

Had no clue but apparently fasting/ restricting is causing my acid reflux to act up,, my throat is in so much pain I wanna die but I can’t eat more or stop fasting

Can someone please send me meanspo or some advice I’m sick and tired of binging at work and then wondering why tf I gained weight or didn’t lose any at all

I work in a restaurant and what I used to do was eat a little and purge but then my coworker caught on and I’m too nervous to do it anymore

And half the time I end up drinking 2 or more energy drinks to suppress my appetite but then I’m hyped up and jittery for the rest of the day

Me talking to my mom: Yeah so I just cut out all animal products, processed food, sugar, lowering my carb intake, and drinking more water

My mom: Wow that’s amazing you’re gonna lose so much weight

My brain: Yeah that’s like the whole fucking point dumb ass

✨Safe Food✨

I made these apple mini muffins today

This recipe yields 20 mini muffins

One of them is just 19 calories and literally .1 gram of sugar

This is everything I used you can always sub out things or exclude them

I’m vegan so I used an egg replacer and some vegan protein powder

Also if it’s too thick or you need to make it go a little further you can always add water,, I ended up adding 1-2 tablespoons

I also added oats to the top of mine to make them pretty

Size comparison to my hand,, my hands are pretty small tbh

I’ll eat like 2 of these and feel fine

✨What I Ate Today✨

Grilled cheese

  • 1 piece sourdough bread 110 kcal
  • ¼ vegan cheese 80 kcal
  • BBQ jackfruit 45 kcal

239 kcal

Vegan fish sticks 180 kcal for 2

Sauce 50 kcal

Rice cakes 100 kcal for 3

I ended my fast early,, only got like 30 hours in I lost 3 pounds tho,, hoping to lose more I binged a little today not that much I was around family so I had to

Starting a 48 hour fast today ☺️ hope I fucking make it cause last time I fucking ordered a shit ton of food and cried for fucking ever

Any good breakfast low cal recipes?

Edit:Vegan if possible x


I find pictures of male hands over a skinny stomach so triggering

Also stories of them commenting about their gfs bodies

They harden my resolve

Send them my way if you have any ~

I can notice that my pants sit a little loose now… and fuck it’s addictive

Hit a plateau….. tried eating a lot more yesterday and today doing more restriction bc idk don’t wanna risk gaining again

Does anyone have any tips?

Anybody have any good tasting low cal VEGAN recipes?

The FBI agent watching me on my computer google ‘how many calories does ….. have’ for the 59263th time.

these two outfits have become my biggest motivators to stay on track.


my friends want to have a picnic in the summer just like we did last year. but last year i wanted to drown myself in the lake because I was a fat chunk of meat next to all these tiny people . so this year I have to be tiniest. which shouldn’t be hard. if i get to my goal weight that’ll definitely make me skinniest. so yeehaw


30 ed related asks

♡1 how old are you

♡2 when did you find out about your ed

♡3 do you have tattoos

♡4 do you want a tattoo ? what of

♡5 what type of ed do you have

♡6 are you pro recovery

♡7 do you want to recover

♡8 favorite memory

♡9 what is your favorite safe food

♡10 does anyone know about your ed

♡11 what do you miss eating/drinking

♡12 what’s your fave ed tv show, movie, etc

♡13 how long have you had your ed for

♡14 longest fast

♡15 do you play any sports

♡16 favorite piece of clothing you own

♡17 coffee or tea

♡18 do you smoke

♡19 biggest struggle with your ed

♡20 do you have a calorie limit

♡21 current favorite song

♡22 unpopular opinion

♡23 something you’re looking forward to

♡24 favorite hobby

♡25 what do you want to do when you grow up

♡26 do you like your hometown

♡27 favorite flower/plant

♡28 do you want any pets ? what do you want to name them

♡29 lucky number

♡30 something you wish people knew/understood about your ed

send numbers!

My goals for April:

April 7th: 195lbs

April 14th: 190lbs

April 21st: 185lbs

April 28th: 180lbs

Hopefully I lose 17lbs this month at the least leaving this here for accountability, feel free to hold me accountable!
