

We have never had an issue with cutting people out of our life. We have always had an issue with keeping people in our life… We feel it’s due to having no issue with cutting people out. But it seems to be a way of feeling safe. PTSD… It does feel much more safe in solitude, when you’ve had more abusers than close friends or friends in general.

I’m the one trying to heal! We are the ones who were so fucking endlessly neglected and abused. Made to suffer in silence because our pain didn’t matter! Why the fuck is guilt hitting hard from time to time? Why should We feel guilty about anything? We didn’t choose this life! We didn’t ask for the abuse no matter what our abusers say! What do We have to feel guilty for?!

Reciprocate AU


Reciprocate I: Raven

Reciprocate II: Damian

Reciprocate III: The After *

2021 version:

Reciprocate I: Raven

Reciprocate II: Damian

Reciprocate III: The After *

*Part 3 is the same file.

Author’s Little Summary:

What if you have pined for someone for nine whole years. And just when you are about to give up, they finally looked your way. 

But what if it is also just the beginning of the end?

I guess this is that kind of story. A long pining romance filled with pain and tears.



trigger jokes are so cheap. today i said “ew” at a banana on the ground and some annoying girl in our friend group who was standing like 10 meters away was immediately like “TRIGGERED!!!”. my friend and i stared at her. she stared back. this went on for maybe a solid thirty seconds. no one said anything & it was really viscerally unenjoyable for everyone involved

It basically adds up to “wanna hear a punchline?  Trauma survivors!  Get it?  Trauma survivors!


here’s a secret: you’re not annoying, I promise! even when you talk about your feelings, even when you ramble on about that thing you found that makes you so happy, even when you need space and have to take time for yourself. you are always loved, even when you feel like you’re at your lowest. no one is judging you for thinking about yourself sometimes. you’re not selfish for taking care of yourself.


do you ever just wanna hold someone so so tight and make them feel okay and heal all the pain and hurt in their heart, fill them up with so much love and make sure they never feel sad or broken again


if you were truly a bad person, you wouldn’t be so hung up on the morality of your mistakes. the fact that you want to go back and make it right means you’re growing from this and you’ll try to do better next time.


ways to become friends with yourself:

  • set boundaries with people. those who respect you, will respect them.
  • allow yourself to accept good things. you deserve happiness and warmth and love.
  • it’s okay to be a mess. it’s okay to not know what your next step is. it’s okay to be scared. trust that the universe has your back.
  • remember that healing is not linear. you are not weak because some days are suddenly harder than others.
  • consciously feel the world under your feet as you walk and the warmth of the sun on your cheek.
  • do things you enjoy! even if they seem silly. even if you think you have no time. make time for yourself.
  • take care of yourself. take deep breaths. take bubble baths. take too long admiring yourself in the mirror.

Some days are good… but then some days I want to dig 6 feet deep and carve my own headstone.


there isn’t a hierarchy of trauma. your experiences aren’t less important than anyone else’s
