#just ed thoughts


I’ve gained so much weight these past couple months cause my parents have been forcing me to eat and threatened to weigh me and stuff, and now my mum has just come up to me and said “I forgot to tell you but I’ve lost 4 and a half pounds this week on my new diet ” … I- I AM ACTUALLY ABOUT TO UNALIVE WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MOTHER

My bmi is 17.9….. I’m officially underweight??? Then how come I still feel so fucking fat eating disorders are scams smh


the only thing consistent in my life is my ability to fuck myself over

Younger me would be so ashamed of myself rn… remember when being ambitious was a thing?



edblr expectations vs reality

expectations: i didn’t eat for three days so i could be lovely


Stoner problems

Okay, so, I’m a bit of a stoner and when I smoke, I get hardcore munchies. I’m trying to restrict while smoking daily and it’s really hard to manage both at the same time, does anyone have any tips to help surpress appetite?

School life

Teacher: “you look hungry, where’s your lunch?”

Me: *sips my black coffee* “… I already ate”

Wtf body?!

Okay, so, for pretty much the past week I have been losing weight every day and then this morning I maintained even though I only ate half a bowl of wonton soup and a piece of Toblerone… what the fuck body? I’ve been doing stomach exercises like crazy, so I hope that maybe I’m just gaining muscle. It’s very unlikely though

A quick sketch I did in math. Should I post a body check? I kind of want to but I’m not sure…

ED relapse no. 2 this autumn… 2020 said fuck my blood pressure in every way

When I’m not eating I’m dizzy, when I’m eating I’m taking meds so I’m dizzy, when I’m taking meds I gain weight so I stop eating, when I’m not eating I’m dizzy… I haven’t stood up without a 15 second blackout in three months.

I have been attempting to lose weight since August 31st when I started at 190 lbs.

I was doing good at first and even got down to 180 lbs towards the middle of September, but lately things have hit the fan.

I’ve been sick, I’ve had to deal with my problematic family (extended family), and this past week I’ve been binging like it’s no ones business.

I feel like such a failure.

I have still been going to the gym this whole time (minus the two weeks I was sick) and now I’m back at 188 lbs :((. I was hoping to lose at least 20 pounds before a wedding I’m attending Oct 23 but I don’t think that’ll happen :((. I will still try and post results!!
