#ana meme


i don’t get it, i either can’t get food out of my mind or i can’t get the guilt i feel because i ate out of my mind.

pics from earlier idk if i should post more like this or not?

Throwback to the time I told a close friend I was anorexic and they said, “you don’t look anorexic.”

Still fucking hurts

Some years ago I was a straight A student, I was motivated and successful in everything I was doing, now I’m accumulating B’s, I barely get out of my house and I stress over everything so much I end up failing or not doing it at all lmao wft went wrong

I’m currently on the school bus and a kid keeps yelling tommyinnit…. I hate children, they ruin everything

My cousin just said I was being a ‘Kyle’ because I drink monster

Interact with this post for a follow back!!!

( I’ll probably not follow everybody, tbh I only follow ppl who actually post and are active and stuff….)

Calories today: 830 (it was one meal )

Note: I get bloated every time I eat and I hate it so today I ate once at lunch and then decided to go the rest of the day without anything.

My mom told me I shouldn’t eat all the time, I literally don’t…. omfg

I just remember on Tuesday I picked some Easter flowers for my mom and she didn’t care lol. She’s like super depressed, idk why and I kinda accidentally told her she’s the reason I have issues…

I’m getting a puppy!!! Idk what to name her tho… if you want you should give me suggestions ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

I hate how my brain thinks that I’ll automatically see a difference after only two days of restricting… ughhhhh

Grocery list:

Dum Dum Suckers: 20 cal per sucker

Lifesaver Mints: 40 cal per 5 pieces

Extra Mint gum: 5 cal per stick

(I put them in the freezer) Grapes: 3.4 cal in one single grape

Progresso light soup: 130 cal per can

Dole fruit bars: 90 cal

Gerber puffs cereal snack: 25 cal per 60 pieces

Quaker rice cakes: 60 cal per one rice cake

Diet coke: 0 cal

Pickles: 0 cal

Cauliflower steamer bag: 20 cal per cup


•About My Blog•

  • DO NOT REPORT ME! Block me and move on
  • I use Tumblr as a diary so please respect that
  • This blog does not support pro ana!
  • 15+ please and thank you :)
  • I’m a minor so please don’t dm me if you’re 18+
  • I’d love some friends so if you’re 15-17 Dm me or even invite me to a group chat!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day!!

*About me*

Pronouns: She/They

Name: Ry

Age: 16

Zodiac sign: Capricorn


Height: 5’3 or 5’4

Sw: 136lbs

Cw: 128lbs

Gw1: 127lbs

Gw2: 120lbs

Gw3: 116lbs

Gw4: 110lbs

Gw5: 107lbs

Ugw: 100lbs


My mom and stepdad are getting divorced and we can’t pay for things like we normally do. Recently I’ve been able to eat two meals without completely hating myself and I don’t look at calories often. My mother got mad at me for asking what was for dinner (she hasn’t cooked in a month so idk why I even ask, so I’ve been cooking myself or eating junk from fast food places which makes me hate myself a bit) and she said I should just eat at school because that’s what it’s for… school lunch is gross tho. I’m scared that I’m about to start starving myself more then I normally do because of our new financial situation and because of a snarky comment towards me for wanting to not completely go hungry. My ed most definitely is gonna be petty and make me not eat anything more then a 100-200 something calories for awhile, while I usually eat 500-600 something.

P.s I think she thinks I’m fat because I prioritize dinner…. :(

Idek why I post anymore lmao… I miss my old account

*Me trying to explain my ways of thinking to my dad and why racism and homophobia is unjustifiable*

My dad: “but everybody is entitled to their opinion”


Pick me boys saying shit like:

Please stop cutting for me

Why are you depressed? I thought I made you happy…

Stop starving yourself for me

Just ate dinner and my stomach hurts so bad… Annnnyyyyywayyyyss I’m watching falcon and the winter soldier right now


My power went out three times this morning. Idek why, because the weather isn’t that bad. Anyways I did some homework and tried to practice drawing. I’m kinda hungry now but I looked at some meals I have and one would be 300cal and the other is 100cal but the 300cal meal will taste better then the 100cal one but I’m scared I’ll binge if I eat it. I’ll probably just make some broth to go with for some reasons it stops me from binging.

Me and other ppl in the ed community:

“Don’t starve yourself! You deserve to eat!!!”

Also us: *starving ourselves*

1: Tomorrow is a remote day because the school decided to deep clean since everybody is getting covid.

2: I finally started to drink the zero ultra monster my mom got me. It taste kinda like medicine but you get used to it after awhile…


3: I’ve been having a hard time restricting for some reason. My brain always wants me to restrict every chance I get but I’ve tried blocking it out I guess. Most people would look at what I eat in a day and be like: that’s a normal amount. But I literally feel like I eat too much. I still have thoughts about how I wouldn’t be fat if I just tried harder but it’s honestly not as bad as it was a month ago. I go up and down with this stuff and when I start restricting <I restrict hard> and will loose a lot of weight in a week or two. I’m not bad right now and I’m glad for that but I know that’ll end soon since I’ve been stressed out lately and don’t know how to cope properly.
