

Me and my ana buddy when the science teacher is talking about nutrition and they are looking right at us

the first time you try to induce vomiting to lose weight be like:

I’m so confused crying in my bedroom…tell me, do I deserve to eat or no?

Do you ask your skinny friends about how they eat and they just say “ohh, when I feel myself hungry, it’s obviously”


Nobody, just me? Okay..

Please tell me, that sometimes you feel that your body is your best thinspo

They say that low-waisted jeans will be back in fashion?! Are u kidding me, that’s all that was hiding my disgusting belly

Porque atragantandome con comida hasta no poder respirar estoy bien

Porque tirando toda mi comida a la basura te digo que estoy bien

Porque mientras me lavo las manos después de vomitar te voy a decir que estoy bien

Con un ataque de ansiedad y luego llorar en el suelo durante dos horas igual te sonrio y estoy bien

Cuando no recuerdo lo que pasó estoy bien

Porque cuando corre mi propia sangre estoy bien

Cuando apreto tan fuerte mis puños hasta que mis uñas quedan marcadas en mis palmas aún estoy bien

Cuando rompo mis cosas estoy bien

Porque a pesar de que me hacen menos con palabras y actos a diario estoy muy bien

Porque a pesar de reírme estoy bien

Cuando los consuelo, los escucho, los abrazo, los ánimo siempre estoy bien





Today my sister caught me puking in the bathroom, at first I thought that she would obviously tell them to my parents, but surprisingly she didn’t and only told me that she’ll keep the secret this time. I think that I was lucky, but I’m really worried in the inside. Do you have any advice for what can I do to don’t get caught again?

Love u, stay safe

What mom jeans hide.

I fit into a size zero for the first time in years at a BMI of 15.9

im still migrated to @h0ll0 , thats the account i use. but i have more followers here so im saying it here.

we do not give a flying fuck u dumb cunts idc if im being mean ed’s are so competitive, i do not give a fucking shit how much u lose shut the fuck up r u trying to trigger everyone? not to mention it’s physically impossible to lose .5-1.5 lbs a day dumbass idcidcidc im a hater and a bad person im whatever u want me to be. but dont say this shit dumb cunts ed’s r literally competitive and u sound like a pick me bitch

I’m so tired of this shit… I restrict for 2 months, lose weight, get motivated, decide I want to lose weight in a healthy way bcs I’m tired of feeling like shit, it doesnt work, i gain weight, i feel like shit (mentally), I decide I’m going to restrict again, I fail in doing so because I cant control myself, i feel even more shitty….

It’s so pathetic. Like, just dont fucking eat it’s not that hard. Plus it’s the only way I’m actually gonna get results so I should just suck it up for 3-4 months and I’ll get there, to my goal weight. I mean, I’ll still be a sad pathetic bitch, but atleast I wont be fat.

So whenever I feel like sTarTiNg tO loSe WeiGht tHe hEaltHy wAy, I’m just gonna read this over and over again.
