#wnq writers


Irradiate me

Fuchsia you

A touch too much

Got down pat the part of Heathcliff

Still I will not be your Catherine

Lying in wait of your kiss to awaken

Ardor is best not underestimated

How would you like to be scared stiff?

Eggs must crack to bake a cake

Alas the blue gas flame loses oxygen

My time is better misspent

Vocal Point

Body talk

I listen raptly, rapacious for

Every shift, every rustle

Blood rushing to

All the peak places

The sighs, the moans

Deciphering meanings

Translating tongues

Slipping and sliding

Teach me the intricacies of

Your language; make me fluent

Whispering softly at first

Then volume rising

With intensity of feeling

Heed the hedonistic glee

Following each other’s lead

We will both get there

Gasping for air then preparing

To again hit those high notes

In harmony 


Traversing my walls

Taking tender steps yet

Sure-footed steady as you go

Putting me perfectly at ease

Laid-back onlooking between relaxed blinks

Of crinkled eyes, thinking with a satisfied

Sigh that this feels oh so right

As stoniness buckles under

The gentle sway of thoughtful touch

Bringing joyfully energizing

Vim and vigor to my days

Turning up the heat at night

Until we burst into flames

Fireworks colorfully lighting up the sky

Fourth of July has nothing

On our pyrotechnics display

Then we fumble drowsily sweet

Into dreamy gratified sleep

Reaching out for each other

Circuit complete


Dug out that dress–you know the one

I wore when we met, all eyeleted sunflowers

Swore I looked approachably sweet

Yet had your heart racing uncontrollably

Je ne sais quoi to buck the quotidian

An enchanting chance encounter

If only you unearthed the woman beneath

Took a dip beyond the shallow end

Peered past the Sunday-in-bed appeal

So I slip it on for me now, a better fit

More oomph than you’d know what to do with

“You give and give, only to realize that there isn’t much left to give. So you shut doors and learn to heal, learn to give to yourself. Only to have people say you’re being selfish. But then retort and say “Fuck you, I am still going to give but to myself first."”

- g.d. (i’m important as well) 

“Raise girls to be resilient, raise your voice to be heard and when silenced, raise it higher. In a household of girls, my parents always told me that I was to be educated so I wouldn’t have a man treat me less than I deserved. That I work so hard that I wouldn’t need a man to tell me I was not enough. So I persevered, I stood by morals and chose to educate myself with books and words. But I am still silenced at times for calling myself a feminist, for speaking a little too forcefully, laughing too loudly, and writing too freely. I then understood that I was a woman, a woman with a voice who spoke for all woman who were afraid to. A boy fears a woman who is strong and educated, don’t worry because you don’t need him. If you know who you are, what you do and you are proud. That is all you need, you is all you need. “

- g.d (to all the woman) 

“Depression is when you’re sitting in your room and you can hear people laughing and all you can do is listen in to their laughter and not bring yourself to feel happy with them. It is when you’re angry at your mom for brining you into a world to only want to escape it (even though it’s not her fault). It’s when you just want to cry but can’t because god forbid someone saw tear stains on your cheeks. So you just sit still in hope that the numbness will pass, and that you make it through the day. When all you want is to sleep and not wake up ever again.”

- g.d. (what depression is) 

“Sometimes people forget how hard it is to go about your day. How hard it is to just love someone who loves you. When depression hits you, you forget everything, you forget that you’re loved and you love someone. Because its this piece of shit that reminds you constantly that you are not worthy of the love. That whatever you set out to do won’t be enough because you are not enough. I feel this constantly. Some days I’ll be fine but days like today, breathing even crying feels like the biggest task in life. So, I want everyone to know, that this will pass and one day we will look back and realize that this had to happen, to let us become who we are today.”

- g.d (this will make us weak before it makes us strong)

“I realized that I want to be a warrior. I want to be Athena. The goddess who fought for herself, who had a ‘manly’ body and still loved herself. Who is known as the most courageous warrior. I don’t want to be Aphrodite anymore, I want to be a warrior. I want to be Athena.”

- g.d (become another warrior goddess, become Athena)

“And I did not realize how hard it is to forget you. Forget the friendship we had, the memories we shared. The laughter that rang through the dark nights and sunny mornings. The promises we made to stay together forever. But I guess I was justthe sea for you, while you were my anchor.”

- g.d (best friend break ups hurt more than anything)
