#authors on tumblr


We shouldn’t talk about it. We shouldn’t talk about it because we might ruin it. We might ruin everything we have, everything we might’ve been. The memories are just memories, the feelings just feelings. But if we start to label them, untangle them, we might not like what we’re left with. Things get tainted and complicated, and the waters might be murky now, but at least our desires are clear and I’d rather love you in private than avoid you in public. We shouldn’t talk about it because talking about it might mean the end of it, might mean goodbye. And I don’t want to say goodbye- to this, to you. If I could, I would pull you in my arms and hold you and hug and love you and kiss you forever, for the rest of my life, for the rest of my days. I’m saying I love you and I want you and I’d choose you, if only you could choose me. But you’re leaving, and I’m gonna miss you like I’d miss breathing. So right now can we not talk about it? Can we not talk about all the girls after you and guys after me or anyone who lays in your bed that isn’t me? Can we act like it’s just me? Like it’s just me and you and life never got in our way and we’ll never have to say goodbye? That’s the paradise I’m living in- please don’t make me leave.

MK Ireland #255 : stolen paradise

What do you do when you see or hear disturbing news, conspiracy theories, or predictions? It can be highly triggering – either due to the content itself, or the motivations of whoever shared it – and it’s all too easy to react negatively, give it more energy, and create a worse situation. You may decide to react harshly and create more division, you may sink further into cynicism and hopelessness, or you may just numb your feelings and move on. It’s all pretty understandable, but is there a more positive or empowered way to respond?

Here’s how I deal with negative info without feeding it, falling for a manipulation tactic, OR sweeping a real issue under the rug:

Step 1:

For now, I let go of trying to know what’s true and just address it regardlessly—though much of what is shared isn’t honest, if a harmful idea or pattern exists in our collective consciousness it’s still real enough to cause damage—especially if it riles people up and causes division.

Furthermore, the facts and opinions that we internalize really matter! We build our whole life on top of our beliefs, true or not. Lies can become real. Misinformation can steer our futures. Don’t get suckered onto a negative path by your emotions and your ego’s desire to validate them! If you want something harmful to be true, ask yourself why—are you seeking truth for the greater good, or are you just trying to validate your own negativity?

Emotions are not an indication of what is true—they are a result and indication of your beliefs, which change often, and can be anything.

Step 2:

I process any trauma or triggers connected to the issue, by relaxing, breathing, bringing in more consciousness, and feeling all of the feelings completely. Find what works for you! You may like to write out all your thoughts and emotions about the situation and burn them.

Once you create a healthy emotional detachment, where you can have compassion for all involved and aren’t triggered, you can access your clarity again. You are not aligned with your full consciousness while upset.

Step 3:

I take a look at the underlying issues within the upsetting situation, at the deepest level of causation I can find. What negative beliefs or patterns are at play? And with brutal self-honestly, I look for my role. There’s always something! Compromised integrity? Toxic consumerism? Lack of inner connection? This specific piece of a societal issue—my piece—is where my power is. It’s not in what anyone else is doing. I find the epiphany and address my beliefs.

Step 4:

I forgive everyone involved—including myself—and move deeper into compassion. I release all attachment to the negative and to the past.

Step 5:

I only take further action if it feels consciously inspired, rather than motivated by negative emotions or ego.

After a deep catharsis and positive shifting of beliefs, know that all relevant behaviour will change organically, and it will inevitably affect others and the world in a positive way. This is extremely important, as change based on external effort doesn’t usually stick, but a deep revelation within changes everything.

Remember integrity. When you want to change the world, always start within yourself—then your home, then your community.

Don’t condemn others before doing your own work.

Don’t let the internet distort your reality or disconnect you from your real life.

Don’t surrender your autonomy by accepting anyone’s negative opinions as your inevitable fate. Send them love, then choose a brighter path.

Be the change you desire, then stay true.

You can’t change what already is, but you can change the underlying patterns that perpetuate everything!

closeup photo of a magenta rose

Are you more focused on self-improvement, or conscious awakening?

With self-improvement, you are working on the physical level of beingness. With awakening, you are transcending the physical.

With self-improvement, you need to work at it. With awakening, you need to relax into it.

With self-improvement, there’s always something more to fix—and someone else with the answer. With awakening, you can find complete perfection at any time—and all the answers are within you.

It’s not that one of these is better than the other—positive self-improvement can help increase one’s level of consciousness in a gradual way that may be easier for some people to handle—but it does help to remember that if it can be improved, it’s not really you, and you don’t need to identify with it.

You are not your belief system, your body, or even your mind. When it feels fun or necessary, work on them the way you might work on your house, but know that the real you is the still observing consciousness behind this avatar and this operating system. And this perfect consciousness cannot be changed—only chosen. Only remembered.

person in pastel coloured caftan lying on a sand dune in the sun with a dark stormy sky behind

My favourite method for strengthening intuition starts with conscious self-care.

It can feel trivial at first, but this is essential—the practice of self-compassion is the key to your highest potential. It unlocks greater wellbeing, tunes you to your higher consciousness, and results in all of your joy and inspiration.

So start by being a deep listener within. At first you can focus on your obvious bodily clues, like thirst, sore eyes, or stiff legs. You know what to do with these. Then try the emotional ones. Do you need to process something that has been bothering you? Do you need to reconnect with yourself or your joy or your passions? Be honest with yourself.

Then see what happens when you follow the small irrational-seeming whims—like when you feel like going the “wrong” way to the store, or have a random urge to go outside and look at the sky, or to call someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile. Once you get into the flow of it, you will start trusting it more, and can make bigger and bigger decisions this way.

Before long you may find your life overflowing with amazing inspirations and synchronicities that would have previously seemed unbelievable to you. You may start to create things that are so brilliant it takes you years to understand what you made. You might follow an impulse to go somewhere new and end up having an incredible animal encounter, or run into the exact person you were hoping to see. You might even accidentally write a book and start a new career as an author…

These are the kinds of things that happen to me all the time.

This type of holistic and magically-flowing existence is way more fun than one of discipline, rules, or control. And it is usually far more effective, because your inspiration tunes you to a higher level of logic and power than your rational mind is capable of. It is the language of your higher consciousness.

If you’re not yet living in this kind of magic, try playing more games with your intuition. Be more curious. Prioritize inspiration. Leave more spaces in your day for tuning in and just listening within.

And love yourself more.

table top image of a pile of watercolour supplies, matcha tea, and the book "create now!" by marlo johnson

It’s a great time to have a flexible and self-generated source of cash and other resources. If you’re curious about how we’re able to live rich lives and do what we love for a living it’s all in this book. You can use it for anything creative, whether that’s art or any other kind of business you’d like to build in an inspired, holistic, and innovative way. I’ve seen people design all kinds of business plans using these steps, from designers and writers to tech entrepreneurs.

The big key that some people don’t like to face is inspiration. This isn’t a “work harder” type model. This is about tuning into your intuition and passion and following just the steps that are exciting and effective for you—not designing your path based on someone else’s. That doesn’t work and it’s not fun.

You really have to step up and empower yourself to rely on your own creative solutions, but when you do it works so well it feels like pure magic. When you build your career like this from the start, the steps you need to grow your business become the steps you are actually most excited about doing! Motivation is no longer an issue.

Plus, this system is universal and will work whether you live in a utopian dreamworld, an apocalyptic dystopia, or anything in between. It can help you through whatever is next, no matter what’s coming. This philosophy is not about buying into the game that everyone else is playing, it’s about designing your own and flying high enough that what everyone else is doing doesn’t matter. This is prosperity through self-liberation.

Thinking about giving out creativity advice? Ask yourself these things:

• is this advice for creativity, or productivity?

• is it based in compassion, or capitalism?

• is it only applicable to people like me?

• could it put people in risky mediums in harm’s way, or cost them a lot of money?

• do I actually know what creativityis?

A risky medium could mean anything from chainsaw carving to grizzly photography or endless other things. It’s all relative, and everyone has a different level of risk they can afford.

The ever-popular “ignore your feelings and just do it” advice doesn’t consider the watercolour artist who can’t afford extra paper. Or the young model, alone in NYC, who was offered a shoot with a renowned but shady photographer. Or those with physical limitations who can easily cause themselves irreparable harm. It ignores flow, intuition, self-care, and integrity—all requirements of genuine creation.

True creativity requires listening to your inner guidance and being honest with yourself about where each feeling comes from. Don’t proceed while out of alignment! Your results will be out of alignment too!

Don’t put other people’s opinions ahead of your inner knowing just because they seem successful. You may not even want the type of success they have. These people are often overworked and miserable.

When you need guidance or inspiration, your intuition is all that matters. It’s essential to your safety, happiness, wellbeing, and creativity that you never ignore your inner guidance (aka your feelings). It’s a simple system. Don’t numb it for the sake of productivity. You will crash and burn.

Address your fears and resistance in a safe way through self-honesty and reflection, not risk-taking. Follow joy, passion, and inspiration! Steer clear of what doesn’t feel right! This is all it takes to stay inspired and aligned.

You’ll always encounter negativity and resistance on the path, but if you want to stay in flow keep looking for downstream solutions. Don’t let the unhealthy choices of others influence you. You can be inspired, successful, and free, and your inner guidance is the key!

Brightly coloured modern hard-edge abstract painting by James Wyper.

The biggest obstacle we have to real clarity is all of the external noise. We are generally far too plugged into what everyone else is doing, what everyone else is thinking, or what we think everyone else is doing and thinking. We are too focused on finding rightness within a society that too often gets it wrong. So what happens when you zoom out and out and out and out until you remember your greater cosmic beingness, and find a more universal perspective?

Remember what is actually deeply true and real. Most of what is true in our society will change in a few years, and much is not as it seems. Why stay attached to the trivial or temporary or illusory? Why not get over and ahead of it?

If you can forget the noise for a little while and align more deeply with universal truth, with higher compassion, with the few loving things you are really absolutely sure of, you will see more clearly again, and you will become the change. You will bring the new light the world needs, instead of more of the same.

Art: “Clarity” by James Wyper. 2020

A rainstorm at sunset in death valley

What if we all stopped giving our power away? What if we stopped buying things because we felt insecure or depressed or incomplete? What if we stopped letting the news make us feel afraid? What if we stopped going to shitty jobs that only serve our rich bosses? What if we stopped letting people make us feel bad? What if we stopped thinking our worth or our happiness or our power comes from anywhere outside of our own being?

What if we stopped trying to get ahead of other people? What if we worked for each other? What if we shared? What if we lifted each other up? What if we stood together? What if millions of people all did it at the same time?

We could have anything we want. The world is ours.

smudgethistledraws: “Goodnight, Yuki,” said his mother tenderly. “Be brave. There’s nothing to be af


“Goodnight, Yuki,” said his mother tenderly. “Be brave. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m right down the hall. You’re safe here.”

But Yuki knew better. There was something to be afraid of.

In the quiet of the night he heard a long, low creak. Slowly, carefully, his closet door was being opened. From the inside.


It’s nearly here! My first book is coming soon… this October! Written and illustrated by myself, it’s a picture book that can be enjoyed by humans of all ages.


I’m doing a giveaway to celebrate! I had previously stated that I was going to give away an e-book but I’ve changed my mind… I’ll be giving away a physical copy of the book (cost of shipping included)! To enter, reblog this post or any of my previous posts regarding my book, “Not Afraid of the Dark!”. Each reblog counts as an entry and you may enter as many times as you’d like! Best of luck, thank you all for your support! :)

This is so cool ! I can’t wait!

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May’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 42 - “a” vs “an”

“a” is used before words that start with a consonant sound and “an” before words with a vowel sound.

Ex: This could take anywhere between an hour and a week.


#WritingTipWed 43 - Re-writing over and over again can do more bad than good. Once you’re satisfied (which means there are still tweaks you could make), let someone else read it or let it stew for a few days. You’re looking for fresh eyes.

#WritingTipWed 44 - Remember that a critique can be based on a personal preference and not objectively. No one writer would write the same scene the same way. These should still be considered but remember your preferences are just as valid.

#WritingTipWed 45 - Use “There is”/“There are” at the beginning of your sentences as little as possible for better sentence variety. Because if every other sentence began as such, the work would be unnecessarily repetitive.

April’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 38 - A sentence doesn’t always have to be grammatically correct, especially with commas. If the sentence your grammar checker flagged for not having/having a comma flows better the way you wrote it, then keep it.

#WritingTipWed 39 - Don’t be afraid to create new words or phrases in your works. With the right context clues, they won’t confuse your readers. And then, one day, they may be added to the dictionary, and to the common vernacular.

Like Shakespeare who invented over 1000 words in the English language, like “bedazzled” and “addiction”, and many of them are used in everyday conversation to this day.

#WritingTipWed 40 - Cliches are not inherently bad. There are bad ones sure but using some in your writing doesn’t automatically make you a bad writer. You shouldn’t avoid them completely and should incorporate some into your writing.

Using selective cliches adds familiarity to your writing. Readers can get excited because they somewhat expect what’s going to happen. And then, if you subvert the cliche, it’ll create surprise/intrigue in your readers and it’s a great way to make a statement/critique.

#WritingTipWed 41 - If you cringe at what you’ve written before, whether it was years ago or yesterday, that’s good! You’ve grown as a writer and are more certain of how you want to write, even if you don’t know how to fix it at the moment.

March’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 33 - Learn from other people’s mistakes. Check out @/menwritewomen on Twitter to see how not to write female characters, especially how not to describe their appearance and behavior.

You can also check out this article.

#WritingTipWed 34 - When writing a long passage, you should create a new paragraph when: the “camera” moves, a new idea/topic is introduced, time passes or reverts, the setting changes, the mood shifts, and/or you want to create dramatic effect.

#WritingTipWed 35 - Never compare your writing speed to others because everyone writes at their own pace. Some can write thousands of words in a day, others write hundreds, and others write a few sentences. All are equally good because all make progress.

#WritingTipWed 36 - Writing takes energy, always. Even if you enjoy it, it takes a toll. If you’re unmotivated to write or hating writing, take a break (at least for one full day). Do not feel guilty about it, never feel guilty about self-care.

#WritingTipWed 37 - If your dialogue sounds stiff, try adding crutch words. They add no meaning or value to a sentence but are commonly used: “Actually”, “honestly”, “basically”, “like”.

Ex: So, basically, I was like, how could this happen?

February’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see the

February’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 29 - While it can be frustrating, it’s perfectly normal to keep rewriting your story before it becomes the first draft. Major world/character changes are often the cause and this will inevitably make your story better in the end.

#WritingTipWed 30 - When writing about love, try not to prioritize romantic love over platonic love. Don’t fall into the tired trap that friendship is below/lesser than romantic relationships. 

#WritingTipWed 31 - Authors should support authors, but we don’t always know the best way, especially for minorities. It’s #BlackHistoryMonth, so here is an article to explain 10 Ways to Support Black Authors.

#WritingTipWed 32 - It’s#AromanticSpectrumAwarenessWeek! The aro character I want is the one whose partner is also fine with not making anything a “date”, not doing generic romantic gestures, and needing alone time. Add what you want to see!

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The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wan

The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 27 - Your words speak to your values. You have to make it clear what you condemn, and what you uphold. You have to condemn characters’ bad values in the story or it can seem that you are excusing/encouraging those values.

Things to condemn include but are not limited to:

  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Homophobia
  • Transphobia
  • Exclusivism in the LGBTQIA+/Queer community
  • Ableism (physical disabilities and mental disorders)
  • Abuse (physical, psychological, and financial)
  • Not asking for consent/ignoring boundaries

#WritingTipWed 28 - Listen to your characters. If it feels like you’re making them say or do things they wouldn’t say or do, stop and think it over. You may be writing them how you think they should be (norms/tropes), not how they need to be.

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The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every W

The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.

Stay safe out there y’all. Keep track of your mental health.


#WritingTipWed 17 - If you can’t find the word you’re looking for you can use onelook.com/thesaurus/ to describe the concept/definition of the word you’re trying to find. The description can be a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence. 

#WritingTipWed 18 - “That”: gives essential information to a sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math was boring.
“Which”: can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math, which I didn’t read by choice, was boring.

#WritingTipWed 19 - Definitely vs Defiantly
Definitely: adj; without doubt (used for emphasis)
Ex: I will definitely be going.
Defiantly: adv; in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.
Ex: She defiantly refused to follow orders.

#WritingTipWed 20

#WritingTipWed 21 - According to “The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase” by Mark Forsyth adjectives in the English language follow this order to make sense:
“opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose Noun.”

#WritingTipWed 22 - I cannot stress enough that as this year comes to a close, it’s okay if you can’t find the motivation to write. Don’t feel guilty. We are living through something very traumatic. Your mental health takes priority.

#WritingTipWed 23 - Holidays, weekends, or scheduled “rest days” shouldn’t be the only time you take a break from writing. Sometimes what’s best for a story is to let it stew in your brain, even for months. Let your subconscious work for you.

#WritingTipWed 24 - Do not beat yourself up if you didn’t meet your writing goal(s) this year. This year’s been insanely stressful and just be proud that you made it through. You are still an author, whether or not you’ve put words on paper.


#WritingTipWed 25 - It’s the new year, but the hardships of the previous one carried over. Don’t feel obligated to make/stick to writing goals or strict deadlines. Take this year one day at a time and do what is best for your mental health.

#WritingTipWed 26 - Insurrection. More threats of violence. If you’re like me, you’re glued to your phone, to the tv, anxious, afraid. Don’t worry about meeting any writing goals you’ve set for the near future. Take care of your mental health.

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Hiya! Here’s a quick announcement that I will be going on indefinite hiatus from Tumblr.

I’ll be letting the queue play itself out, but I won’t be checking messages or making original posts (with the possible exception of sharing new YouTube videos and book release announcements–we’ll see what I’m up for).

Here are some other places you can find me:

This is not a decision I make lightly. I’ve been on Tumblr for years (both in fandom and as a writer), and I still have so much love for this weird little place. But for mental health reasons, I need to reevaluate how I engage online, and for now, that means stepping back from certain social platforms.

You are all so lovely and so very talented! Please keep telling your stories. And I’d love to have you come visit me elsewhere on the interwebs!

I’m not too active on here so I was thinking maybe an ask game could spice things up a little

(Anyone can use this and it could also work with your OC’s and original works)

*random emoji ask game*


- What’s a WIP idea you’ve really enjoyed writing?

- What’s a character you like writing for and why?

- What’s a idea you’ve enjoyed but never/couldn’t write?

- What’s something you consider a win in your writing?

- Share a scene in your latest WIP

- Who do you mostly write for (going “[someone] would enjoy this!” when writing)

- Favorite character/story trope

- Something you hate to/will never write

- When was the last time you were inspired?

- What’s your favorite AU?

☘️ - Do you enjoy mostly incorporating canon or fanon details in your work?

☁️ - What’s a fandom you like writing for the most?

- Favorite things to write about

- Share a funny scene in one of your WIPs

- Which character is most likely to have a terrible sleep schedule?

- Which character is most likely to walk around in a wal-mart/gas station decked out in armor/cosplay/hero costume

- What is your favorite book/author?

- What compliment meant the most to you regarding your writing? (offline or online)

️ - Favorite way you have described something in your works

- What has been your favorite dynamic to write for? (romantic or platonic)

- What story (fanfiction or published work) had the biggest impact on you?

- Choose an aesthetic to describe [character/story] as

- What is a writing style/AU/trope you would like to try out?

- Who is your biggest supporter?

- What’s a scene you’ve really enjoyed working on?

- freebie!
