#just ed shit


today has all been about the way i look and EDs in everyone and every1 worrying for some1 that isn’t me i’m so tired why can’t i ever reach for help im at my serious limit i hate this so much i know i don’t show signs iknow it’s my fault it always is why am i always like this why can’t i be normal why why why why can’t i b a good s/o whag is wrong w me i’m genuinely so close to killing mshelf there’s always something wrong w me

man i wanna die

This week’s meal plan

I’m going to eat only these things this week each day. It all adds up to about 800 cals per day. I’m going to try to work my way down by slowly eliminating things.

  • Yogurt ~90 cals
  • Apple ~100 cals
  • 2 sweet potatoes ~200 cals
  • 3 steamed eggs ~216 cals
  • Protein shake with 100ml milk ~190 cals
  • Drinks: water, black coffee, tea only

I’m going to do this along side 16:8 or maybe 18:6 fasting. I do have a job that requires me to concentrate and have energy so if need be ill have some water and chicken stock. Today I am having a protein shake for dinner and going to start fasting at 8pm. My stomach is upset tonight so it should be fine.

Why laxatives don’t work

(Science based)

What is a laxative?

  • They’re drugs that are used to PREVENT constipation or PREPARE the intestine for radiological or endoscopic procedures.
  • This means, they’re NOT DESIGNED FOR LOSING WEIGHT.

How does a laxative work?

  • They accelerate the movement of stool through the gastrointestinal tract by various mechanisms as:
  • Increase the volume of stool with fiber (natural fiber, amaranth, wheat) or with water that is extracted from the intestinal wall into the stool (saline, the most used).
  • Byirritating the intestine to stimulate evacuation (oils such as castor or glycerine).

So, Why don’t laxatives make me lose weight?

  • Because they basically make you poopnotburnfat. You will only lose water and irritate your intestine wall (which can be painful). You’ll continue to be hungry and feeling shit when you rehydrate and regain that weight of water that you lost.

What can happen to me if I abuse its consumption?

  • Dehydration (dizziness, fainting, nausea, headache)
  • Sodium or potassium electrolyteproblems (can cause heart or muscle problems or cause irritability).
  • Abdominal swelling (to the point of looking pregnant), intestinal pain, straining or tenesmus.
  • Diarrhea, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.



You think you have the control?

I’ve just realized that everything I do is just to distract myself from food.

I’ve distorted the real purpose of things to avoid eating.

Those things shouldn’t be my distraction, they should be my hobbies.



living with a family that makes comments when you eat but also makes comments when you don’t eat is a very challenging situation to be in



edblr expectations vs reality

expectations: i didn’t eat for three days so i could be lovely


Stoner problems

Okay, so, I’m a bit of a stoner and when I smoke, I get hardcore munchies. I’m trying to restrict while smoking daily and it’s really hard to manage both at the same time, does anyone have any tips to help surpress appetite?
