

heyy so my main account is @cherry-flavoured-poison<3

cause I just realised that all my mutuals probably don’t realise I followed them back :(

GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

my mum just hugged me and said ‘I can feel your ribs… I shouldn’t be able to feel your ribs’ which made me happy until I realised there’s such a double standard for me and my sister like my mum would never say that to her and she’s skinnier than me but it’s because she’s always been skinny so they think it’s normal and healthy for her but I’ve always been fat so they think it’s unnatural and unhealthy for me (like yes I know I’ve lost weight in an unhealthy way but it makes me feel like I’ll always be seen as fat by the people who know me)

*trying to open up about my ed*

‘So do you just like not eat’

me: ‘obviously I eat’

‘Oh that’s good then, I’m glad it’s not serious’

Czy gdy schudnę 10 kg to schudne też coś z piersi?

Jak schudnąć z piersi, bo psują mi każdy fit i przez to grubo wyglądam

To uczucie gdy czujesz, że twoje rany nie krwawią wystarczająco i robisz to coraz mocniej, aż popadasz w jakiś trans

the guys who invited me left for the bathroom but they’re just standing there looking at my direction and talking idk if it’s just the paranoia or they’re talking shit behind my back probably both tbh

i also scratched my shoes bc this little bitch who’s like 4'8 tall refused to sit in the middle of the backseat and forced my exactly a foot taller ass to squeeze myself into this tiny space

i mean that’s validating cuz they assumed i’d fit but yeah

i’m attending a halloween party in a shisha bar tonight sounds fun but some bitch who hates my face is also coming so that’s gonna be interesting

i’m also a fat fuck so my possibilities in terms of costumes are limited : /

i participated in my first ever horse riding competition and i won

i got a nice trophy and ribbons

i celebrated with a kfc wrap i try not to feel guilty about it

when your mild friends invite you to a party after you had one with your wild friends and you inconsiderately say u snorted coke from a strippers’ buttcrack and they look at you like


since i have bangs i often forget how pretty my forehead is

pretty and adequately sized for an excruciating headache

yesterday was just really though but i’m better now hangover is gone and i finally got adequate amount of sleep

i made breakfast but my kitchen scale is broken so i can only estimate the cals also i’m tryna get that ‘naturally skinny’ mindset that i can be sure i didn’t overeat even without the scale lol

doing some self care right now and a workout then

it’s fall break rn so i gotta slow down a bit

i didn’t lose or gain this month at all which dodn’t happen for a long time so i need to get myself on track again

three words: zero cals alcohol

i hate it here i hate it everywhere

0. crave attention and human touch like nothing else

1. think that everyone who shows you the tiniest amount of affection is in love with you

2. remember that you’re aromantic and everything romance related makes you highly uncomfortable

3. make elaborate fantasies about people who were kind to you once probably only because they’re decent people

4. feel embarrassed

5. push away everyone who is actually deeply interested in you because they would be disappointed if they actually knew you and you’re ugly and fat naked anyways

+1 suffer eternally

suspiciously specific

i’m back and full of questions

at first why is it so hard to not eat while on holiday?


will my cheeks ever not be chubby?


having my pictures taken for my new id card is the best and only acceptabe kind of fatspo

i’m not eating ever again

i’m literally willing to die for getting rid of my fat cheeks

i really feel like fixing my mindset today

i’m gonna try only eating when i’m really hungry instead of at times i set up for myself and not obsessing around it but obviously staying in the low cal range

naturally skinny mindset here i come /lol i feel so delusional/

today is my birthday i’m turning 17 cals are on me today

i’m back at 55.8 which is both good and bad at the same time lol

i just want to get myself together again

next week i’m starting a new sport - pole dancing exactly - with my best friend i’m so excited about it

i’m leaving for Florence on friday it’s gonna be great

Not Me


this is what I want. Collarbones are hot.

I will have collarbones that cut diamonds

I will have collarbones that cut diamonds

I will have collarbones that cut diamonds

(If you struggle with an eating disorder and are in recovery please block me. I am not pro eating disorder I just have a different understanding)

777 333 222

