

Goal this month:

Become 140-142 lbs at the end of it

Buy a league of legend skin when I reach 145

That’s it.. I don’t have many goals and I don’t wanna put unrealistic goals and feel bad about myself later on.

Never thought I’d say this.. but oh my God I’m under 150!!! Just 4.7 lbs till my next goal weight I seriously CANNOT believe it!!

I’m down to 69.3 kg today so only 0.5 until I’m in my pre binge weight.. did go to the bathroom twice already cause of the laxative tea so I have high hopes for tomorrow x.x

Also learnt how to make a sweet 35 cals coffee so I’ll be drinking that all the time since it really decreases my appetite and very low in cals like daamn I’m in love (lowkey can make it 20 calories too so that’s something)

Guess who’s crying at 3am cause they realized they can’t enjoy anything anymore cause all they think about is their body and food

Yes, this bitch

HAHAHAHA guess who binged tho lmao

Ate around 2k calories and burnt like 500 but I’m pretty sure I’ll eat more later if I didn’t get the gallbladder attack from overeating idk

And just when I reached my lowest weight of 68.8 kg

Like fuck.

I promised my friend before he goes to the battalion that I will eat 800-1000 calories because he won’t be able to talk to me through this as he won’t have his phone there and he will return in like 5 days.

It’s the third day and I’m failing and idk if I should be happy that I lost my appetite or sad I’m breaking our promise.

Anyhow my intake today is 430 calories.. lol

Drinking diet cokes or anything with sweetener does break the fast even if it’s zero calories, why? Because the body will be stimulated to release insulin cause it can’t differentiate between zero cal sweetener and regular sugar..

That will slow the metabolism and the fat burn.

But still, i can’t fast without it rip

Tmi but I finally pooped after 6-7 days.

Had to drink laxative tea and matcha tea for this to work and it’s 4am and I’m having the cramps killing my stomach.


I keep feeling hungry and wanting to eat and tired.

But honestly this is my second cup of coffee and the cravings are less and I have slightly more energy.

I’ll be a coffee whore >.>


omg i could get below 60 kg this weekend ahhh

YEEESSS I DID IT!!! 59,7 bitches

hey i‘m looking for a buddy/ana twin

reblog this if you are

  • 16
  • 5‘5 ish
  • weigh around 60 kg (132 lbs)
  • would be good if you live in the middle european time zone

Day 14

What’s your UGW?

Right now it’s 115 lbs, I think I’d be happy there but I’d totally try to go for like 105-110 lbs.

H: 5’8

Day 4

Breakfast: iced latte with almond milk (75 cal)

Lunch: iced latte with almond milk (75 cal), homemade avocado brownie (120 cal)

Dinner: roasted broccoli w/ toppings (304 cal), vegan corn bread (100 cal)

Snacks: iced latte with almond milk (67 cal), ½ fiber one brownie (35 cal), some mocha cookie crumble frapp with coconut milk (43 cal)

Total: 819

Exersise: -426 cal

Net total:

394 cal

I feel so bad, I was on the edge of binging and I ate stuff I wish I didn’t, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I had to exersise so much to burn off the extra calories. I would really appreciate some meanspo right now, feel free to send me some!

Day 13

Are you loosing weight in a healthy way?

Err um, no. I eat healthy foods but sometimes I fall into a little bit of b/r cycle and i also tend to pur9e meals that make me feel too full.

Day 3

Breakfast: part of a plain almond milk latte (20 cal)

Lunch: sparkling ice, peach nectarine flavor (5 cal)

Dinner: nothing

Snacks: a little bit of guava white tea unsweetened (26 cal), 4 pieces of gum (20 cal)

Water intake: 48 fl oz

Total: 70 cal

Exersise: -218 cal

Net total:

-148 cal

Today went well, I do wish I could’ve drank more water but I wasn’t feeling it, although I will probably have a glass or two before bed. I could’ve eaten a cake pop today though and I didn’t so that felt great. Have a great day everyone! :)

Day 12

I don’t have a super consistent diet but it usually looks something like this:

Breakfast: nothing

Lunch: some type of coffee, usually an almond milk latte

Dinner: some vegetable entree, my family doesn’t eat meat and maybe brown rice or quinoa

Snacks: some fruit, probably peanut butter, tea, and maybe some healthy sweet thing (like fibre one or homemade)

Overall it’s okay but some days I loose control and have like pizza or cookies or something

Day 2

Breakfast: iced almond milk latte (60 cal)

Lunch: large iced almond milk latte (83 cal), 4 multigrain pita chips (55 cal)

Dinner: Mediterranean spaghetti squash dish (120 cal) cooked black beans, ¼ cup (60 cal)

Snacks: 17 grapes (57 cal), 11 raspberries (11 cal), 1.5 teaspoon natural peanut butter (50 cal), ½ fibre one brownie (45 cal)

Total: 541 cal

Exersise: -285 cal

Net Total:

256 cal

Water intake: 64 fl oz

Overall today was good, I feel like I could’ve gone without the peanut butter but it’s so freaking good. Not much else to say, I’ll keep you guys posted!

Day 11

I don’t have a favorite thinspo blog but I like mine!

Day 1

Breakfast: nothing

Lunch: blonde latte with almond milk (60 cal)

Dinner: nothing

Snacks: 2 bottles sparkling ice (10 cal)

Exersise: -191 cal

Total cal: 70 - 191 =

-119 cal

Ew guys I weighed in at 137 today and I am absolutely furious, that’s a 3 lb gain since I last weighed, im supposed to get my period today though so that must be apart of it but still WTF

Day 10

The hardest things I’ve had to give up:

  • Cheezzze
  • Eating out with friends
  • Eating all the bad food on holidays
  • Drinking sugary drinks like Frappuccinos (I was never a soda person)
  • Being honest with my parents :(

Day 9

Did people ever makes comments about your weight in a negative way?

No one has ever made comments about my weight with bad intentions. I was a really skinny kid, so my classmates would occassionaly say something about that and I had a nice butt in high school and for some reason both girls and boys would compliment me for it.

I pUrGeD gUyS

I feel bad because I told myself I would stop it’s so bad for you but that’s what an Ed does to your brain right, it doesn’t matter what’s good or bad just that I can loose weight.

So in an effort to stop purging and still be able to loose weight I will be doing the ABC diet for the next month.

I will be starting tomorrow (Monday) and here are the rules I set out for myself:

  • Never go over the allowed calorie amount
  • If for some reason I do go over, I have to exersise until the surplus calories have been burned.
  • No eating after 7 pm
  • Every day I must intermittent fast when not fasting the entire day (ofc), either 16:8, 18:6, or 20:4 but no less.
  • Log what I ate and any exersise if I did it daily.
  • Have fun with it!

I will occasionally post some recipes with the daily blog, I’ll be weighing myself tomorrow morning, once at the end of every week, and then finally when the month is completed (then I’ll decide if I want to continue the full 8 weeks, if I do I’ll keep on logging my routine) Wish me luck guys!


I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.

I don’t have time to binge.


It’s supposed to take 21 days before doing something becomes a habit. 

So just think. 

21 days without binging could be a lifetime of self-control.

21 days of not eating after 6 could mean always waking up skinny.

21 days of actually working out could mean a lifetime of thin.

21 days.

I needed this ..

