#bpd vent


this isnt a traumacore edit but a lot of shit happened so ig this qualifies as a vent edit i drew the shitty drawn rei

i’m so alone & it makes life so miserable :/

no one cares about me anymore :)

anyone free to talk right now? could use with a friend :)

Went from trying to sleep as much as I could to escape you for awhile to keeping insanely busy because you’re in my nightmares now.

Artist of art: unsure

If the feeling you get after you eat too much after doing good of not eating or eating very little that day wasn’t bad enough,the feeling of realization of something better you could of eaten instead that’s low in cal/healthy so irritated with myself rn fuck

Trying to reply to someone you still care about but completely detached from is a challenge I’m currently not winning.

Artist: unknown but full credit goes to them

An agonizing thought is thinking about the people who enjoy going to school to get away from what’s happening to them at home,and being more stuck with their abuser if they’ve been unemployed. My heart and soul goes out to every single one of them,I pray they stay strong and don’t turn to drugs or even worse regardless of what’s happening to them.May things get better.


I’m never going to be good enough for me.

Nothing I do, nothing I am, nothing I will ever do or be, will be good enough.

There will be a way I should’ve done it. I will make avoidable mistakes. I will fuck everything up.

You should know by now that I will never be good enough for me. I will always fail myself.

i cling to external validation because i need someone else to appreciate me before i can appreciate myself


The fact that users on r/bpdlovedones will constantly drone on about how “people with BPD should not go there!” when it’s full of evil sentiments about a sensitive and stigmatized group of people prone to making themselves feel worse… we do see it

I want to add in, for anyone with BPD who seeks out this subreddit and feels gross/bad about themselves because of it: Those people do not know you. They may make sweeping generalizations about a personality disorder that you have but the bottom line is: They aren’t allowed to comment on how you, a specific person with BPD, are because they do not understand or know you as a human being. You are more than a stereotype or stigma says you are

The fact that users on r/bpdlovedones will constantly drone on about how “people with BPD should not go there!” when it’s full of evil sentiments about a sensitive and stigmatized group of people prone to making themselves feel worse… we do see it

military brat culture is having mental health issues that you’re 90% sure stem from having a military brat childhood but not being able to talk about it without being called ungrateful

all the neurotypical people i know seem to just need one breakthrough to figure their problems out and get out of a bad thought cycle. i feel like i’d need a major breakthrough everyday just to be on the same level as they are

i wonder sometimes how it would feel to be loved by someone else as much as i love other people. would i feel the need to leave like they always do?

everything i do is a vain attempt to get a reaction from you

it took me a long time to realize that the people i was most terrified of losing were the people i was most in need of leaving

i don’t think anyone is ever going to love that man the way that i did. nowhere near as intense, nowhere near as indulgent or innocent. and he killed that love right on the vine, starved it of all nutrients until it withered away. but i’ll keep on loving like i always have, just in better soil next time

recieving unsolicited mental health advice from neurotypical people is a lot like getting a bad gift from a relative on your birthday. you don’t want to be rude but who is this for?

very tiring how even mental health is gendered. not everyone with bpd is a woman and not everyone with adhd is a five-year-old boy.

i’m obsessed with creating things because if I never make anything great then there’s no good reason for me to be like this. no benefits, just a waste

when you try to look for advice on the internet and all that pops up is tips for how to “deal” with people like you
