will find it. 

SPECIAL SHOT OUT to Obsidian Odyssey for collabing with me and creating the art for this post. Check out her witchy blog! Also she’s an AMAZING artist and has a free coven you can join! 

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There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes down to needing to do the inner work or just waiting a little longer than you thought necessary for the magic to happen. Just like anything else, witchcraft is a practice and spell work takes time. So if you’ve been feeling out of focus with your casting there’s probably a reason why your spells aren’t checking out. 

Read below for my top ten reasons why sometimes spells just don’t budge. 

1 You didn’t do the inner work

The number one reason why magical intention doesn’t move the energy you wanted it to is because there are blocks, energy blocks. All these blocks are blocking up your ability to push forward to what you really want. Want to focus on more of your magic? Do the work to remove the blocks so you can forge ahead. 

2 Your spell doesn’t align with your highest intention 

Yes we all have the greatest potential, but what if what you’re asking for isn’t really aligning with that? Maybe you’re destined for bigger things…like owning that big company but you’re asking for a small fry raise at a place that drives you crazy with a toxic boss instead? If you have a calling go for it, don’t settle for second best. Your magic will help you more when you’re aligned with what you’re supposed to do. 

3 You don’t have enough focus

Spells are hard to perform. They’re even harder with kids, siblings, noisey housemates or any other interruptions bargingin in during your ritual work. If you really think you weren’t focusing enough, don’t force it. Just try the spell again when you can get a little quiet time instead. 

4 It just didn’t work

For reasons beyond understanding it just wasn’t meant for you (or me). I like to think of cases like this where my spirits are looking down the tunnel of my future and saving me from some really horrible outcome. So I say in instances like these, don’t force it, just go with the flow. 

5 You’re meant to focus your energy elsewhere

Just like the spell not aligning with your highest intention, it could be that your energy is needed elsewhere. Pay attention to where you are being drawn to. Something better could be waiting around the corner. 

6 You just need to practice

Pushing your magical energy out there to attract what you want in your life is not an easy task. It takes many years of dedication and practice to get it right. No one is perfect at it, and especially if you’re just starting out you may just need to practice. Don’t get frustrated, just like anything else, practice makes spells perfect.

7 You really don’t want it

Did someone beg you to perform the spell (the worst). Or is it something you really don’t want to do or happen? Dig deep and really ask yourself those hard questions. Are you manifesting what you truly want for yourself? 

8 The spell you used was off

Spells are weird. And there are a LOT of bad spells. Sometimes it’s hard to see which spells are not it and maybe the one you’re using just isn’t vibing with your energy. If it’s something you really want, switch up the spell and try again. 

9 You don’t believe

Belief is the number one drive in your magical force. If you don’t believe it’s like driving a car with no gas in the tank. Believe, believe, believe. 

10 You’re just having an off day

Maybe you’re just having an off day. It could be the planetary alignment, some funky person bothering your vibe at the gym, or a multitude of reasons why your energy was off. Even the best witches have off days. Dust off your spell and try again. 

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