#ana vent


GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

I just had a panic attack (and was literally sobbing uncontrollably on the kitchen floor til my parents found me) cause I had planned to have soup and boiled eggs for dinner and I couldn’t find the right spoon and the eggshells didn’t peel off smoothly enough…. Like…Umm wtf…..it’s not that deep babes xo

coming home from vacation went from 209 lbs to 214 lbs and I am SO UPSET IJWCOQJR NCNQRIJKCNVQOIJRC

help ive been falling off bc of my sprained knee im so hungry and tired and exhausted 

I would like to be under 200 lbs now pls ive been waiting for so long

i always see other peoples posts about being insecure with their body and i’m like NO YOURE SO SKINNY YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT YOURE SO HOT but then when it comes to my self i am like starve you fat ass you are worthless

I always get so sad when I see people struggling with the same things I do but then when I feel that way have no empathy for my self

I commented something like “yasss ana” on an OBVIOUSLY disordered meal as a joke and i got attacked by all these people saying to not make fun of people with eds… Pinterest does not get it

Ok so bc I’m under 200 I told my self that id like start doing more workouts and I’d go running and I hate it so much but I NEED to be skinny so

Yesterday i weighed in at 196 lbs which I thought was weird bc I was 199 lbs the day before and today I got my period and I was 204??!?!???? I need a better scale


my weight graph

the line is the progress i’m supposed to be at

goal weight is 150

i’ve been at 202 for like two weeks but the last two days i was 206



“tell me you have a ED without telling me you have a ED”

those fiber one brownies hit different tho

By the way Guys. I Made it . And im dying . Gotta gain weight again ..

Deleting all ana related stuff like bodychecks and tumblr posts to recover, then relapsing and wishing you had all the stuff back <<<<<<
