

may thinspo: ✨

I wish I was this thin and fragile, i could wear and short skirt and let my pretty thin legs hang out, it seems so free no one would judge me I could wear anything

hi everyone, i decided i’m actually going to try to recover this time. i’ve started treatment and i actually feel motivated to get better!

if you’re seeing this, please take it as a sign to recover!!!! you deserve it!!!

What’s the best way to lose weight fast ?

Is it by fasting 3 to 5 days several times in a month and restricting <500 cals the other days? (and also exercising every single day)

Or is it by restricting <500 cals every day and also exercising?

Does “starvation mode” really exist? Is it possible that you lose more weight by eating daily but restricting than fasting/restricting?

I need help and advice please

when asked what superpower I would chose, I always say shape-shifting

but it’s really just bc it means I could change my body in a skinnier and prettier one

  • 24h into my 110h 165h fast

1 coffee with milk, 1 tea, 3 sugar free gums ~ 40 cal

30 min abs workout

Can’t say I’m proud bc I hate myself way more for having gained so much weight and having to starve now instead of enjoying a skinny summer like last year

But I’m determined to continue this way and hopefully lose 15kg before september

I’m scared bc I know this “diet” of <50cal/day isn’t sustainable and may end in a huge binge but I’m either starving or bingeing all day sooo ‍♀️ and upset cos I wanna see results tomorrow and dunno if I can be this strict with my diet all summer

And I’m isolating a lot from friends/family, and I’m really anxious about food again

I’m spiralling and relapsing really hard but I wanna lose weight more than ever

  • 48h into my 110h 165h fast

1 tea, 2 glasses of 0cal lemonade, 2 cinnamon candies, 1 gum ~ 15 cal

12 minutes weigh loss pilates

I feel really tired and sluggish, I nearly didn’t move from my couch today. I’m depressed and also angry at myself bc I didn’t work out very much.

When I see posts saying some people are exercising to the point of fainting I’m ashamed bc I never exercise that much. I don’t have willpower. I want a toned and skinny body but I’m not pushing myself hard enough. I feel like a failure and a lazy fatass.

  • 72h into my 110h 165h fast

2 glasses of 0cal lemonade, 2 teas, 2 gums, ½ stock cube ~ 30 cals

Walked 2h30, 14000 steps

Wasn’t a bad day, finally went outside, i went to the botanical garden bc I love plants and they sooth me

I also put on my jeans (size 6) and they were looser than usual ! This is the motivation I need to keep fasting and restricting! Hopefully I’ll be able to lose those 15kg for september if I keep going on and fast more

Can’t wait to wear my size 0 clothes again

  • 96h into my 110h 165h fast

1 black coffee, 1 glass of 0cal lemonade, 2 gums ~ 10cals

1h stretching yoga

Good day, wasn’t even hungry! I tried to do a 12min intense abs workout but had to stop at 5min bc I had back pain. So I switched for a back pain relief yoga

I’m satisfied that I acknowledged my pain, didn’t push too hard on my body, instead I listened to it and tried to help it.

But I’m also disappointed in myself bc I didn’t push me “hard enough” which makes me feel like I’m not making efforts to lose (even if i’m currently in a 5 days fast lmaoo)

  • 120h ino my 165h fast

1 coffee, 1 glass of 0cal lemonade, 1 gum ~ 5 cals

35 min of Chloe Ting workouts

I weighed myself this morning and had a breakdown. I thought after 4 days of fasting I would’ve lost some weight but no i’m 58kg which is my hw and I wanna kms.

So I did harder workout and I’m prolonging my fast. Apparently if I exercise 5x/week and eat 300 cals/day, I should lose 15kg by september.

I’m going to fast a few times more, maybe 3x 5 days so I’ll be eating less than 300cals on the average.

  • 144h into my 165h fast

1 coffee, 2 glasses of 0cal lemonade, 1 gum ~ 5 cals

30min back pain workout, 25min of Chloe Ting Body & Abs workout

I’ve lost 0.5kg (1.1 lb) since yesterday sooo good I guess? I’m not bloated anymore and I can slightly see some abs when I raise my arms :)

I’m barely hungry, I don’t wanna eat anymore (I watch mukbangs and supersize vs superskinny instead to stop my urges to eat lmao)

It also makes me anxious bc i’m scared that when I’ll start eating again, I’ll gain even if it’s <200 cals I dunno

I think I’m gonna start a fast at midnight and end it on monday at 12pm

So it will be a 132h fast, never did one this long but I reaaaally need to lose a ton of weight as fast as possible

I hope I’ll be able to do it without ending bingeing

ja o trzeciej w nocy myśląc tylko jebać sztukę

Hey guys help me out!!!! Do you know any Proana sites or stuff like proana Tumblr if so dk share


guys i almost fainted in the bus today - PSA

so i was standing in the bus and suddenly i felt like i was fading out of the real world. with every blink everything became more black and i didn’t feel my fingers, toes and lips. i turned to my sister and said „hey i don’t feel so good“ and she told someone to stand up so that i could sit down and gave me something to drink till we we‘re at the bus station where we had to switch the bus.

my dad came and picked me up. after we arrived at home i got a full mental breakdown about how i‘m afraid to fall asleep because i might not wake up again but at the same time i didn’t want to eat because i didn’t want to gain weight.

at the end i still ate a few grapes and some weetabix with milk but let me tell you i was still fucking scared to collapse again. i mean i need to admit the last 5 days i didn’t really eat because even if i didn’t eat above my cal limit i was still purging which is the reason why also didn’t drink enough as i thought i was.

so please girls and boys fucking hydrate enough it’s super important and don’t fast longer that 42h. always have water or a piece of fruit or a granola bar or something with you. in case you get dizzy (and i can not stress this enough) IMMEDIATELY EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING LIKE SIRIOUSLY YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!

don’t ignore the signs of you body.


omg i could get below 60 kg this weekend ahhh

YEEESSS I DID IT!!! 59,7 bitches

hey i‘m looking for a buddy/ana twin

reblog this if you are

  • 16
  • 5‘5 ish
  • weigh around 60 kg (132 lbs)
  • would be good if you live in the middle european time zone

Anybody have any good tasting low cal VEGAN recipes?

My highest : 107kg/236

My lowest (4/July/2020) : 67.9kg/149.7

I’ve been struggling for so long and only now I can see some actual results..

I’m kinda happy with my body today

Goal this month:

Become 140-142 lbs at the end of it

Buy a league of legend skin when I reach 145

That’s it.. I don’t have many goals and I don’t wanna put unrealistic goals and feel bad about myself later on.

Never thought I’d say this.. but oh my God I’m under 150!!! Just 4.7 lbs till my next goal weight I seriously CANNOT believe it!!

I’m down to 69.3 kg today so only 0.5 until I’m in my pre binge weight.. did go to the bathroom twice already cause of the laxative tea so I have high hopes for tomorrow x.x

Also learnt how to make a sweet 35 cals coffee so I’ll be drinking that all the time since it really decreases my appetite and very low in cals like daamn I’m in love (lowkey can make it 20 calories too so that’s something)

Guess who’s crying at 3am cause they realized they can’t enjoy anything anymore cause all they think about is their body and food

Yes, this bitch

HAHAHAHA guess who binged tho lmao

Ate around 2k calories and burnt like 500 but I’m pretty sure I’ll eat more later if I didn’t get the gallbladder attack from overeating idk

And just when I reached my lowest weight of 68.8 kg

Like fuck.

I promised my friend before he goes to the battalion that I will eat 800-1000 calories because he won’t be able to talk to me through this as he won’t have his phone there and he will return in like 5 days.

It’s the third day and I’m failing and idk if I should be happy that I lost my appetite or sad I’m breaking our promise.

Anyhow my intake today is 430 calories.. lol

Drinking diet cokes or anything with sweetener does break the fast even if it’s zero calories, why? Because the body will be stimulated to release insulin cause it can’t differentiate between zero cal sweetener and regular sugar..

That will slow the metabolism and the fat burn.

But still, i can’t fast without it rip

Tmi but I finally pooped after 6-7 days.

Had to drink laxative tea and matcha tea for this to work and it’s 4am and I’m having the cramps killing my stomach.


I keep feeling hungry and wanting to eat and tired.

But honestly this is my second cup of coffee and the cravings are less and I have slightly more energy.

I’ll be a coffee whore >.>
