#tw ed stuff


throw back to that time in grade 9 in physics class our teacher wanted to do an experiment where everyone in the class had to weigh themselves infront of everyone and i was determined as hell to leave so i faked a back injury and convinced the nurse to let me stay in the sick bay for the rest of the day

questions for the ED community

1) does anyone in your family know about your disorder?

2) have you ever been for outpatient therapy?

3)have you ever been for inpatient therapy?

4)how long have you had your ed for?

5)do you consider your ED something of a friend?

6) what does it feel like to actually be at your gw

7)if you could be anything in the world other than “skinny” what would it be? (childhood dreams etc)

8) does anyone else in your family have eds?

9)have you hit rock bottom of your ed, if so why was it your rock bottom?

10)how has your eds effected your relationships?

11)what have you had to give up for your ed?

me when my brother always seems to come into my room when im in the middle of a binge surrounded by bowls of mug cake and chocolate wrappers :’)

I just broke my intermittent fast by eating these biscuits I’ve been craving for ages (calories unknown which is driving me crazy) and I weighed myself after and I’m 2 whole kgs heavier than yesterday

I’m freaking out but like it’s probably undigested food

I’m mad af myself since I haven’t been losing just gaining slightly and losing that

Ok I have this problem

I don’t know the word for it but it isn’t binging

It isn’t eating a lot without realizing what you’re doing

It’s like giving in to extreme hunger and eating anything you can find to satisfy that hunger

Almost like snacking?

It can be fruit or crackers, normally something small. Sometimes it can be like sprinkles if you’re desperate for food but don’t want to eat a lot

Does anyone know why this happens since it ruins my fast??

You know you’re fucked up when you start having a panic attack because of soup

“Did you have breakfast this morning?”


My breakfast:

Some of yall really be posting shit like

Burn 10,000 calories with this workout!!

500,000 star jumps!!

2000 push ups

4 hour plank :)

Make sure to drink water and repeat the workout to burn more!!!!!!!!

No because the fact that some of yall believed taking a cold shower would burn 100 calories…

I can’t with the misinformation being spread here




Being poor makes having an ed easier and having an ed makes being poor easier

What a beautiful toxic symbiotic relationship

Lmao I looked up ed therapists & their starting fee was $200+ guess I’ll continue to be poor and skinny

Being poor makes having an ed easier and having an ed makes being poor easier

What a beautiful toxic symbiotic relationship


I still have like over half my calories left for the day but I have no desire to eat I just feel like if I don’t eat it’s gonna be so hard to fast tomorrow

I fast from midnight-noon every day and the last time I didn’t eat at least 1000 calories the next day I ate like 1300 calories and the first three hours of work sucked so much more ugh

On the other hand I’ve kinda plateaued I’ve been at 110.4-110.8 for the past couple of days so maybe it’s time to lower my daily intake blehhhhh

I ate like 1500 cals today this is what happens when I restrict to low
