#broken love


When you get cheated on, everything is so different.

All your memories are ruined;

Like, how many times was he thinking about her when he was with you?

And all the times you felt him and touched his skin, were you feeling the left over traces of her?

Touching evidence of the crime that killed so many parts of you?

And every time you think about looking into his eyes, a memory you once loved so much, you see her instead of you in the reflection?

S.A // You ruined the future and the past.

I don’t remember much before her. I know it was bad and that she made it.. less bad.

She didn’t make everything perfect. She couldn’t. All the shit was still there,

but she made it not matter.

She was my rose coloured glasses.

S.A // Rose Coloured Glasses

لا أستطيع أن أفعل شيئًا سوى الصلاة لأن قلبي يعلم أنه ليس من المفترض أن نكون كذلك

I can do nothing but pray because my heart knows we’re not meant to be.

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

“Sometimes, you lose people. People who promised to stay — walk away, right infront of your eyes and there’s nothing you could do about it. As much as you hold onto them, it hurts until you let go. And you lose yourself along with them. Sometimes, you lose people and they say, it’s for good. Sometimes, you lose people you wish you didn’t and sometimes, you pray they stayed. Sometimes, you know the reason but other times, it is what it is.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

“I don’t understand why I keep things that I no longer need. For example — flower in my books, a white shirt I probably wouldn’t wear, ripped pair of shoes and your memories.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

“I dreamt of you, last night. I met you in my dream. I remember, I held your hand and looked you in the eyes but I’m afraid — they seemed clueless and your smile wasn’t serene. Your arms had always been my home but the hug last night screamed ‘goodbye’. I can easily recall how your hand slipped through mine and later, you faded like you were never there. I promise, I saw you in my dream and it feels, you visited to say that we’re not meant to be.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— dream or a nightmare

“but somewhere between our conversations — I had started to hope for something more than usual — your likes on my posts, your name popping up in my notifications and calls had started to bring smile on my face. I found you when I wasn’t looking for anyone and perhaps, that’s why being with you was becoming a part of me. I wanted to know a lot about you — your favourite color or if you like to watch the sunset more than the color of sky as the sun rises. I wanted to see how your eyes shine when the moon casts it’s light on your face and we would see the stars at night. I am unsure if the timing wasn’t right or if what I felt wasn’t real but I guess what we had didn’t mean to last — you wanted me to stay and I thought we could go on forever but I’m glad we had our own little infinity.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

“I want to capture you in my camera. I want to seize the smirk on your face and record the spark in your eyes when you smile — a smile that enlightens my soul. I want to photograph your vulnerability when you’re are lost in your thoughts and forget about the world. You captivate me, when you scratch your nose while listening to stories. I want to keep you in my memories so that one day I could look back and think about the love that I wish was mine.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— love I wish was mine

“and I keep waiting for your texts and calls. I keep waiting to hear your voice and telling me that you’re sorry. I keep waiting for you to scream at me and tell me that I was wrong too — I keep waiting for you to come and tell me that I was hurting you, too. I don’t know why, but I keep on hoping that one day, you would. You would come and tell me that you still love me and you would do anything that it may take for us to work again. I don’t trust you but I keep on hoping that you would come back and give me a reason to. I keep waiting for you to come and compel my heart that it still loves you.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— waiting and hoping

‌“and it was my birthday. I looked at my phone — waiting to see your name popping up in my notification, hoping that you’d be the first one to wish me. Before that night, I had no idea that an event could make so much of a difference — even though you told me the next day you didn’t forget, I had realised that I wasn’t as important as I thought I was — perhaps, that’s when I had lost you for the first time. Few days later, we had gotten into a fight — all I know is that it was my mistake but all it proved to me was that your ego meant more to you than the love you said you had in you. I assumed, that was it — I had broken your heart but you wrecked my soul when I found out that you’d been lying to me and I lost you one more time. On our last call — you said you love me but your actions recited a complete different story. I had lost all hope until tonight when I picked up my phone to dial your number and my heart refused because I no longer love you — I love the person I thought you were.” by memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)

— a very happy birthday

“I was perfectly intact when you started adoring me but your love was only meant to break me. You didn’t leave me with wounds and scars, you broke me beyond repair. I struggled for a while yet strived to put myself together — I started to collect my broken pieces but failed because a part of me was missing. A part that I loved the most, a part that I had always cherished — a part I was scared to lose. I tried to find it. I did everything I could to get it back but with time, I realised that it would always be missing — I can never be whole and the missing piece will always remind me of that.”

— memoirsofbilal (via Instagram)
