#not pro


heyy so my main account is @cherry-flavoured-poison<3

cause I just realised that all my mutuals probably don’t realise I followed them back :(

GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

I just had a panic attack (and was literally sobbing uncontrollably on the kitchen floor til my parents found me) cause I had planned to have soup and boiled eggs for dinner and I couldn’t find the right spoon and the eggshells didn’t peel off smoothly enough…. Like…Umm wtf…..it’s not that deep babes xo

my mum just hugged me and said ‘I can feel your ribs… I shouldn’t be able to feel your ribs’ which made me happy until I realised there’s such a double standard for me and my sister like my mum would never say that to her and she’s skinnier than me but it’s because she’s always been skinny so they think it’s normal and healthy for her but I’ve always been fat so they think it’s unnatural and unhealthy for me (like yes I know I’ve lost weight in an unhealthy way but it makes me feel like I’ll always be seen as fat by the people who know me)

Today my therapist asked me if I was eating okay because he’d ‘noticed I’d lost weight’. Idk why it felt so validating but it did

are there any mfp/diet/low cal meal/thinspo pages still out there

i’m so fat and struggling pls dm if u have any interest in losing weight and wanna be diet buddies


fuck it.

sw: 246lbs

cw: 230.4lbs

gw: 120lbs

currently eating 1100cal/day

burning approx. 180cal/day

i want to be 222lbs in one month (so the 15th November)


November 17th

cw: 224.4

am exhausted, i did my homework for legit 8 hours yesterday (and there was only one) rip me

anyway, my uncle and his wife will be coming the 10th December and i need to lose like at least 13 pounds bc they’re anoying as fuck, and i know that they’re gonna make comment about the fact that i am fat sooo //:

also i dropped daily intake to 800.

fuck it.

sw: 246lbs

cw: 230.4lbs

gw: 120lbs

currently eating 1100cal/day

burning approx. 180cal/day

i want to be 222lbs in one month (so the 15th November)

For my fellow baggy clothes hoes -

Does anyone else have a scene playing in you head that goes like this: you constantly wear loose clothes so no one can see your body or how skinny you get and then one time you wear something that reveals your body and BOOM you’re tiny as hell and people didn’t expect you to look like that but now they’re jealous

Like is that just me or…?

My friend: how was your day?

Me, knowing I can be honest: tbh not great, I’ve been crying a ton

Her: wanna talk about it?

Me: *talks about it*

Her: *leaves me on read*

Like excuse me wtf, why do people do this

Someone please take away my mirror, I cry every time I look in it but don’t have the willpower to get rid of it

Sad bitch hourssss , hmu if you wanna be ana buddies

Why the frick does food have calories how am i supposed to be sKiNi

kinda intermittent 5:2 fasting

  • max 800 - 900 cals a day
  • 2 days of fasting in a week

i lost almost 3kg with this method and never felt hungry, binged once because of my fam, but if i continue this for another two weeks, i’ll be at my ugw

For those who‘ve been wondering where I‘ve been:

  • If you haven‘t seen my post: I almost fainted in public and had multiple panic attacks after that, worried a lot about my health but also in a unhealthy way (fear of bacteria, hypochondric etc)
  • My phone broke :(
  • I binged for like 2 months, gained 7kg
  • Started dieting 3 weeks ago, started a thinspo page on insta <3

guys i almost fainted in the bus today - PSA

so i was standing in the bus and suddenly i felt like i was fading out of the real world. with every blink everything became more black and i didn’t feel my fingers, toes and lips. i turned to my sister and said „hey i don’t feel so good“ and she told someone to stand up so that i could sit down and gave me something to drink till we we‘re at the bus station where we had to switch the bus.

my dad came and picked me up. after we arrived at home i got a full mental breakdown about how i‘m afraid to fall asleep because i might not wake up again but at the same time i didn’t want to eat because i didn’t want to gain weight.

at the end i still ate a few grapes and some weetabix with milk but let me tell you i was still fucking scared to collapse again. i mean i need to admit the last 5 days i didn’t really eat because even if i didn’t eat above my cal limit i was still purging which is the reason why also didn’t drink enough as i thought i was.

so please girls and boys fucking hydrate enough it’s super important and don’t fast longer that 42h. always have water or a piece of fruit or a granola bar or something with you. in case you get dizzy (and i can not stress this enough) IMMEDIATELY EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING LIKE SIRIOUSLY YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!

don’t ignore the signs of you body.
