#self healing

First of 7 square comic panels, each styled like gouache water color on paper which depict a human figure under sheets on a dark blue bed and a window with matching dark blue curtains behind them. In this panel the figure's face is tired and forlorn as they face slightly towards the viewer. A worry scribble of black lines stretches up from their head. The cresent moon is glowing low in the sky.
Second of 7 panels. The figure is unchanged but the worry scribble has grown darker and larger. The moon is slightly higher in the sky.
Third of 7 panels. The figure is still unchanged but the worry scribble has grown even larger and now casts a shadow over the un-sleeping figure and obscures part of the window and its rising moonlight. The scribble has grown bony fingured arms that hang down as if about to pounce.
Fourth of 7 panels. The scibble's face now appears as glowing yellow eyes and a glowing poiny smile like a jack-o-lantern. Its speech bubble is like oozing dark ink with bright yellow crooked text. "You've made TERRIBLE mistakes" the scribble says to the figure.
Fith of 7 panels. "Yeah, but I only made them once" the unsleeping figure says, tired eyes now closed as if to shrug off the previous comment. Their speech bubble is a plain semi transparent white bubble with rounded black lined text. The scribble's eyes are now just surprised tiny dots, and its mouth is a wobbly frown - as if it hasn't considered that.
Sixth of 7 panels. The figure has now turned over in bed, and we see only the one side of their face, their eye now peacefully closed. No longer connected to the figure's head, the scribble remains hanging in the air above them, untethered, with the same pitiful look frozen on their face.
The last of 7 panels. The scribble is gone and so is the shadow they cast over the sleeping figure. The moon is now high in the middle of the window and casts the sleeping face in light.

Doing better and moving on.

Remember what you really are…


[image descriptions in alt text]

Mostly you’re not there for me, when I need you the most…

thelatestkate: September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノYou are worth it, always!! I will always valuthelatestkate: September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノYou are worth it, always!! I will always valuthelatestkate: September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノYou are worth it, always!! I will always valuthelatestkate: September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノYou are worth it, always!! I will always valuthelatestkate: September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノYou are worth it, always!! I will always valu


September 2021 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノ

You are worth it, always!! I will always value you!! Love you all!

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I took a trip down memory lane and stopped by a former love’s spot in my heart. I reminisced about the days of old while droping off a box of sorted emotions. And as I left, I closed the door without slamming it. Instead, I smiled while shaking off the dust of the past, healing.

Words have power.

I come from a background where so many people have wandered in and out of my life, speaking to, at, over, and into me and my journey. Some negative and some positive. Some curses and some blessings. Some false and some true. I really struggled with comprehension and gaining a proper understanding of their impact. It wasn’t until I listened to the small whisper and discovered my own narrative, that I was able to “chew the meat and spit out the bones” of what occurred in the past and come out of it a better person.

So, cheers to the struggle, the discoveries, and the journeys this life has brought me. I am proud of myself because I did everything everyone said I never could. I became everything I’m not to truly become everything I am and will become…Now, I can add self taught “Writer, Poet, & Author” to my resume. Except, this isn’t just what I do but, a part of who I am. This dream is now a reality. I have seen something spiritual become physical and manifest it’s blessings to those around me.

My first poetry collection - ETHEREAL LOVE by Kid Gills - coming really soon.

broken nails

i think life is a series of broken nails; sometimes you couldn’t have known, sometimes it’s more “i told you so”. sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it doesn’t, regardless it’s torn from you all of a sudden. but if you let it, it’ll grow back, the past remains as history. time can heal the tiny wounds — maybe not that of a gun, but you could never break my heart; my nails grow out and pass.

see this on instagram!

love yourself for your flaws, not in spite of them.

i have never loved bits and pieces of a person, wishing i could just discard the rest. my love is whole, given to an entire person, everything included. our flaws and our beauty come together as a package, inseparable; no one should ever be expected to sieve out parts of themselves for anyone else.

in truth, it’s the tiny imperfections that make a person who they are. i find it endearing that my boyfriend often speaks just a little too loud indoors, or that he beats an egg with a spoon (why not use a fork you big buffoon?). i love how my best friend fails to notice details and is one big unobservant, gullible mess, because it makes surprising her so much easier.

and in turn, i try to give that same love to myself, for all of my curves and divets i wish i could just trim off, for my clumsy hands that are always capable of breaking something (always), for the chaotic but beautiful mind i can never seem to switch off. i love myself wholeheartedly, and that includes all of my flaws, each and every one of them.

My first poetry book release from a collection of poems 2016-2019. About reflection of my home and leaving to try to create my own.

The video is a form of reiki for those suffering at this time ♥️love and healing

I think there are some loves that aren’t meant to last, that burn what they’re meant to illuminate and drown what they’re meant to nourish.

I’m having such a hard time forgiving you because I’m not sure whether there is a point in offering you a second chance.

I want you to know that you’ve come a long way and that every version that you’ve been or will become is good enough.
