#tw ed vent



The worst thing about having an ed is that the memes are hilarious but you can never send any of them to your irl friends :\

i haven’t eaten anything sweet in a while and i can confidently say that i’m not triggered to binge

I hate being sick because in order to take medicine you’re suppose to eat something so I ate some grapes and half a piece of toast but now I feel like I ruined the whole day lol like wtf ??

How tf do I get skinny calves ?? Like this shit is whack

I really wanted toast with peanut butter and banana this morning so I just ate half a small banana and a little bit of peanut butter then chugged a water bottle, I’m pretty proud of that

Okay does anyone else have this problem where it’s not their stomach/ waist that is the problem area but the legs?? I stg my legs are so fat, not just my thighs but my calves too. When I was bigger I was called slim thick and I know some people want that but I don’t I just want to be THIN and I look at thinspo and so many of them have thin legs and I just want that so bad.. I’m hoping once I start cycling I’ll finally have it..

Everyone in my family kinda knows about my eating disorder but the fucked up part is we all have disordered eating, so when I lose more weight my mom will start insulting me and now I gained a little weight but I’m starting to lose again to get back to my lowest weight but everyone makes comments now to make sure I’m eating it’s so sick here. I hate it. I just want to lose weight in peace

I don’t even drink the coffee I used to like and get all the time because it has more calories. It’s okay tho I’ve come to like the taste of almond milk

Tomorrow is my sisters birthday so I’m gonna try to eat under 600 cals today, then tomorrow I’ll fast for the whole day so I can enjoy the cake and food with my family, I am the oldest (we don’t talk about my older sister) and I know they all struggle with bad eating habits, so I don’t want them to see me starve myself, if I could just disappear and come back 20 pounds lighter without them noticing I would 100%

Bruh idk how but I binged an entire box of cheezits last night and lost 2 pounds??

Maybe if I was thinner people would wanna be my friend.. I don’t have friends, I’ve never had girl friends that I could hang out with, I’ve been bullied my whole life and at this point I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me. What the fuck is wrong with me

I don’t want to look healthy I want to look sick.

Alright I’m now losing just by eating less, once I get a bike I’m going sicco mode

You know how when you stand up n you dont necessarily get “dizzy” so much as your vision gets a little speckled with tiny tiny black dots n you hear this ringing that drowns out all other noise n you have this strange pressure in your head till it goes away?


Redoing this cause the rational part of my brain was like….yeah way too many creeps on here to keep that last BC up. Plus I look so gross so…yea

normal > sucked in > normal > pushed out

▪︎Been trying to take consistent body checks over the past week n I just dropped my phone on my fucking eye socket bones and I’m HEATED

▪︎I also cant tell how much I way anymore and I’m so mad. My mom is leaving sometime at noon tmr/today so thank gOD but I’m so scared…

I love how roughly 50% of this community post pictures of women/men/people who clearly weigh more than us and are fully developed,grown ass women/men/ppl yet we starve ourselves expecting to look like/similar to them…. ( ._.)

If that doesn’t apply to you dont start invalidating yourself cause you being in this community is enough to qualify you as “sick”. Recognize that I said “roughly 50%”, not “everyone"
