

*binges then proceeds to start the abc diet*

Lmao I just remembered the password of my account 2 days ago and I’m already knees deep into thinspos upsieee

my mum just hugged me and said ‘I can feel your ribs… I shouldn’t be able to feel your ribs’ which made me happy until I realised there’s such a double standard for me and my sister like my mum would never say that to her and she’s skinnier than me but it’s because she’s always been skinny so they think it’s normal and healthy for her but I’ve always been fat so they think it’s unnatural and unhealthy for me (like yes I know I’ve lost weight in an unhealthy way but it makes me feel like I’ll always be seen as fat by the people who know me)

I hate my family for letting me get fat when I was younger. They would comment on it but why didn’t they do more? Why didn’t they force me to get exercise or take the food away from me? Why weren’t they smart enough to understand the basic pillar of all things on Earth and that is that beauty is the only thing that matters and the thing that makes you most beautiful is being skinny? I hate myself for becoming this but I hate them for letting me do it.
