


just because someone else is succeeding, doesn’t mean you are failing. please keep that in mind.

What Do I Want To Learn Over The Next 6 Months?


How do I want to improve?

  1. Understanding of who I am and how I work
  2. Accept and understand others for how they are
  3. Accept reality, circumstances, and other people
  4. Increase in my self-love and worth
  5. Better communication
  6. Have better relationships with the people in my life
  7. Manage self control: behavior, emotions, thoughts, perceptions
  8. Adopt a growth in mindset
  9. Improve my self-esteem
  10. Increase in my courage and confidence 
  11. Learn how to set boundaries for myself 
  12. Respect the boundaries of others


Self improvement

A large part of witchcraft seems to be self improvement. Especially with the use of shadow work and the emphasis on exploration of the world and trusting your own intuition. I appreciate the craft for being something people can rely on without the pressures of knowingly self improving; sometimes knowing something is self improvement makes it more tiring, at least to me. 

It is also nice because I have had quite a few self-improvement habits that I can now safely say counts as witchcraft, and it feels like knocking out two in one.

Here’s some good tips I follow and stuff I do/use!!


  • Dalio; helps you keep track of your mood and sends a reminder every day! You can set goals for yourself to do every day, and you make your own moods and activities so you can totally customize things! (even what color scheme the whole app follows is customizable
  • #SelfCare; this app is very serene! It is witchcraft based and contains a lot of relaxing and simple minigames, as well as several methods of tracking your thoughts
  • Recolor; as it sounds, this is an app all about coloring! As simple as it sounds, it is a nice way of getting into your own head while you get lost in the coloring. There is a posting function and filters you can put on your art if you’d like, but this feature is very optional!


  • Doodling; I love to doodle and let my imagination run free! There is no pressure to be good or even right when you’re doodling. My favorite thing to do is combinations, colors, and shapes! Recently I’ve done this with the rainbow, cramming things together, making sure that for every color there’s a certain number of shapes, and using the most of the space on my sketchbook or canvas!
  • Learning; I know this sounds stressful, but hear me out! I love to learn, and so whenever I’m bored, I teach myself something new or remind myself of something old. I am of the belief that everyone has an inherit desire to learn, it’s just that a lot of us don’t follow the same learning methods as others. Explore this! I, for example, like to listen to background noise often and I tend to memorize the topics I am listening to. So, if I draw or play videogames or something else that I find mindless while listening to something, it’s easier for me to retain the information because I have memories attached to it. It’s like teaching yourself associations. Maybe, every time you hear a key word in what you’re listening to, you draw a swirl. And for another word, draw a line. Or in videogames, try to get this supply every time you hear this word. that way you’re encouraging the thought and the flow of information, and it will help you listen out for that important word, or snap you to attention when you hear it from somewhere. In this way, you can feel busy and productive in a way that is much less stressful than putting all your attention on studying or learning. This is how I have been able to retain all A’s during the pandemic; because I can learn how I prefer to learn.

Shadow work

Shadow work tends to put together a lot of scary stuff, because it forces you to pay attention, acknowledge, and attempt to solve or mediate all your biggest fears and flaws. This is a massively scary and stressful thing to do, so I would encourage you to find a way to have fun with it! Maybe that means using social media, which is something I am trying to do on this account. But maybe you’re like me and you really like lists, in which I would recommend making a table of content first. This way you can list off what you do and it will make it more satisfying to do shadow work, since you get to cross those topics off once you’re done.


That’s all I’ll say for now, gotta save some for future posts ;)

But just keep in mind that witchcraft is stressful and it is not easy, but what makes someone smart isn’t their ability to mindlessly do something, but it is their ability to find the shortcuts to make life a little easier and/or more fun! :))


Self improvement

A large part of witchcraft seems to be self improvement. Especially with the use of shadow work and the emphasis on exploration of the world and trusting your own intuition. I appreciate the craft for being something people can rely on without the pressures of knowingly self improving; sometimes knowing something is self improvement makes it more tiring, at least to me. 

It is also nice because I have had quite a few self-improvement habits that I can now safely say counts as witchcraft, and it feels like knocking out two in one.

Here’s some good tips I follow and stuff I do/use!!


  • Dalio; helps you keep track of your mood and sends a reminder every day! You can set goals for yourself to do every day, and you make your own moods and activities so you can totally customize things! (even what color scheme the whole app follows is customizable
  • #SelfCare; this app is very serene! It is witchcraft based and contains a lot of relaxing and simple minigames, as well as several methods of tracking your thoughts
  • Recolor; as it sounds, this is an app all about coloring! As simple as it sounds, it is a nice way of getting into your own head while you get lost in the coloring. There is a posting function and filters you can put on your art if you’d like, but this feature is very optional!


  • Doodling; I love to doodle and let my imagination run free! There is no pressure to be good or even right when you’re doodling. My favorite thing to do is combinations, colors, and shapes! Recently I’ve done this with the rainbow, cramming things together, making sure that for every color there’s a certain number of shapes, and using the most of the space on my sketchbook or canvas!
  • Learning; I know this sounds stressful, but hear me out! I love to learn, and so whenever I’m bored, I teach myself something new or remind myself of something old. I am of the belief that everyone has an inherit desire to learn, it’s just that a lot of us don’t follow the same learning methods as others. Explore this! I, for example, like to listen to background noise often and I tend to memorize the topics I am listening to. So, if I draw or play videogames or something else that I find mindless while listening to something, it’s easier for me to retain the information because I have memories attached to it. It’s like teaching yourself associations. Maybe, every time you hear a key word in what you’re listening to, you draw a swirl. And for another word, draw a line. Or in videogames, try to get this supply every time you hear this word. that way you’re encouraging the thought and the flow of information, and it will help you listen out for that important word, or snap you to attention when you hear it from somewhere. In this way, you can feel busy and productive in a way that is much less stressful than putting all your attention on studying or learning. This is how I have been able to retain all A’s during the pandemic; because I can learn how I prefer to learn.

Shadow work

Shadow work tends to put together a lot of scary stuff, because it forces you to pay attention, acknowledge, and attempt to solve or mediate all your biggest fears and flaws. This is a massively scary and stressful thing to do, so I would encourage you to find a way to have fun with it! Maybe that means using social media, which is something I am trying to do on this account. But maybe you’re like me and you really like lists, in which I would recommend making a table of content first. This way you can list off what you do and it will make it more satisfying to do shadow work, since you get to cross those topics off once you’re done.


That’s all I’ll say for now, gotta save some for future posts ;)

But just keep in mind that witchcraft is stressful and it is not easy, but what makes someone smart isn’t their ability to mindlessly do something, but it is their ability to find the shortcuts to make life a little easier and/or more fun! :))

Hey, y'all! You ever get caught between ‘love’ and 'don’t touch me’?

Good! Well if that’s happening to you. This is what you need to do. You need to cleanse your spirit and body. Someone is playing with your emotions and it could very well be you, but you need to get that negative ass energy off of you and then it’s foolish to clean internally and leave your shell filthy. So do it all.

There’s so much that goes on in life that you just don’t have time for the miscommunication and mixed emotions when it comes to feeling wanted. This does NOT mean put a love spell on anyone or to increase potency of a current spell. This simply means you need clarity and healing. I’m here to tell you that everything that you need is really already within you, but you have to go down the right road to get to your necessities.

Be bougie. Be loved. Be you.

Blanca Bitchcraft

Also, send me a message if you want to talk. If you’d like to donate, my cash tag is $BlancaBitchcraft

Today i cracked open this magnum of Valentina : my favourite hot sauce for eggs/ breakfast!

Egg sandwiches are so fucking good, as long as the bread has got some grains in it.

LUNCH! And breakfast, I don’t really eat breakfast on weekdays!

½ cucumber, whole yellow pepper, 3 laughing cow cheese with gluten free rice crackers, raspberries, a banana, a blood Orange, and a banana chocolate chip muffin.


I always want to burn everything down and start from the ground up when I feel like I’ve “failed” at something.

We aren’t going to count Health Goth as a failure, but I would like to stop ebbing and flowing between things and stick with this again, like I did in the summer.

Where I am- it’s cold. Like lots of heavy snowfall, colder than the surface of Mars cold. We have BRUTAL winters, it truly is the boreal wastelands, the frigid tundra.

It makes your moods do backflips. The highs of good days can feel so good and the lows of bad days can feel so so bad. The lows last longer too. They linger, like the cold does in the depths of your spine.

All that being said, I am ready to get back on track, ready to feel better again, ready to reclaim Health Goth.

So for everyone who stuck around, forgetting they were following this blog- Hi! I’m back. And for anyone who is just joining my journey- Welcome.

Let’s feel better, together.


eggy sandwich with Valentina and an orange! with a side of yogurt, bran, and granola!

a great 1pm breakfast for this thicccccccc goth.

tomorrow I get to tattoo pig skin, which is a HUGE step in my tattoo career!

For anyone who doesn’t know I am a tattoo apprentice and professional body piercer

Tomorrow is going to be a good day, right ?

happy halloween week all my beautiful little pumpkins. I had this pierrot bodysuit/bunnysuit custom made for the occasion!

I treasure Halloween and take it very seriously, however this was the first year I had a costume custom designed and tailor made for my body- and I have to say I’ve truly never felt better.

Last year i created a pumpkin poncho that covered everything but my legs, this year I wore a skin tight, curve hugging garment. Talk about a Halloween glow up !

Work lunch of cucumbers, strawberries, rice crackers, banana, cheese, olives, and leftover farmer sausage.

Featuring my critters hopping around as I try to take my photos they were too cute to crop out!

I’ve been physically ill for the past week but I feel like I may be starting to feel a bit better, slowly but surely. Today I am apprenticing so hopefully everything goes well!

yogurt with granola and bran and a leftover turkey sandwich.

my life has been weirdly chaotic, my BPD has been a rollercoaster.

I’m sorry for being absent
