

“I find I exist most authentically

somewhere between

cursive and chicken scratch—

that is to say

in written word,

not lens,

for photography fails and deceives

in so far as it tries

to contain me

in an immortalized image

whereby the eye defines me

a perceived singularity.” - d.c.



















This is a little comic I made about the journey I went through in discovering that I’m ace and coming out. It’s drawn in the same simple style I used for my hourlycomics, which is really only a step above thumbnails, but I wanted to go ahead and share it. At some point I plan to redraw it properly for my comic siteandTapastic account, and maybe even print it! 

One thing about the comic’s timeline that I wanted to address… When I first came out as ace on social media last November, I actually did come out as demisexual. But since that time, I gained a greater understanding of both myself and the ace and aro spectrums, and realized that demiromantic ace was a much more accurate fit for me. 

In the months that followed my coming out as ace on social media, I slowly began coming out to close family and friends in real life. I was worried about how the people closest to me would react, but it’s gone pretty well so far!

I made this comic to address the doubts, questions, and confusing aspects of myself that made it so hard to understand or explain how I felt before I found the ace community. I especially wanted to represent those who, like me, didn’t realize they were ace for years because they were misinformed or didn’t even know it was an option… who fall into the gray area of the ace spectrum or aren’t sure how to define their asexuality… who worry about whether they’re “ace enough” because they’re gray ace, sex favorable, or both. I hope this comic helps any fellow aces who feel like they can relate to it! :)

(And BTW… any flames from discoursers about my support for ace inclusion in the LGBTQIA+ community will be used to toast marshmallows and then deleted.) ;) 

It’s National Coming Out Day, so I thought I’d give this comic a reblog! It tells the story of my journey of self-discovery, questioning, and coming out as demiromantic ace. :)

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

— Lao Tzu

We know that the Essence is a fraction of Soul, but with that fraction we can elaborate what the Tao

We know that the Essence is a fraction of Soul, but with that fraction we can elaborate what the Tao calls Golden Embryo. That Golden Embryo establishes in us a perfect equilibrium between the material and spirit; but it is not possible to elaborate that Embryo if before we have not liberated the Essence, that is enclosed among the Ego, the “I,” the myself.

~ Samael Aun Weor

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unironically the mindset that saved my life

[Image caption: meme with Link hoisting a trans flag into the air, with a caption reading “it’s my [me] and I get to choose the [me].” End caption.]

spiritual journey, self meditation.


Do you have a plan? What is your plan? Have you failed to plan? Can you carry out the plan? If you do not have a plan, what do you plan to do? Life is much to precious to waste time on wonder and worry. You can predict your life’s alternatives now, if you take the time to plan.

Plan your moments to be joyous. Plan your hours to be productive. Plan your days to be filled with peace. Plan your weeks to be educational. Plan your months to be filled with love. Plan your years to be purposeful. Plan your life to be an experience of growth. Plan to change. Plan togrow. Plan to spend quiet moments doing absolutely nothing.

Planning is the only way to keep yourself on track. And when you know where you are going, the universe will clear a path for you.

Affirmation:I plan to be all that I am.

Reflection: What is your plan for self-expression today? What is your plan for self-acceptance tomorrow?

3 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck in a Rut | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah W…

heart and soul i’m reading women who run with the wolves. it’s evoking a need to do a whole lot of l

heart and soul

i’m reading women who run with the wolves. it’s evoking a need to do a whole lot of looking inward.

Post link

For those who may not know: I do nude model. It’s actually one of my favorite things to do. It’s freeing. Liberating. And no ones is ever the same because we all have different body types. Many of us struggle with body dysmorphia and for me the best thing that helped was me accepting how I looked and loving it by coming up with creative nude concepts!

This time I decided to have a picnic… nude and it was the BEST time. God drinks. Smoke. Music. And laughs with my photographer. Hopefully someday we’ll be able to have nude picnics FORREAL! Legally lol

If you’d like to see more of this content (uncensored bc booooo people policing our bodies on social media’s lol) you can check out the link in my Instagram @modernafrohippie

Hello lovelies ☀️

Food for thought this morning. Let’s shift our perspectives for a moment and think of our selves in a more positive light.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel if you are interested in leveling up (consciously) Channel name is the same as the blog name

Taking a moment to appreciate where I am in life. I do not compare myself to others around me. I only appreciate where everyone is at in their own journeys. I’m not on this planet to entertain and be entertained. Here to live life and true as I can. Here to show others to live authentically as well.

Thanks for being here
