#skiny love


Dzień 15 waga: 79,7

Zjedzone: ok 580 kcal/600

spalone: nie wiem ile ale wiem ze trochę spaliłem

- pół drożdżówki z jabłkiem - 130

- oatjogu mango-148

- kawełek ciasta które upiekłom - ok100?

- vifon zupa pho - 184

Dzień 14

Zjedzone: 574/600

- 3 kabanosy roślinne -129

- 2 wafle - 70

- pomidory koktajlowe-5

- winogrona 90g-62

- naleśnik tortilla z majonezem weganskim pomidorem małym i ogorekiem - 251

- jeżyny - 30

Dzień chyba 12

Zjedzone: 1100 kcal

- chleb z wege kabanosami, margaryną i sałatą - 253 kcal

- mleko sojowe czekoladowe 250 ml-158 kcal

- wrap z wege gyrosem, majonezem weganskim sałatą, ogórkiem i pomidorem i do tego pieczone ziemniaki - 689 kcal

Trochę dużo wyszło ale od jutra będę jeść mniej i przejdę na tą dietę (zdjęcie), ale będę ją ciągnąć najdłużej przez tydzień i później znów wrócę do jedzenia 900-1200

also myślałem czy nie zamówić tego makaronu co ma 6 kcal na 100g i chyba to zrobię tylko nie mam aż tyle kasy i boję się, że rodzice się przez to wkurzą..

a co u was motylki?:)

0. crave attention and human touch like nothing else

1. think that everyone who shows you the tiniest amount of affection is in love with you

2. remember that you’re aromantic and everything romance related makes you highly uncomfortable

3. make elaborate fantasies about people who were kind to you once probably only because they’re decent people

4. feel embarrassed

5. push away everyone who is actually deeply interested in you because they would be disappointed if they actually knew you and you’re ugly and fat naked anyways

+1 suffer eternally

suspiciously specific

Nienawidzę tego co widzę przed sobą patrząc w lustro,

Chce tyle rzeczy w sobie zmienić.

don’t know why… but nowadays I fall for real skiny guys… 

Ugh I eat a lot more then I wanted today. Got weak at grocery shopping and bought some chocolate cookies.

And I also not got my ass up to study at least a little bit.

I guess tomorrow is a fasting day for me.

One thing I learned in the last years.. I give a damn s*** about people’s opinion about my body.

When I want to see my collarbones and wanna have a tight gap then let me have one. It’s my f***ing body not yours.

My old blog to-the-bone-girl has been deleted. Now I’m start a new one. 

Really gets my back up when I read posts asking why they haven’t lost weight or why they’ve gained when they have weighed themselves every day…

✨Weight fluctuates ✨you won’t be the same everyday nor will you get an accurate weight doing this.

Stop torturing yourself like this. It’s hard enough as it is. Try weighing yourself the same day, once a week (2 max) straight after you wake up.

So it’s weighing day tomorrow morning and I haven’t shit for about 4 days

Guess who’s worrying herself sick about gaining weight because she can’t bust a fucking shit ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

Thinking to myself recently how one half of my brain wants me to get better so I can eat whatever the fuck I want and not have to worry about calories or if it’s going to make me gain weight or worry what my stomach will look like.

Then the other half of my brain, getting excited to get to the skinniest point and lowest weight I’ve been?

Constant battle ✌

My boyfriend was a dick on Valentines resulting in not seeing him for a walk with our dog, I realised today how much I hate my face as well as my body and I ate skittles so yeah today has been an absolute fucking delight

At the point when I get my periods (yeah ikr… I still get them, great right?) that I pray I get them like on a Wednesday and hope they last 4/5 days and I’ll be okay for weighing day on a Tuesday and all the period weight would have gone and I’ll be lighter… yet still blaming it on my period if I end up gaining.

Having an ED sucks the life out of you man. Too much thinking

Kik smiledom İf u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you. Dady

Kik smiledom

İf u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you.

Dady loves you

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Kik smiledom İf u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you. Dady

Kik smiledom

İf u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you.

Dady loves you

Post link