#tw ed thoughts


I love how roughly 50% of this community post pictures of women/men/people who clearly weigh more than us and are fully developed,grown ass women/men/ppl yet we starve ourselves expecting to look like/similar to them…. ( ._.)

If that doesn’t apply to you dont start invalidating yourself cause you being in this community is enough to qualify you as “sick”. Recognize that I said “roughly 50%”, not “everyone"

Let’s Cut the Shit:

Most of us are not pro/do not want to encourage people to engage in behaviors of ed’s…

But we ALL know damn well that posting all this is just as encouraging to other people as it is ourselves. Like people posting a huge list of tips n positive outcomes from this ed stuff n then at the bottom adding a half hearted “I dOnT prOmoTE eAtInG dIsorDerS”or“Im nOt pRo thIs iS jUst fOR mE” like cmon bro, just put a TW and be done with it.

▪︎ Aslo, if you’re “not pro” then STOP using the hashtags “pro ana” “pro mia” cause you know damn well what you doing.

▪︎Also EXPLAIN what the TW is dont just say tw

That’s all

So, I’m almost 48 hours into a fast and I’ve literally lost a pound in a day!!!! I haven’t felt this euphoric in forever!!! Manifesting this feeling for all of you, I know you deserve it

Water fasting: Day 8

Today’s thought: I can’t sleep because I’m so anxious at the moment for tomorrow’s family lunch out and i dunno what to do.

And yes, even though my mum bought me some sugar-free wheat bread I would still prefer “Plain *Ice cold* black coffee (Sugar-free)” because I trust what I see than what is labeled from the grocery. Yea I don’t trust food just like guys.

My breakfast for today…..

I woke up earlier than expected today, mum woke me for breakfast because she’s leaving again for tomorrow and we’ll not be seeing her again for the next three weeks. She requested to have breakfast with us, since I don’t really eat and I’m on my third day of Water fasting I only want plain black coffee.

Now I feel a little frustrated because we will be out for lunch later at my grandparent’s place and everybody is there, now I don’t know what to do it’s making me anxious about stuff.

This is a shirt when I was still at the larger size.. Now it is hanging and doesn’t embrace my body anymore the hang gave me a glance at my old self, it looks huge on me.. But a little bit of cringe because I still blame myself on indulging on food before made me realize how fat I was before.. Now I’m far from my starting weight.

Saw this on my screenshot.. God! This is how worst I am, even nuggets terrifies me a lot.. I was a the point on purging after that.. But end up jogging for 2 hours.


Do it for the..

  • “You got skinny!”
  • “Wow I can fit my hand all the way around your wrist”
  • Jealous stares
  • Size XXS and 00
  • “You can sit on my lap since you’re obviously the lightest”
  • Beautiful in anything
  • “You’re so light!”
  • “I’ll give you a piggyback ride”
  • Confidence in dressing rooms
  • Bikini body
  • Dainty wrists
  • Hip bones
  • Collarbones that dip for days
  • Slender legs
  • Thigh gaps
  • “You look like a model!”
  • “How did you do it?”
  • ability to feel confident in your own skin

guess what!!! pro tip!!! its a lie!!!! :)))))

i has lost 1.6kg woo for some reason i cant update my cw *sigh*

throw back to that time in grade 9 in physics class our teacher wanted to do an experiment where everyone in the class had to weigh themselves infront of everyone and i was determined as hell to leave so i faked a back injury and convinced the nurse to let me stay in the sick bay for the rest of the day


in my brain I think of ed tumblr as one big apartment building and we all just pass each other in the elevator like heyhow’s the suffering going,, not bad, you? and people keep getting evicted or moving out but eventually end up back here cause who tf can afford to live anywhere else


questions for the ED community

1) does anyone in your family know about your disorder?

2) have you ever been for outpatient therapy?

3)have you ever been for inpatient therapy?

4)how long have you had your ed for?

5)do you consider your ED something of a friend?

6) what does it feel like to actually be at your gw

7)if you could be anything in the world other than “skinny” what would it be? (childhood dreams etc)

8) does anyone else in your family have eds?

9)have you hit rock bottom of your ed, if so why was it your rock bottom?

10)how has your eds effected your relationships?

11)what have you had to give up for your ed?

me when my brother always seems to come into my room when im in the middle of a binge surrounded by bowls of mug cake and chocolate wrappers :’)
